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[51 ----- Wholesale Trade-Nondurable Goods (cont')]
[5113-000 ----- Industrial & personal service paper]
5113-B01 ----- Bags, paper and disposable plastics
5113-B02 ----- Boxes, paperboard and disposable plastics
5113-C01 ----- Cardboard and products
5113-C02 ----- Closures, paper and disposable plastics
5113-C03 ----- Containers, paper and disposable plastics
5113-C04 ----- Corrugated and solid fiber boxes
5113-C05 ----- Cups, paper and disposable plastics
5113-D01 ----- Dishes, paper and disposable plastics
5113-E01 ----- Eating utensils: forks, knives, spoons-disposable plastics
5113-F01 ----- Fiber cans and drums
5113-F02 ----- Folding paperboard boxes
5113-N01 ----- Napkins, paper
5113-P01 ----- Paper and plastics bags
5113-P02 ----- Paper and products, wrapping or coarse
5113-P03 ----- Paper boxes
5113-P04 ----- Paper cups, dishes, napkins, towels and patterns
5113-P05 ----- Paper, except printing or writing and office supplies
5113-P06 ----- Paperboard and products, except office supplies
5113-P07 ----- Patterns, paper
5113-P08 ----- Pressed and molded pulp goods
5113-P09 ----- Pressure sensitive tape
5113-S01 ----- Setup paperboard boxes
5113-S02 ----- Shipping supplies, paper and disposable plastics (e.g., cartons, gummed tapes)wholesale
5113-T01 ----- Towels, paper
5113-W01 ----- Wrapping paper and products
[5154-000 ----- Livestock]
5154-A01 ----- Auctioning livestock
5154-C01 ----- Cattle wholesale
5154-G01 ----- Goats
5154-H01 ----- Hogs
5154-L01 ----- Livestock, except horses and mules
5154-S01 ----- Sheep
[5147-000 ----- Meats and meat products]
5147-L01 ----- Lard
5147-M01 ----- Meats, cured or smoked
5147-M02 ----- Meats, fresh
[5136-000 ----- Men's and boys' clothing]
5136-A01 ----- Apparel belts
5136-B01 ----- Beachwear
5136-C01 ----- Caps
5136-C02 ----- Clothing
5136-C03 ----- Coats
5136-F01 ----- Furnishings, except shoes
5136-G01 ----- Gloves (all materials)
5136-H01 ----- Handkerchiefs
5136-H02 ----- Hats
5136-H03 ----- Hosiery
5136-L01 ----- Leather and sheep-lined clothing
5136-M01 ----- Mittens
5136-M02 ----- Mufflers
5136-N01 ----- Neckwear
5136-N02 ----- Nightwear
5136-O01 ----- Outerwear
5136-O02 ----- Overcoats
5136-R01 ----- Raincoats
5136-R02 ----- Robes
5136-S01 ----- Scarves
5136-S02 ----- Shirts
5136-S03 ----- Sportswear
5136-S04 ----- Suits,
5136-T01 ----- Ties
5136-T02 ----- Trousers
5136-U01 ----- Umbrellas
5136-U02 ----- Underwear
5136-U03 ----- Uniforms
5136-W01 ----- Waterproof outergarments
5136-W02 ----- Work clothing
[5199-000 ----- Nondurable goods, n.e.c.]
5199-A01 ----- Advertising specialties
5199-A02 ----- Art goods
5199-A03 ----- Artists' materials
5199-B01 ----- Bags, textile
5199-B02 ----- Baskets: reed, rattan, willow, and wood
5199-B03 ----- Broom, mop, and paint handles
5199-B04 ----- Burlap-wholesale
5199-C01 ----- Candles
5199-C02 ----- Canvas products
5199-C03 ----- Cats
5199-C04 ----- Chamois leather
5199-C05 ----- Charcoal
5199-C06 ----- Christmas trees, including artificial
5199-C07 ----- Clothes hangers
5199-C08 ----- Cotton yarns
5199-C09 ----- Curios
5199-D01 ----- Dogs
5199-F01 ----- Felt
5199-F02 ----- Fish, tropical
5199-F03 ----- Foam rubber
5199-F05 ----- Food supplies-wholesale
5199-F04 ----- Furs, dressed
5199-G01 ----- Gifts and novelties
5199-G02 ----- Glassware, novelty
5199-G03 ----- Greases, animal and vegetable
5199-H01 ----- Hairbrushes
5199-I01 ----- Ice, manufactured or natural
5199-I02 ----- Industrial yarn
5199-J01 ----- Jewelry boxes
5199-L01 ----- Leather and cut stock
5199-L02 ----- Leather goods, except footwear, gloves, luggage, and belting
5199-L03 ----- Lighters, cigar and cigarette
5199-L04 ----- Linseed oil
5199-M01 ----- Matches
5199-N01 ----- Novelties, paper
5199-O01 ----- Oils, except cooking: animal and vegetable
5199-O02 ----- Oilseed cake and meal
5199-P01 ----- Pet supplies, except pet food
5199-P02 ----- Pipes, smokers
5199-P03 ----- Plant food
5199-P04 ----- Plastics foam
5199-R01 ----- Rayon yarns
5199-R02 ----- Rennet
5199-R03 ----- Rubber, crude
5199-S01 ----- Sawdust
5199-S02 ----- Sheet music
5199-S03 ----- Silk yarns
5199-S04 ----- Smokers, supplies
5199-S05 ----- Sponges
5199-S06 ----- Statuary
5199-V01 ----- Vegetable cake and meal
5199-W01 ----- Wigs
5199-W02 ----- Wood carvings
5199-W03 ----- Woolen and worsted yarns
5199-W04 ----- Worms
5199-Y01 ----- Yarns
[5198-000 ----- Paints, varnishes, and supplies]
5198-C01 ----- Calcimines
5198-C02 ----- Colors and pigments
5198-E01 ----- Enamels
5198-L01 ----- Lacquers
5198-P01 ----- Paint brushes, rollers, and sprayers
5198-P02 ----- Paints
5198-P03 ----- Pigments and colors
5198-S01 ----- Shellac
5198-V01 ----- Varnishes
5198-W01 ----- Wallpaper
[5172-000 ----- Petroleum products, n.e.c.]
5172-A01 ----- Aircraft fueling services
5172-B01 ----- Butane gas, except bulk stations and terminals
5172-C01 ----- Crude oil, except bulk stations and terminals
5172-F01 ----- Fuel oil, except bulk stations and terminals
5172-F02 ----- Fueling services, aircraft
5172-G01 ----- Gases, liquefied petroleum: except bulk stations and terminals
5172-G02 ----- Gasoline: buying in bulk and selling to farmers
5172-G03 ----- Gasoline, except bulk stations and terminals
5172-K01 ----- Kerosene
5172-L01 ----- Lubricating oils and greases
5172-N01 ----- Naphtha, except bulk stations and terminals
5172-P01 ----- Petroleum and its products, except bulk stations and terminals
5172-P02 ----- Petroleum brokers
[5131-000 ----- Piece goods & notions]
5131-B01 ----- Belt and buckle assembly kits
5131-B02 ----- Binding, textile
5131-B03 ----- Broadwoven fabrics
5131-B04 ----- Buttons
5131-C01 ----- Cheesecloth
5131-C02 ----- Circular knit fabrics
5131-C03 ----- Coated fabrics
5131-C04 ----- Cotton piece goods
5131-D01 ----- Drapery material
5131-F01 ----- Fiberglass fabrics
5131-H01 ----- Hair accessories
5131-H02 ----- Hat and cap material
5131-J01 ----- Jute piece goods
5131-K01 ----- Knit fabrics
5131-L01 ----- Labels, woven
5131-L02 ----- Lace fabrics
5131-L03 ----- Linen piece goods
5131-M01 ----- Millinery supplies
5131-N01 ----- Narrow fabrics
5131-N02 ----- Net goods
5131-N03 ----- Notions
5131-N04 ----- Nylon piece goods
5131-P01 ----- Piece goods
5131-R01 ----- Rayon piece goods
5131-R02 ----- Ribbon, textile
5131-S01 ----- Sewing accessories
5131-S02 ----- Sewing thread, except industrial
5131-S03 ----- Shoulder pads
5131-S04 ----- Silk piece goods
5131-T01 ----- Tape, textile
5131-T02 ----- Textile converters except knit goods
5131-T03 ----- Textiles
5131-T04 ----- Thread, except industrial
5131-T05 ----- Thread, sewing, except industrial
5131-T06 ----- Trimmings, apparel
5131-W01 ----- Warp knit fabrics
5131-W02 ----- Weft knit fabrics
5131-W03 ----- Woolen and worsted piece goods
5131-W04 ----- Worsted and woolen piece goods, woven
5131-Y01 ----- Yard goods
5131-Z01 ----- Zippers
[5162-000 ----- Plastics materials & basic shapes]
5162-P01 ----- Plastics basic shapes
5162-P02 ----- Plastics film
5162-P03 ----- Plastics materials
5162-P04 ----- Plastics resins
5162-P05 ----- Plastics sheet and rods
5162-R01 ----- Resins, plastics
5162-R02 ----- Resins, synthetic: except rubber
[5144-000 ----- Poultry and poultry products]
5144-D01 ----- Dealers in poultry and poultry products
5144-E01 ----- Eggs: cleaning, oil treating, packing, and grading
5144-E02 ----- Eggs
5144-P01 ----- Poultry: live, dressed, or frozen (except packaged) wholesale
5144-P02 ----- Poultry products
[5111-000 ----- Printing and writing paper]
5111-P01 ----- Paper, fine or printing and writing
5111-P02 ----- Printing paper
[5112-000 ----- Stationery and office supplies]
5112-A01 ----- Albums (photo) and scrapbooks
5112-B01 ----- Blankbooks
5112-B02 ----- Business forms
5112-C01 ----- Carbon paper
5112-C02 ----- Commercial stationers (not printers)
5112-C03 ----- Computer paper
5112-E01 ----- Envelopes
5112-F01 ----- File cards
5112-F02 ----- File folders
5112-G01 ----- Greeting cards
5112-I01 ----- Ink, writing
5112-I02 ----- Inked ribbons
5112-J01 ----- Juvenile furniture-retail
5112-L01 ----- Looseleaf binders
5112-M01 ----- Manifold business forms
5112-M02 ----- Marking devices
5112-M03 ----- Mimeograph paper
5112-O01 ----- Office supplies
5112-P01 ----- Pencils
5112-P02 ----- Pens, writing
5112-P03 ----- Photocopying supplies
5112-R01 ----- Ribbons, inked
5112-S01 ----- Sales and receipt books
5112-S02 ----- Scrapbooks
5112-S03 ----- Stationery and stationery supplies
5112-T01 ----- Tabulation cards
5112-W01 ----- Writing ink
[5194-000 ----- Tobacco and tobacco products]
5194-C01 ----- Chewing tobacco
5194-C02 ----- Cigarettes
5194-C03 ----- Cigars
5194-S01 ----- Smoking tobacco
5194-S02 ----- Snuff
5194-T01 ----- Tobacco, except leaf
5194-T02 ----- Tobacco products, manufactured
[5182-000 ----- Wine and distilled beverages]
5182-B01 ----- Bottling wines and liquors
5182-B02 ----- Brandy and brandy spirits
5182-C01 ----- Cocktails, alcoholic: premixed
5182-L01 ----- Liquors, distilled
5182-N01 ----- Neutral spirits
5182-S01 ----- Spirits
5182-W01 ----- Wine coolers, alcoholic
5182-W02 ----- Wines
[5137-000 ----- Women's and children's clothing]
5137-A01 ----- Apparel belts
5137-B01 ----- Baby goods
5137-B02 ----- Blouses
5137-C01 ----- Caps and gowns
5137-C02 ----- Caps
5137-C03 ----- Clothing accessories
5137-C04 ----- Clothing
5137-C05 ----- Coats
5137-C06 ----- Coordinate sets
5137-C07 ----- Corsets
5137-D01 ----- Diapers
5137-D02 ----- Dresses
5137-F01 ----- Fur clothing
5137-F02 ----- Furnishings, clothing except shoes
5137-G01 ----- Gloves, (all materials)
5137-H01 ----- Handbags
5137-H02 ----- Handkerchiefs
5137-H03 ----- Hats
5137-H04 ----- Hosiery
5137-H05 ----- Hospital gowns
5137-I01 ----- Infants
5137-K01 ----- Karate uniforms
5137-L01 ----- Ladies
5137-L02 ----- Ladies
5137-L03 ----- Leather and sheep-lined clothing
5137-L04 ----- Lingerie
5137-M01 ----- Millinery
5137-M02 ----- Mittens
5137-N01 ----- Nightwear
5137-O01 ----- Outerwear
5137-P01 ----- Purses
5137-R01 ----- Raincoats
5137-R02 ----- Robes and gowns
5137-S01 ----- Scarves
5137-S02 ----- Skirts
5137-S03 ----- Sportswear
5137-S04 ----- Suits
5137-U01 ----- Underwear
5137-U02 ----- Uniforms
5137-U03 ----- Unisex clothing
5137-W01 ----- Waterproof outergarments