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[51 ----- Wholesale Trade-Nondurable Goods]
5181-000 ----- Beer and ale
5192-000 ----- Books, periodicals, & newspapers
5169-000 ----- Chemicals & allied products, n.e.c.
5145-000 ----- Confectionery
5143-000 ----- Dairy products
5122-000 ----- Drugs, proprietaries, and sundries
5191-000 ----- Farm supplies
5159-000 ----- Farm-product raw materials, n.e.c.
5146-000 ----- Fish and seafoods
5193-000 ----- Flowers & florists' supplies
5139-000 ----- Footwear
5148-000 ----- Fresh fruits and vegatables
5142-000 ----- Frozen foods
5153-000 ----- Grain
5149-000 ----- Groceries and related products, n.e.c.
5141-000 ----- Groceries, general line
5113-000 ----- Industrial & personal service paper
5154-000 ----- Livestock
5147-000 ----- Meats and meat products
5136-000 ----- Men's and boys' clothing
5199-000 ----- Nondurable goods, n.e.c.
5198-000 ----- Paints, varnishes, and supplies
5171-000 ----- Petroleum bulk stations & terminals
5172-000 ----- Petroleum products, n.e.c.
5131-000 ----- Piece goods & notions
5162-000 ----- Plastics materials & basic shapes
5144-000 ----- Poultry and poultry products
5111-000 ----- Printing and writing paper
5112-000 ----- Stationery and office supplies
5194-000 ----- Tobacco and tobacco products![]()
5182-000 ----- Wine and distilled beverages
5137-000 ----- Women's and children's clothing![]()
[5181-000 ----- Beer and ale]
5181-A01 ----- Ale
5181-B01 ----- Beer and other fermented malt liquors
5181-P01 ----- Porter
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[5192-000 ----- Books, periodicals, & newspapers]
5192-B01 ----- Books
5192-M01 ----- Magazines
5192-N01 ----- Newspaper agencies
5192-P01 ----- Periodicals
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[5169-000 ----- Chemicals & allied products, n.e.c.]
5169-A01 ----- Acids
5169-A02 ----- Alcohol, industrial
5169-A03 ----- Alkalis
5169-A04 ----- Ammonia, except for fertilizer
5169-A05 ----- Aromatic chemicals
5169-C01 ----- Carbon black
5169-C02 ----- Caustic soda
5169-C03 ----- Chemicals, industrial and heavy
5169-C04 ----- Chlorine
5169-C05 ----- Coal tar products, primary and intermediate
5169-C06 ----- Concrete additives
5169-C07 ----- Cyclic crudes and intermediates
5169-D01 ----- Detergents
5169-D02 ----- Drilling mud
5169-D03 ----- Dry ice
5169-D04 ----- Dyestuffs
5169-E01 ----- Essential oils
5169-E02 ----- Explosives, all kinds except ammunition and fireworks
5169-F01 ----- Food additives, chemical
5169-F02 ----- Fuel additives
5169-G01 ----- Gases, compressed and liquefied: except liquefied petroleum gas
5169-G02 ----- Gelatin
5169-G03 ----- Glue
5169-G04 ----- Gum and wood chemicals
5169-I01 ----- Industrial gases
5169-I02 ----- Industrial salts
5169-L01 ----- Laundry soap, chips, and powder
5169-M01 ----- Manmade fibers
5169-M02 ----- Metal cyanides
5169-M03 ----- Metal polishes
5169-M04 ----- Metal salts
5169-N01 ----- Naval stores
5169-O01 ----- Oil additives
5169-O02 ----- Oil drilling muds
5169-O03 ----- Organic chemicals, synthetic
5169-P01 ----- Polishes: furniture, automobile, metal, shoe, etc.
5169-R01 ----- Resins, synthetic rubber
5169-R02 ----- Rosin
5169-R03 ----- Rustproofing chemicals
5169-S01 ----- Salts, industrial
5169-S02 ----- Salts, metal
5169-S03 ----- Sanitation preparations
5169-S04 ----- Sealants
5169-S05 ----- Soap, chips, and powder: laundry
5169-S06 ----- Surface active agents
5169-S07 ----- Synthetic rubber
5169-T01 ----- Tops, wool
5169-T02 ----- Turpentine
5169-W01 ----- Waxes, except petroleum
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[5145-000 ----- Confectionery]
5145-C01 ----- Candy
5145-C02 ----- Chewing gum
5145-C03 ----- Confectionery
5145-C04 ----- Corn chips
5145-F01 ----- Fountain fruits and syrups
5145-F02 ----- Fruits, fountain
5145-N01 ----- Nuts, salted or roasted
5145-P01 ----- Popcorn
5145-P02 ----- Potato chips
5145-S01 ----- Salted nuts
5145-S02 ----- Syrups, fountain
5145-T01 ----- Toppings, soda fountain
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[5143-000 ----- Dairy products]
5143-B01 ----- Butter
5143-C01 ----- Cheese
5143-C02 ----- Cream stations
5143-D01 ----- Dairy depots
5143-D02 ----- Dairy products, except dried or canned
5143-D03 ----- Dealers in dairy products
5143-F01 ----- Frozen dairy desserts
5143-I01 ----- Ice cream and ices
5143-M01 ----- Milk and cream, fluid
5143-M02 ----- Milk cooling stations, operated by farm assemblers
5143-M03 ----- Milk depots
5143-S01 ----- Stations, cream
5143-Y01 ----- Yogurt
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[5122-000 ----- Drugs, proprietaries, and sundries]
5122-A01 ----- Antiseptics
5122-B01 ----- Bandages
5122-B02 ----- Biologicals and allied products
5122-B03 ----- Blood plasma
5122-C01 ----- Cosmetics
5122-D01 ----- Drug proprietaries
5122-D02 ----- Druggists' sundries
5122-D03 ----- Drugs
5122-G01 ----- Glass, medical
5122-H01 ----- Hair preparations
5122-M01 ----- Medical rubber goods
5122-M02 ----- Medicinals and botanicals
5122-M03 ----- Medicine cabinet sundries
5122-P01 ----- Patent medicines
5122-P02 ----- Perfumes
5122-P03 ----- Pharrnaceuticals
5122-P04 ----- Proprietary (patent) medicines
5122-R01 ----- Razor blades
5122-R02 ----- Razors, nonelectric
5122-R03 ----- Rubber goods, medical
5122-S01 ----- Soap, toilet
5122-T01 ----- Toilet articles
5122-T02 ----- Toilet preparations
5122-T03 ----- Toilet soap
5122-T04 ----- Toiletries
5122-T05 ----- Toothbrushes, except electric
5122-V01 ----- Vitamins
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[5191-000 ----- Farm supplies]
5191-A01 ----- Agricultural chemicals
5191-A02 ----- Agricultural limestone
5191-A03 ----- Alfalfa
5191-A04 ----- Animal feeds, except pet
5191-B01 ----- Beekeeping supplies
5191-B02 ----- Bulbs, flower and field
5191-C01 ----- Chemicals, agricultural
5191-F01 ----- Farm supplies
5191-F02 ----- Feed additives, animal
5191-F03 ----- Feed, except unmixed grain
5191-F04 ----- Fertilizer and fertilizer materials
5191-F05 ----- Flower and field bulbs
5191-H01 ----- Harness equipment
5191-H02 ----- Harness made to individual order
5191-H03 ----- Hay
5191-I01 ----- Insecticides
5191-L01 ----- Lime, agricultural
5191-M01 ----- Mineral supplements, animal
5191-P01 ----- Pesticides
5191-P02 ----- Phosphate rock, ground
5191-S01 ----- Seeds: field, garden, and flower
5191-S02 ----- Straw
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[5159-000 ----- Farm-product raw materials, n.e.c.]
5159-A01 ----- Animal hair
5159-B01 ----- Bristles
5159-B02 ----- Broomcorn
5159-B03 ----- Buyers of raw farm products, except grain, field beans, and livestock
5159-C01 ----- Chicks
5159-C02 ----- Cotton merchants, not members of exchanges
5159-C03 ----- Cotton, raw
5159-C04 ----- Country buyers of cotton or cotton linters
5159-D01 ----- Dealers in raw farm products, except grain, field beans, and livestock
5159-D02 ----- Dried beet pulp
5159-F01 ----- Feathers
5159-F02 ----- Fibers, vegetable
5159-F03 ----- Furs, raw
5159-H01 ----- Hair, animal
5159-H02 ----- Hides (may include curing)
5159-H03 ----- Hops
5159-H04 ----- Horses
5159-M01 ----- Merchants of raw farm products, except grain, field beans, and livestock
5159-M02 ----- Mohair, raw
5159-M03 ----- Moss
5159-M04 ----- Mules
5159-N01 ----- Noils, wool
5159-N02 ----- Nuts, unprocessed or shelled only
5159-O01 ----- Oil kernels
5159-O02 ----- Oil nuts
5159-O03 ----- Oilseeds
5159-P01 ----- Peanuts, bulk: unprocessed or shelled only
5159-P02 ----- Pecan
5159-P03 ----- Pelts
5159-S01 ----- Semen, bovine
5159-S02 ----- Silk, raw
5159-S03 ----- Skins, raw
5159-S04 ----- Sugar, raw
5159-T01 ----- Tobacco auctioning and warehousing
5159-T02 ----- Tobacco, leaf (including exporters)
5159-W01 ----- Wool, raw
5159-W02 ----- Wool tops and noils
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[5146-000 ----- Fish and seafoods]
5146-F01 ----- Fish, cured
5146-F02 ----- Fish, fresh
5146-F03 ----- Fish, frozen: except packaged
5146-S01 ----- Seafoods, not canned or frozen packaged
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[5193-000 ----- Flowers & florists' supplies]
5193-A01 ----- Artificial flowers
5193-C01 ----- Cut flowers
5193-F01 ----- Florists
5193-F02 ----- Flowers and florists, supplies
5193-F03 ----- Flowers, artificial
5193-F04 ----- Flowers, fresh
5193-N01 ----- Nursery stock
5193-P01 ----- Plants, potted
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[5139-000 ----- Footwear]
5139-A01 ----- Athletic footwear
5139-F01 ----- Footwear
5139-S01 ----- Shoe accessories
5139-S02 ----- Shoes
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[5148-000 ----- Fresh fruits and vegatables]
5148-B01 ----- Banana ripening for the trade
5148-F01 ----- Fruits, fresh
5148-P01 ----- Potatoes, fresh
5148-V01 ----- Vegetables, fresh
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[5142-000 ----- Frozen foods]
5142-B01 ----- Bakery products
5142-B02 ----- Bread
5142-C01 ----- Cakes
5142-D01 ----- Dinners
5142-F01 ----- Fish
5142-F02 ----- Frozen foods
5142-F03 ----- Frozen vegetables
5142-F04 ----- Fruit juices
5142-F05 ----- Fruits
5142-M01 ----- Meat
5142-M02 ----- Meat pies
5142-P01 ----- Pies, fruit
5142-P02 ----- Poultry, frozen
5142-P03 ----- Poultry pies
5142-S01 ----- Seafoods, frozen
5142-S02 ----- Soup
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[5153-000 ----- Grain]
5153-B01 ----- Barley
5153-B02 ----- Beans, dry: bulk
5153-B03 ----- Beans, inedible
5153-B04 ----- Beans, unshelled
5153-C01 ----- Corn
5153-G01 ----- Grain elevators, except storage only
5153-G02 ----- Grain
5153-O01 ----- Oats
5153-R01 ----- Rice, unpolished
5153-S01 ----- Soybeans
5153-W01 ----- Wheat
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[5149-000 ----- Groceries and related products, n.e.c.]
5149-B01 ----- Bagging of tea
5149-B02 ----- Bakery products
5149-B03 ----- Beverage concentrates
5149-B04 ----- Bottling mineral or spring water
5149-B05 ----- Breakfast cereals
5149-C01 ----- Canned goods: fruits, vegetables, fish, seafoods, meats, and milk
5149-C02 ----- Canned specialties
5149-C03 ----- Chocolate
5149-C04 ----- Cleaning of dry foods and spices
5149-C05 ----- Coffee: green, roasted, instant, freeze dried, or extract
5149-C06 ----- Cookies
5149-C07 ----- Cooking oils
5149-C08 ----- Crackers
5149-D01 ----- Dairy products, dried or canned
5149-D02 ----- Dog and cat food
5149-F01 ----- Flavoring extract, except for fountain use
5149-F02 ----- Flour
5149-F03 ----- Fruit peel
5149-F04 ----- Fruits, dried
5149-H01 ----- Health food
5149-H02 ----- Honey
5149-H03 ----- Hop extract
5149-M01 ----- Macaroni
5149-M02 ----- Malt extract
5149-M03 ----- Malt
5149-M04 ----- Margarine
5149-M05 ----- Milk, canned or dried
5149-M06 ----- Molasses, industrial
5149-P01 ----- Pet food
5149-P02 ----- Pickles, preserves, jellies, jams, and sauces
5149-P03 ----- Pretzels
5149-R01 ----- Rice, polished
5149-S01 ----- Salad dressing
5149-S02 ----- Salt, evaporated
5149-S03 ----- Sandwiches
5149-S04 ----- Sauces
5149-S05 ----- Sausage casings
5149-S06 ----- Shortening, vegetable
5149-S07 ----- Soft drinks
5149-S08 ----- Soups, except frozen
5149-S09 ----- Spaghetti
5149-S10 ----- Spices
5149-S11 ----- Starches
5149-S12 ----- Sugar, refined
5149-S13 ----- Syrups, except for fountain use
5149-T01 ----- Tea
5149-V01 ----- Vegetable cooking oil
5149-W01 ----- Wet corn milling products
5149-Y01 ----- Yeast
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[5141-000 ----- Groceries, general line]
5141-F01 ----- Food brokers, general line
5141-G01 ----- Groceries, general line