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[50 ----- Wholesale Trade-Durable Goods (cont')]
[5083-000 ----- Farm and garden machinery]
5083-A01 ----- Agricultural machinery
5083-C01 ----- Cream separators, farm
5083-C02 ----- Cultivating machinery and equipment
5083-D01 ----- Dairy farm machinery and equipment
5083-F01 ----- Farm machinery and equipment
5083-G01 ----- Garden machinery and equipment
5083-H01 ----- Harvesting machinery and equipment
5083-H02 ----- Haying machinery
5083-I01 ----- Irrigation equipment
5083-L01 ----- Land preparation machinery, agricultural
5083-L02 ----- Lawn machinery and equipment
5083-M01 ----- Milking machinery and equipment
5083-M02 ----- Mowers, power
5083-P01 ----- Planting machinery and equipment
5083-P02 ----- Poultry equipment
5083-T01 ----- Tractors, agricultural
5083-W01 ----- Wind machines (frost protection equipment)
[5021-000 ----- Furniture]
5021-B01 ----- Bar furniture
5021-B02 ----- Bedsprings
5021-C01 ----- Cafeteria furniture
5021-C02 ----- Chairs: household, office, and public building
5021-C03 ----- Church pews
5021-D01 ----- Desks, including school
5021-F01 ----- Furniture: household, office, restaurant, and public building
5021-F02 ----- Furniture, juvenile
5021-F03 ----- Furniture, unfinished
5021-H01 ----- Household furniture
5021-L01 ----- Lawn furniture
5021-M01 ----- Mattresses
5021-O01 ----- Office furniture
5021-P01 ----- Public building furniture
5021-S01 ----- School desks
5021-T01 ----- Theater seats
5021-W01 ----- Waterbeds
[5072-000 ----- Hardware]
5072-B01 ----- Bolts, nuts, rivets, and screws
5072-B02 ----- Brads
5072-B03 ----- Builders, hardware
5072-C01 ----- Cutlery
5072-F01 ----- Fasteners, hardware
5072-H01 ----- Handsaws
5072-H02 ----- Handtools, except automotive and machinists, precision
5072-H03 ----- Hardware, heavy
5072-H04 ----- Hardware, shelf or light
5072-L01 ----- Locks and related materials
5072-P01 ----- Power handtools
5072-S01 ----- Saw blades
5072-S02 ----- Shelf or light hardware
5072-S03 ----- Staples
5072-T01 ----- Tacks
5072-W01 ----- Washers, hardware
[5023-000 ----- Home furnishings]
5023-A01 ----- Aluminumware
5023-B01 ----- Bedspreads
5023-B02 ----- Blankets
5023-C01 ----- Carpets
5023-C02 ----- China
5023-C03 ----- Crockery
5023-C04 ----- Curtains
5023-D01 ----- Draperies
5023-F01 ----- Floor coverings
5023-G01 ----- Glassware, household
5023-H01 ----- Homefurnishings
5023-K01 ----- Kitchen tools and utensils, except precious metal flatware
5023-L01 ----- Lamps: floor, boudoir, desk
5023-L02 ----- Linens
5023-L03 ----- Linoleum
5023-P01 ----- Pillowcases
5023-R01 ----- Rugs
5023-S01 ----- Sheets, textile
5023-S02 ----- Slipcovers, furniture
5023-T01 ----- Table linens
[5084-000 ----- Industrial machinery and equipment]
5084-B01 ----- Blanks, tips and inserts
5084-B02 ----- Broaches
5084-B03 ----- Bottling and canning machinery
5084-C01 ----- Cement making machinery
5084-C02 ----- Chainsaws
5084-C03 ----- Citrus processing machinery
5084-C04 ----- Compressors, except air-conditioning and refrigeration
5084-C05 ----- Controlling instruments and accessories, industrial
5084-C06 ----- Conveyor systems
5084-C07 ----- Counterbores
5084-C08 ----- Countersinks
5084-C09 ----- Cranes industrial
5084-C10 ----- Cream separators, except farm
5084-C11 ----- Crushing machinery and equipment, industrial
5084-D01 ----- Dairy products manufacturing machinery
5084-D02 ----- Derricks
5084-D03 ----- Dies, metalworking
5084-D04 ----- Diesel engines and engine parts, industrial
5084-D05 ----- Drilling bits
5084-E01 ----- Elevators
5084-E02 ----- Engines and parts, diesel
5084-F01 ----- Fans, industrial
5084-F02 ----- Food product manufacturing machinery
5084-H01 ----- Heat exchange equipment, industrial
5084-H02 ----- Hobs
5084-H03 ----- Hoists
5084-I01 ----- Indicating instruments and accessories
5084-J01 ----- Jigs
5084-L01 ----- Ladders
5084-L02 ----- Lift trucks
5084-M01 ----- Machine tool accessories
5084-M02 ----- Machine tools
5084-M03 ----- Machinists, precision measuring tools
5084-M04 ----- Materials handling equipment
5084-M05 ----- Measuring and testing equipment, electrical, except automotive
5084-M06 ----- Metal refining machinery and equipment
5084-M07 ----- Metalworking machinery
5084-M08 ----- Milk products manufacturing machinery and equipment
5084-O01 ----- Oil refining machinery, equipment, and supplies
5084-O02 ----- Oil well machinery, equipment, and supplies
5084-P01 ----- Packing machinery and equipment
5084-P02 ----- Paint spray equipment, industrial
5084-P03 ----- Paper manufacturing machinery
5084-P04 ----- Power plant machinery, except electrical
5084-P05 ----- Precision tools machinists
5084-P06 ----- Printing trades machinery, equipment, and supplies
5084-P07 ----- Pulp (wood) manufacturing machinery
5084-P08 ----- Pulverizing machinery and equipment, industrial
5084-P09 ----- Pumps and pumping equipment, industrial
5084-R01 ----- Reamers
5084-R02 ----- Recapping machinery for tires
5084-R03 ----- Recording instruments and accessories
5084-S01 ----- Screening machinery and equipment, industrial
5084-S02 ----- Sewing machines, industrial
5084-S03 ----- Shoe manufacturing and repairing machinery
5084-S04 ----- Smelting machinery and equipment
5084-S05 ----- Stackers, industrial
5084-T01 ----- Tapping attachments
5084-T02 ----- Testing and measuring equipment, electrical: except automotive
5084-T03 ----- Textile machinery and equipment
5084-T04 ----- Threading tools
5084-T05 ----- Toolholders (e.g., chucks, turrets)
5084-T06 ----- Tools, machinists' precision
5084-T07 ----- Tractors industrial
5084-T08 ----- Trailers, industrial
5084-T09 ----- Trucks, industrial
5084-T10 ----- Twist drills
5084-W01 ----- Water pumps, industrial
5084-W02 ----- Welding machinery and equipment
5084-W03 ----- Winches
5084-W04 ----- Woodworking machinery
[5085-000 ----- Industrial supplies]
5085-A01 ----- Abrasives
5085-B01 ----- Barrels, new and reconditioned
5085-B09 ----- Beads
5085-B02 ----- Bearings
5085-B03 ----- Belting, hose and packing: industrial
5085-B04 ----- Bort
5085-B05 ----- Bottlers, supplies: caps, bottles, etc.
5085-B06 ----- Bottles, glass or plastics
5085-B07 ----- Box shooks
5085-B08 ----- Boxes, crates, etc., other than paper
5085-C01 ----- Cans for fruits and vegetables
5085-C02 ----- Chain, power transmission
5085-C03 ----- Cooperage stock
5085-C04 ----- Cordage
5085-C05 ----- Cork
5085-C06 ----- Crates, except paper
5085-C07 ----- Crowns and closures, metal
5085-D01 ----- Diamonds, industrial: natural and crude
5085-D02 ----- Drums, new and reconditioned
5085-G01 ----- Gaskets
5085-G02 ----- Gears
5085-G03 ----- Glass bottles
5085-G04 ----- Grommets
5085-H01 ----- Hose, belting, and packing: industrial
5085-H02 ----- Hydraulic and pneumatic pistons and valves
5085-I01 ----- Industrial fittings
5085-I05 ----- Industrial safety equipment-wholesale
5085-I02 ----- Industrial sewing thread
5085-I03 ----- Industrial wheels
5085-I04 ----- Ink, printers
5085-L01 ----- Lapidary equipment
5085-L02 ----- Leather belting, packing
5085-M01 ----- Mill supplies
5085-P01 ----- Packing, hose, and belting: industrial
5085-P02 ----- Pails, metal
5085-P03 ----- Pistons and valves, industrial
5085-P04 ----- Power transmission supplies, mechanical
5085-R01 ----- Refractory material
5085-R02 ----- Rope, except wire rope
5085-R03 ----- Rubber goods, mechanical
5085-S01 ----- Seals, gaskets, and packing
5085-S02 ----- Sprockets
5085-T01 ----- Textile printers, supplies
5085-T02 ----- Twine
5085-V01 ----- Valves and fittings, except plumbers
[5094-000 ----- Jewelry & precious stones]
5094-B01 ----- Bullion, precious metals
5094-C01 ----- Clocks
5094-C02 ----- Coins
5094-D01 ----- Diamonds (gems)
5094-G01 ----- Gem stones
5094-J01 ----- Jewelers, findings
5094-J02 ----- Jewelry
5094-M01 ----- Medallions
5094-M02 ----- Metals, precious
5094-P01 ----- Pearls
5094-P02 ----- Precious metal mill shapes
5094-P03 ----- Precious metals
5094-P04 ----- Precious stones (gems)
5094-S01 ----- Silver ware and plated ware
5094-T01 ----- Trophies
5094-W01 ----- Watchcases
5094-W02 ----- Watches and parts
[5031-000 ----- Lumber, plywood and millwork]
5031-C01 ----- Composite board products, wood based
5031-D01 ----- Door frames, all materials
5031-E01 ----- Enameled tile board (hardboard)
5031-F01 ----- Fencing, wood
5031-H01 ----- Hardboard
5031-K01 ----- Kitchen cabinets to be built in
5031-L01 ----- Lumber: rough, dressed, and finished
5031-M01 ----- MDF (Medium density fiberboard)
5031-M02 ----- Medium density fiberboard
5031-M03 ----- Metal doors, sash and trim
5031-M04 ----- Millwork
5031-M05 ----- Molding, all materials
5031-P01 ----- Paneling, wood
5031-P02 ----- Particleboard
5031-P03 ----- Plywood
5031-S01 ----- Shingles, wood
5031-S02 ----- Structural assemblies, prefabricated: wood
5031-T01 ----- Trim, sheet metal
5031-V01 ----- Veneer
5031-W01 ----- Wallboard
5031-W02 ----- Window frames, all materials
5031-W03 ----- Windows and doors
5031-W04 ----- Wood siding
[5047-000 ----- Medical and hospital equipment]
5047-B01 ----- Baths, whirlpool
5047-B02 ----- Beds, hospital
5047-D01 ----- Dental equipment
5047-D02 ----- Dental laboratory equipment
5047-D03 ----- Dentists, professional supplies
5047-D04 ----- Diagnostic equipment, medical
5047-E01 ----- Electromedical equipment
5047-H01 ----- Hearing aids
5047-H02 ----- Hospital equipment
5047-H03 ----- Hospital furniture
5047-I01----- Industrial safety devices: first-aid kits, face and eye masks
5047-L01 ----- Laboratory equipment, dental and medical
5047-M01 ----- Medical equipment
5047-M02 ----- Medical glass
5047-O01 ----- Orthopedic equipment
5047-P01 ----- Patient monitoring equipment
5047-P02 ----- Physicians, equipment
5047-P03 ----- Physicians, supplies
5047-S01 ----- Surgical and medical instruments
5047-S02 ----- Surgical equipment
5047-T01 ----- Therapy equipment
5047-X01 ----- X-ray machines and parts, medical
[5051-000 ----- Metals service centers and offices]
5051-A01 ----- Anode metal
5051-B01 ----- Bale ties, wire
5051-B02 ----- Bars, concrete reinforcing
5051-B03 ----- Bars, metal
5051-B04 ----- Bearing piles, iron and steel
5051-B05 ----- Black plate, iron and steel
5051-C01 ----- Cable, wire: not insulated
5051-C02 ----- Cast iron pipe wholesale
5051-C03 ----- Castings, rough: iron and steel
5051-C04 ----- Concrete reinforcing bars
5051-C05 ----- Copper sheets, plates, bars, rods, pipes, etc.
5051-F01 ----- Ferroalloys
5051-F02 ----- Forgings, ferrous
5051-F03 ----- Forms, concrete construction: steel
5051-F04 ----- Foundry products
5051-I01 ----- Ingots
5051-I02 ----- Iron and steel flat products
5051-I03 ----- Iron and steel semifinished products
5051-I04 ----- Iron, pig
5051-L01 ----- Lead
5051-M01 ----- Mercury
5051-M02 ----- Metals, except precious
5051-N01 ----- Nails
5051-N02 ----- Nonferrous metal, except precious: e.g, sheets, bars, rods
5051-P01 ----- Pig iron
5051-P02 ----- Piling, iron and steel
5051-P03 ----- Pipe and tubing, steel
5051-P04 ----- Pipe, cast iron
5051-P05 ----- Plates, metal
5051-R01 ----- Rails and accessories
5051-R02 ----- Reinforcement mesh, wire
5051-R03 ----- Rods, metal
5051-R04 ----- Rope, wire: not insulated
5051-S01 ----- Sheets, galvanized or other coated
5051-S02 ----- Sheets, metal
5051-S03 ----- Steel
5051-S04 ----- Strip, metal
5051-S05 ----- Structural shapes, iron and steel
5051-T01 ----- Terneplate
5051-T02 ----- Tin and tin base metals, shapes, forms, etc.
5051-T03 ----- Tin plate bars
5051-T04 ----- Tin plate
5051-T05 ----- Track spikes
5051-T06 ----- Tubing, metal
5051-W01 ----- Wire, not insulated
5051-W02 ----- Wire rods
5051-W03 ----- Wire rope or cable, not insulated
5051-W04 ----- Wire screening
5051-Z01 ----- Zinc
[5015-000 ----- Motor vehicle parts, used]
5015-A01 ----- Automobile engines, used- wholesale or retail
5015-A02 ----- Automobile parts, used- wholesale or retail
5015-M01 ----- Motor vehicle parts, used- wholesale or retail
5015-V01 ----- Ventilating equipment and supplies- wholesale
[5044-000 ----- Office equipment]
5044-A01 ----- Accounting machines
5044-A02 ----- Adding machines
5044-A03 ----- Addressing machines
5044-B01 ----- Bank automatic teller machines
5044-B02 ----- Blueprinting equipment
5044-B03 ----- Brownprinting equipment
5044-C01 ----- Calculating machines
5044-C02 ----- Cash registers
5044-D01 ----- Duplicating machines
5044-M01 ----- Mailing machines
5044-M02 ----- Microfilming equipment
5044-M03 ----- Mimeograph equipment
5044-P01 ----- Photocopy machines
5044-T01 ----- Typewriters
5044-V01 ----- Vaults and safes
5044-W01 ----- Whiteprinting equipment
[5048-000 ----- Ophthalmic goods]
5048-C01 ----- Contact lenses
5048-F01 ----- Frames, ophthalmic
5048-L01 ----- Lenses, ophthalmic
5048-O01 ----- Ophthalmic goods
5048-O02 ----- Optometric equipment and supplies
[5043-000 ----- Photographic equipment and supplies]
5043-C01 ----- Cameras, equipment, and supplies
5043-D01 ----- Darkroom apparatus
5043-D02 ----- Developing apparatus, photographic
5043-F01 ----- Film, photographic
5043-I01 ----- Identity recorders for photographing checks and fingerprints
5043-M01 ----- Motion picture cameras, equipment, and supplies
5043-M02 ----- Motion picture studio and theater equipment
5043-P01 ----- Photographic cameras, projectors, equipment and supplies
5043-P02 ----- Printing apparatus, photographic
5043-P03 ----- Projection apparatus, motion picture and slide: photographic
[5074-000 ----- Plumbing & hydronic heating supplies]
5074-B01 ----- Boilers, power: industrial
5074-B02 ----- Boilers, steam and hot water heating
5074-B03 ----- Brass goods, plumbers
5074-B04 ----- Burners, fuel oil and distillate oil
5074-C01 ----- Convectors
5074-F01 ----- Fireplaces, prefabricated
5074-F02 ----- Fittings, plumbers
5074-F03 ----- Furnaces, except electric and warm air
5074-H01 ----- Hydronic heating equipment and supplies
5074-O01 ----- Oil burners
5074-P01 ----- Pipe and boiler covering
5074-P02 ----- Plumbers, brass goods, fittings, and valves
5074-P03 ----- Plumbing and heating valves
5074-P04 ----- Plumbing fixtures, equipment, and supplies
5074-R01 ----- Radiators and parts, heating: nonelectric
5074-R02 ----- Ranges, except electric
5074-S01 ----- Sanitary ware, china or enameled iron
5074-S02 ----- Sauna heaters, except electric
5074-S03 ----- Solar heating panels and equipment
5074-S04 ----- Steam fittings
5074-S05 ----- Stoves, cooking: except electric
5074-S06 ----- Stoves, wood burning
5074-V01 ----- Valves, plumbing and heating
5074-W01 ----- Water conditioning equipment
5074-W02 ----- Water heaters, except electric
5074-W03 ----- Water softeners
[5049-000 ----- Professional equipment, n.e.c.]
5049-A01 ----- Analytical instruments: photometers, spectrographs, and chromatographic instruments
5049-A02 ----- Architects, equipment and supplies
5049-D01 ----- Drafting instruments and tables
5049-E01 ----- Engineers, equipment and supplies
5049-L01 ----- Laboratory equipment, except medical or dental
[5078-000 ----- Refrigeration equipment and supplies]
5078-B01 ----- Beverage coolers
5078-C01 ----- Cold storage machinery
5078-C02 ----- Condensing units, refrigeration
5078-C03 ----- Coolers, beverage and drinking water: mechanical
5078-D01 ----- Display cases, refrigerated
5078-D02 ----- Drinking water coolers, mechanical
5078-F01 ----- Fixtures, refrigerated
5078-I01 ----- Ice cream cabinets
5078-I02 ----- Ice making machines
5078-R01 ----- Refrigerators, commercial: reach in and walk-in
5078-S01 ----- Show cases, refrigerated
5078-S02 ----- Soda fountain fixtures, refrigerated
[5033-000 ----- Roofing, siding, & insulation]
5033-A01 ----- Asphalt felts and coatings
5033-A02 ----- Asphalt roofing
5033-F01 ----- Felts, tarred
5033-F02 ----- Fiberglass insulation materials
5033-I01 ----- Insulation, thermal
5033-I02 ----- Insulating ceramic paint
5033-M01 ----- Mineral wool insulation materials
5033-R01 ----- Roofing, asphalt and sheet metal
5033-S01 ----- Shingles except wood
5033-S02 ----- Siding, except wood
[5093-000 ----- Scrap and waste materials]
5093-A01 ----- Automotive wrecking for scrap-wholesale
5093-B01 ----- Bag reclaiming
5093-B02 ----- Bottles, waste
5093-B03 ----- Boxes, waste
5093-F01 ----- Fur cuttings and scraps
5093-I01 ----- Iron .and steel scrap
5093-J01 ----- Junk and scrap, general line
5093-M01 ----- Metal waste and scrap
5093-N01 ----- Nonferrous metals scrap
5093-O01 ----- Oil, waste
5093-P01 ----- Paper, waste
5093-P02 ----- Plastics scrap
5093-R01 ----- Rags
5093-R02 ----- Reclaiming iron and steel scrap from slag
5093-R03 ----- Rubber scrap
5093-S01 ----- Scavengering
5093-S02 ----- Scrap and waste materials
5093-S03 ----- Scrap, rubber
5093-T01 ----- Textile waste wholesale
5093-W01 ----- Waste bottles and boxes
5093-W02 ----- Waste rags
5093-W03 ----- Waste, rubber
5093-W04 ----- Waste, textile
5093-W05 ----- Wastepaper, including paper recycling
5093-W06 ----- Wiping rags, including washing and reconditioning wholesale
[5087-000 ----- Service establishment equipment]
5087-B01 ----- Barber shop equipment and supplies
5087-B02 ----- Beauty parlor equipment and supplies
5087-B03 ----- Boot and shoe cut stock and findings
5087-C01 ----- Carnival and amusement park equipment
5087-C02 ----- Carwash equipment and supplies
5087-C03 ----- Caskets, burial
5087-C04 ----- Chairs, hydraulic: beauty and barbershop
5087-C05 ----- Concrete burial vaults and boxes
5087-D01 ----- Dry cleaning plant equipment and supplies
5087-D02 ----- Dryers, beauty shop
5087-F01 ----- Findings, shoe repair
5087-F02 ----- Firefighting equipment
5087-J01 ----- Janitors, supplies
5087-L01 ----- Laundry equipment and supplies
5087-M01 ----- Morticians, goods
5087-S01 ----- Shoe heels
5087-S02 ----- Shoe patterns
5087-S03 ----- Shoe repair materials
5087-S04 ----- Soles, shoe wholesale
5087-S05 ----- Sprinkler systems, except agricultural
5087-T01 ----- Tailors, supplies
5087-U01 ----- Undertakers, equipment and supplies
5087-U02 ----- Upholsterers, equipment and supplies, except fabrics
5087-U03 ----- Upholstery filling and padding
5087-V01 ----- Vacuum cleaning systems
5087-V02 ----- Voting machines
[5091-000 ----- Sporting & recreational goods]
5091-A01 ----- Ammunition, sporting
5091-A02 ----- Archery equipment
5091-A03 ----- Athletic goods, except apparel and footwear
5091-B01 ----- Bait, artificial
5091-B02 ----- Bicycle tires and tubes
5091-B03 ----- Bicycles
5091-B04 ----- Billiards equipment and supplies
5091-B05 ----- Boats, pleasure: canoes, motorboats, and sailboats
5091-B06 ----- Bowling equipment
5091-C01 ----- Camping equipment
5091-C02 ----- Camping tents and equipment
5091-F01 ----- Firearms, sporting
5091-G01 ----- Gocarts
5091-G02 ----- Golf carts, except self-propelled
5091-G03 ----- Golf equipment
5091-H01 ----- Hot tubs
5091-O01 ----- Outboard motors
5091-P01 ----- Pool equipment and supplies
5091-S01 ----- Sailboats
5091-S02 ----- Skiing equipment
5091-S03 ----- Sporting goods, including firearms, ammunition, and bicycles
5091-S04 ----- Swimming pools and equipment
5091-U01 ----- Underwater sports equipment
[5014-000 ----- Tires and tubes]
5014-A01 ----- Automobile tires and tubes
5014-M01 ----- Motor vehicle tires and tubes
5014-R01 ----- Repair materials, tire and tube
5014-T01 ----- Tire and tube repair materials
5014-T02 ----- Tires and tubes, new
5014-T03 ----- Tires, used
5014-T04 ----- Truck tires and tubes
[5092-000 ----- Toys and hobby goods and supplies]
5092-C01 ----- Craft kits
5092-D01 ----- Dolls
5092-F01 ----- Fireworks .
5092-G01 ----- Games (including electronic), except coin-operated
5092-H01 ----- Hobby kits
5092-M01 ----- Model kits
5092-P01 ----- Playing cards
5092-S01 ----- Stamps, philatelist
5092-T01 ----- Toys (including electronic)
5092-V01 ----- Vehicles, children's
[5088-000 ----- Transportation equipment & supplies]
5088-A01 ----- Aeronautical equipment and supplies
5088-A02 ----- Aircraft and parts
5088-A03 ----- Aircraft engines and engine parts
5088-A04 ----- Aircraft equipment and supplies
5088-B01 ----- Boats, except pleasure
5088-C01 ----- Combat vehicles, except trucks
5088-D01 ----- Dunnage (marine supplies)
5088-G01 ----- Golf carts, self-propelled
5088-G02 ----- Guided missiles and space vehicles.wholesale
5088-M01 ----- Marine propulsion machinery and equipment
5088-M02 ----- Marine supplies (dunnage)
5088-R01 ----- Railroad equipment and supplies
5088-S01 ----- Ships
5088-S02 ----- Space propulsion units and parts
5088-T01 ----- Tanks and tank components
5088-T02 ----- Transportation equipment and supplies, except motor vehicles
5075-000 ----- Warm air heating & air conditioning]
5075-A01 ----- Air pollution control equipment and supplies
5075-A02 ----- Air-conditioning equipment, except room units
5075-A03 ----- Automotive air-conditioners
5075-C01 ----- Compressors, air-conditioning
5075-C02 ----- Condensing units, air-conditioning
5075-D01 ----- Dust collection equipment
5075-F01 ----- Furnaces, heating: electric
5075-F02 ----- Furnaces, warm air
5075-H01 ----- Humidifiers and dehumidifiers, except portable
5075-W01 ----- Warm air heating and cooling equipment