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[50 ----- Wholesale Trade-Durable Goods]
5012-000 ----- Automobiles and other motor vehicles
5013-000 ----- Automotive parts and supplies
5032-000 ----- Brick, stone, & related materials
5052-000 ----- Coal and other minerals and ores
5046-000 ----- Commercial equipment, n.e.c.
5045-000 ----- Computers, peripherals & software
5082-000 ----- Construction and mining machinery
5039-000 ----- Construction materials, n.e.c.
5099-000 ----- Durable goods, n.e.c.
5063-000 ----- Electrical apparatus and equipment
5064-000 ----- Electrical appliances, TV & radios
5065-000 ----- Electronic parts and equipment
5083-000 ----- Farm and garden machinery
5021-000 ----- Furniture
5072-000 ----- Hardware
5023-000 ----- Home furnishings
5084-000 ----- Industrial machinery and equipment
5085-000 ----- Industrial supplies
5094-000 ----- Jewelry & precious stones
5031-000 ----- Lumber, plywood and millwork
5047-000 ----- Medical and hospital equipment
5051-000 ----- Metals service centers and offices
5015-000 ----- Motor vehicle parts, used
5044-000 ----- Office equipment
5048-000 ----- Ophthalmic goods
5043-000 ----- Photographic equipment and supplies
5074-000 ----- Plumbing & hydronic heating supplies
5049-000 ----- Professional equipment, n.e.c.
5078-000 ----- Refrigeration equipment and supplies
5033-000 ----- Roofing, siding, & insulation
5093-000 ----- Scrap and waste materials
5087-000 ----- Service establishment equipment
5091-000 ----- Sporting & recreational goods
5014-000 ----- Tires and tubes
5092-000 ----- Toys and hobby goods and supplies
5088-000 ----- Transportation equipment & supplies
5075-000 ----- Warm air heating & air conditioning![]()
[5012-000 ----- Automobiles and other motor vehicles]
5012-A01 ----- Ambulances
5012-A02 ----- Automobile auction
5012-A03 ----- Automobiles
5012-B01 ----- Bodies, automotive
5012-B02 ----- Buses wholesale
5012-C01 ----- Campers (pickup coaches) for mounting on trucks
5012-M01 ----- Mopeds
5012-M02 ----- Motor homes
5012-M03 ----- Motor scooters
5012-M04 ----- Motor vehicles, commercial
5012-M05 ----- Motorcycles
5012-P01 ----- Popup campers
5012-R01 ----- Recreational vehicles
5012-S01 ----- Snowmobiles
5012-T01 ----- Taxicabs
5012-T02 ----- Tractors, truck
5012-T03 ----- Trailers for passenger automobiles
5012-T04 ----- Trailers for trucks, new and used
5012-T05 ----- Truck tractors
5012-T06 ----- Truck trailers
5012-T07 ----- Trucks
5012-V01 ----- Vans
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[5013-000 ----- Automotive parts and supplies]
5013-A01 ----- Automobile engine testing equipment, electrical
5013-A02 ----- Automobile glass
5013-A03 ----- Automobile service station equipment
5013-A04 ----- Automotive accessories
5013-A05 ----- Automotive engines, new
5013-A06 ----- Automotive parts, new
5013-A07 ----- Automotive stampings
5013-A08 ----- Automotive supplies
5013-B01 ----- Batteries, automotive
5013-E01 ----- Electrical automobile engine testing equipment
5013-E02 ----- Engine electrical equipment, automotive
5013-E03 ----- Engine testing equipment, automobile: electrical
5013-G01 ----- Garage service equipment
5013-H01 ----- Hardware, automotive
5013-M01 ----- Motorcycle parts
5013-P01 ----- Pumps, measuring and dispensing: gasoline and oil
5013-S01 ----- Seat covers, automotive
5013-S02 ----- Seatbelts, automotive
5013-S03 ----- Service station equipment, automobile
5013-T01 ----- Testing equipment, electrical: automotive
5013-T02 ----- Tools and equipment, automotive
5013-W01 ----- Wheels, motor vehicle: new
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[5032-000 ----- Brick, stone, & related materials]
5032-A01 ----- Aggregate
5032-A02 ----- Asphalt mixtures
5032-B01 ----- Blocks, building
5032-B02 ----- Brick, except refractory
5032-B03 ----- Building stone
5032-C01 ----- Cement
5032-C02 ----- Ceramic construction materials, except refractory
5032-C03 ----- Ceramic wall and floor tile
5032-C04 ----- Cinders
5032-C05 ----- Clay construction materials, except refractory
5032-C06 ----- Concrete and cinder block
5032-C07 ----- Concrete building products
5032-C08 ----- Concrete mixtures
5032-G01 ----- Granite building stone
5032-G02 ----- Gravel
5032-L01 ----- Lime, except agricultural
5032-L02 ----- Limestone
5032-M01 ----- Marble building stone
5032-M02 ----- Masons, materials
5032-P01 ----- Paving mixtures
5032-P02 ----- Plaster
5032-S01 ----- Sand, construction
5032-S02 ----- Sewer pipe, clay
5032-S03 ----- Stone, building
5032-S04 ----- Stone, crushed or broken
5032-S05 ----- Stucco wholesale
5032-T01 ----- Terra cotta
5032-T02 ----- Tile, clay or other ceramic: except refractory
5032-T03 ----- Tile, structural clay
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[5052-000 ----- Coal and other minerals and ores]
5052-C01 ----- Coal
5052-C02 ----- Coke
5052-C03 ----- Concentrates, metallic
5052-C04 ----- Copper ore
5052-F01 ----- Fuel: coal and coke
5052-G01 ----- Gold ore
5052-I01 ----- Iron ore
5052-L01 ----- Lead ore
5052-M01 ----- Metallic concentrates
5052-M02 ----- Metallic ores
5052-N01 ----- Nonmetallic minerals and concentrates, crude: except petroleum
5052-S01 ----- Silver ore
5052-Z01 ----- Zinc ore
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[5046-000 ----- Commercial equipment, n.e.c.]
5046-B01 ----- Balances, except laboratory
5046-C01 ----- Coffee urns, commercial
5046-C02 ----- Cooking equipment, commercial
5046-D01 ----- Disk drives
5046-F01 ----- Fixtures, store, not refrigerated
5046-F02 ----- Food warming equipment, commercial
5046-L01 ----- Lockers, not refrigerated
5046-M01 ----- Mannequins
5046-M02 ----- Merchandising machines, automatic
5046-N01 ----- Neon signs
5046-O01 ----- Ovens, microwave: commercial
5046-P01 ----- Partitions
5046-P02 ----- Phonographs, coin-operated
5046-P03 ----- Printing equipment
5046-S01 ----- Shelving
5046-S02 ----- Signs, electrical
5046-S03 ----- Soda fountain fixtures, except refrigerated
5046-V01 ----- Vending machines
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[5045-000 ----- Computers, peripherals & software]
5045-C03 ----- CD-ROM
5045-C01 ----- Computer terminals
5045-C02 ----- Computers
5045-K01 ----- Keying equipment
5045-P01 ----- Peripheral equipment, computer
5045-P02 ----- Printers, computer
5045-S01 ----- Software
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[5082-000 ----- Construction and mining machinery]
5082-B01 ----- Bituminous processing equipment
5082-C01 ----- Concrete processing equipment
5082-C02 ----- Construction machinery and equipment
5082-C03 ----- Cranes, construction
5082-C04 ----- Crushing, pulverizing and screening machinery for construction and mining
5082-D01 ----- Dredges and draglines, except ships
5082-E01 ----- Excavating machinery and equipment
5082-F01 ----- Forestry equipment
5082-F02 ----- Front-end loaders
5082-G01 ----- Graders, motor
5082-L01 ----- Logging equipment
5082-M01 ----- Mineral beneficiation machinery
5082-M02 ----- Mining machinery and equipment, except petroleum
5082-M03 ----- Mixers, construction and mining
5082-P01 ----- Pavers
5082-Q01 ----- Quarrying machinery and equipment
5082-R01 ----- Road construction and maintenance machinery
5082-S01 ----- Scaffolding
5082-S02 ----- Shovels, power
5082-T01 ----- Tracklaying equipment
5082-T02 ----- Tractor-mounting equipment
5082-T03 ----- Tractors, construction
5082-W01 ----- Well points (drilling equipment)
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[5039-000 ----- Construction materials, n.e.c.]
5039-A01 ----- Air ducts, sheet metal
5039-A02 ----- Architectural metal work
5039-A03 ----- Awnings
5039-B01 ----- Building materials, fiberglass
5039-F01 ----- Fencing and accessories, wire
5039-G01 ----- Gates and accessories, wire
5039-G02 ----- Glass, flat: except automotive
5039-G03 ----- Grain storage bins
5039-M01 ----- Metal buildings
5039-M02 ----- Mobile homes
5039-P01 ----- Plate glass
5039-P02 ----- Prefabricated buildings
5039-S01 ----- Septic tanks
5039-S02 ----- Structural assemblies, prefabricated: nonwood
5039-W01 ----- Window glass
5039-W02 ----- Wire fence, gates, and accessories
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[5099-000 ----- Durable goods, n.e.c.]
5099-A01 ----- Ammunition, except sporting
5099-A02 ----- Audio and video equipment-wholesale
5099-C02 ----- Coin-operated game machines
5099-C03 ----- Cordwood
5099-F01 ----- Fire extinguishers
5099-F02 ----- Firearms, except sporting
5099-F03 ----- Firewood
5099-G01 ----- Game machines, coin-operated
5099-G02 ----- Gas lighting fixtures
5099-L01 ----- Logs, hewn ties, posts, and poles
5099-L02 ----- Luggage
5099-M01 ----- Machine guns
5099-M02 ----- Monuments and grave markers
5099-M03 ----- Musical instruments
5099-P01 ----- Phonograph records
5099-P02 ----- Portraits
5099-P03 ----- Pulpwood
5099-R01 ----- Roundwood
5099-S01 ----- Scientific instruments
5099-S02 ----- Signs, except electric
5099-T01 ----- Tapes, audio prerecorded
5099-T02 ----- Timber products, rough
5099-W01 ----- Wood chips
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[5063-000 ----- Electrical apparatus and equipment]
5063-A01 ----- Alarm signal systems
5063-B01 ----- Batteries, except automotive
5063-B02 ----- Boxes and fittings, electrical
5063-B03 ----- Bus bars and trolley ducts
5063-C01 ----- Cable conduit
5063-C02 ----- Capacitors, except electronic
5063-C03 ----- Circuit breakers
5063-C04 ----- Coaxial cable
5063-C05 ----- Conduits and raceways
5063-C06 ----- Construction materials, electrical: interior and exterior
5063-D01 ----- Distribution equipment, electrical
5063-E01 ----- Electrical construction materials
5063-E02 ----- Electrical generators
5063-F01 ----- Flashlights
5063-F02 ----- Fuses and accessories
5063-G01 ----- Generators, electrical
5063-H01 ----- Hanging and fastening devices, electrical
5063-H02 ----- Hardware, pole line
5063-I01 ----- Industrial motor controls
5063-I02 ----- Insulators, electrical
5063-L01 ----- Lamp bulbs
5063-L02 ----- Light bulbs, electric
5063-L03 ----- Lighting fixtures: residential, commercial, and industrial
5063-L04 ----- Lugs and connectors, electrical
5063-M01 ----- Motor controls, electric
5063-M02 ----- Motors, electric
5063-P01 ----- Panelboards
5063-P02 ----- Pole line hardware
5063-P03 ----- Power transmission equipment, electric
5063-R01 ----- Receptacles, electrical
5063-R02 ----- Relays
5063-S01 ----- Safety switches
5063-S02 ----- Service entrance equipment, electrical
5063-S03 ----- Signaling equipment, electrical
5063-S04 ----- Storage batteries, industrial
5063-S05 ----- Switchboards, electrical distribution
5063-S06 ----- Switches, except electronic
5063-S07 ----- Switchgear
5063-T01 ----- Time switches
5063-T02 ----- Transformers, electric: except electronic
5063-T03 ----- Transmission equipment, electrical
5063-U01 ----- Unit substations
5063-W01 ----- Wiling materials, interior
5063-W02 ----- Wire and cables, interior
5063-W03 ----- Wire, insulated
5063-W04 ----- Wire rope or cable, insulated
5063-W05 ----- Wiring devices
5063-W06 ----- Wiring supplies
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[5064-000 ----- Electrical appliances, TV & radios]
5064-A01 ----- Air-conditioning room units, self-contained
5064-A02 ----- Answering machines, telephone
5064-C01 ----- Clothes dryers, household: electric and gas
5064-D01 ----- Dishwashers, household: electric
5064-D02 ----- Dryers, clothes: electric or gas
5064-E01 ----- Electric appliances, household
5064-E02 ----- Electric housewares and household fans
5064-E03 ----- Electric irons
5064-E04 ----- Electric ranges
5064-E05 ----- Electric razors
5064-E06 ----- Electric washing machines
5064-F01 ----- Freezers, household
5064-G01 ----- Garbage disposals, electric
5064-H01 ----- High fidelity (hi-fi) equipment
5064-H02 ----- Humidifiers and dehumidifiers, portable
5064-I01 ----- Ironers, household: electric
5064-M01 ----- Microwave ovens, household
5064-M02 ----- Motor vehicle radios
5064-O01 ----- Ovens, microwave: household
5064-P01 ----- Percolators, electric
5064-P02 ----- Phonographs, except coin-operated
5064-R01 ----- Radios, receiving only, household and automotive
5064-R02 ----- Ranges, electric
5064-R03 ----- Razors, electric
5064-R04 ----- Refrigerators, household: electric and gas
5064-S01 ----- Sewing machines, household: electric
5064-S02 ----- Stereo equipment
5064-S03 ----- Stoves, cooking or heating, household: electric wholesale
5064-T01 ----- Tape players and recorders, household
5064-T02 ----- Television sets
5064-T03 ----- Toasters, electric
5064-T04 ----- Toothbrushes, electric
5064-V01 ----- Vacuum cleaners, household
5064-V02 ----- Video disc players
5064-W01 ----- Waffle irons, electric
5064-W02 ----- Water heaters, electric
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[5065-000 ----- Electronic parts and equipment]
5065-A01 ----- Amateur radio communications equipment
5065-C01 ----- Capacitors, electronic
5065-C02 ----- Cassettes, recording
5065-C03 ----- Cathode ray picture tubes
5065-C04 ----- Citizens, band radios
5065-C05 ----- Coils, electronic
5065-C06 ----- Communications equipment, except household
5065-C07 ----- Condensers, electronic
5065-C08 ----- Connectors, electronic
5065-D01 ----- Diodes
5065-D02 ----- Diskettes
5065-E01 ----- Electronic coils and transformers
5065-E02 ----- Electronic connectors
5065-E03 ----- Electronic parts
5065-E04 ----- Electronic tubes: receiving, transmitting, and industrial
5065-I01 ----- Intercommunications equipment, electronic
5065-M01 ----- Magnetic recording tape
5065-M02 ----- Modems
5065-P01 ----- Public address equipment
5065-R01 ----- Radio parts and accessories
5065-R02 ----- Radio receiving and transmitting tubes
5065-R03 ----- Rectifiers, electronic
5065-R04 ----- Replacement parts, electronic
5065-R05 ----- Resistors, electronic
5065-S01 ----- Semiconductor devices
5065-T01 ----- Tapes, audio and video recording
5065-T02 ----- Telegraph equipment
5065-T03 ----- Telephone equipment
5065-T04 ----- Television receiving and transmitting tubes
5065-T05 ----- Transformers, electronic
5065-T06 ----- Transistors
5065-T07 ----- Transmitters
5065-T08 ----- Tubes, electronic: receiving and transmitting, and industrial