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1221-S06 ----- Subbituminous coal surface mining
1222-S03 ----- Subbituminous coal underground mining
6552-000 ----- Subdividers and developers, n.e.c.
3531-S16 ----- Subgraders, construction equi pment-mfg
2819-S40 ----- Sublimate, corrosive-mfg
3484-S03 ----- Submachine guns and parts-mfg
1629-S04 ----- Submarine rock removal-general contractors
5812-S12 ----- Submarine sandwich shops
3731-S05 ----- Submarine tenders, building and repairing-mfg
3544-S01 ----- Subpresses, metalworking-mfg
4841-S02 ----- Subscription television services
3531-S17 ----- Subsoiler attachments, tractor mounted-mfg
4111-S02 ----- Suburban and urban railway operation
1629-S05 ----- Subway construction-general contractors
4111-S03 ----- Subway operation
3841-S08 ----- Suction therapy apparatus-mfg
2261-S03 ----- Sueding cotton broadwoven goods-mfg
2262-S04 ----- Sueding manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics-mfg
0133-S01 ----- Sugar beet farms
0722-S01 ----- Sugar beets, machine harvesting of
2087-S01 ----- Sugar, burnt (food color)-mfg
2061-S01 ----- Sugar: clarified, granulated, and raw-made from sugarcane-mfg
2046-S05 ----- Sugar, corn-mfg
2062-S01 ----- Sugar, granulated: made from purchased raw cane sugar or sugar syrup-mfg
2063-S01 ----- Sugar, granulated: made from sugar beets-mfg
2061-S02 ----- Sugar, granulated: made from sugarcane-mfg
2099-S09 ----- Sugar grinding-mfg
2099-S10 ----- Sugar, industrial maple: made in plants producing maple syrup-mfg
2062-S02 ----- Sugar, invert: made from purchased raw cane sugar or sugar syrup-mfg
2063-S02 ----- Sugar, invert: made from sugar beets-mfg
2061-S03 ----- Sugar, invert: made from sugarcane-mfg
2063-S03 ----- Sugar, liquid: made from sugar beets-mfg
2023-S02 ----- Sugar of milk-mfg
3556-S06 ----- Sugar plant machinery-mfg
2062-S03 ----- Sugar, powdered: made from purchased raw cane sugar or sugar syrup-mfg
2063-S04 ----- Sugar, powdered: made from sugar beets-mfg
2061-S04 ----- Sugar, powdered: made from sugarcane-mfg
2099-S11 ----- Sugar, powdered-mfpm-mfg
2061-S05 ----- Sugar, raw: made from sugarcane-mfg
5159-S04 ----- Sugar, raw-wholesale
2062-S04 ----- Sugar, refined: made from purchased raw cane sugar or sugar syrup-mfg
5149-S12 ----- Sugar, refined-wholesale
0133-000 ----- Sugarcane and sugar beet
0133-S02 ----- Sugarcane farms
0722-S02 ----- Sugarcane, machine harvesting of
2396-S09 ----- Suit and coat findings: coat fronts and linings-mfg
2396-S10 ----- Suit trimmings, fabric-mfpm-mfg
3429-S03 ----- Suitcase hardware, including locks-mfg
3089-S20 ----- Suitcase shells, plastics-mfg
3161-S04 ----- Suitcases, regardless of material-mfg
2211-S15 ----- Suiting fabrics, cotton-mfg
2221-S09 ----- Suiting fabrics, manmade fiber and silk-mfg
2231-S05 ----- Suitings: wool, mohair, and similar animal fibers-mfg
2369-S06 ----- Suits and rompers: children, s and infants'-mfpm-mfg
2337-S02 ----- Suits, except playsuits and athletic: women's, misses' and juniors'-mfpm-mfg
3842-S13 ----- Suits, firefighting: asbestos-mfg
2369-S07 ----- Suits: girls' and children's-mfpm-mfg
2329-S07 ----- Suits, men's and boys': warmup, jogging, snow, and ski-mfpm-mfg
5136-S04 ----- Suits, men's and boys'-wholesale
2253-S09 ----- Suits-mitse-mfg
2311-S01 ----- Suits, tailored: men's and boys'-mfpm-mfg
5137-S04 ----- Suits: women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale
2339-S10 ----- Suits, women's, misses' and juniors': ski, swim, snow, play, warmup, and jogging-mfpm-mfg
2326-S03 ----- Suits, work: men's-mfpm-mfg
2833-S03 ----- Sulfa drugs: bulk, uncompounded-mfg
2819-S41 ----- Sulfate of potash and potash magnesia, not produced at mines-mfg
2819-S42 ----- Sulfides and sulfites-mfg
2819-S43 ----- Sulfocyanides-mfg
2833-S04 ----- Sulfonamides-mfg
2869-S17 ----- Sulfonated naphthalene-mfg
2843-S04 ----- Sulfonated oils, fats, and greases-mfg
2819-S44 ----- Sulfur chloride-mfg
2819-S45 ----- Sulfur dioxide-mfg
2879-S04 ----- Sulfur dust (insecticide)-mfg
1479-S06 ----- Sulfur, ground or otherwise treated
2819-S46 ----- Sulfur hexafluoride gas-mfg
1479-S07 ----- Sulfur mining, native
2819-S47 ----- Sulfur, recovered or refined, including from sour natural gas-mfg
2819-S48 ----- Sulfuric acid-mfg
3944-S06 ----- Sulkies, baby (vehicles)-mfg
2861-S02 ----- Sumac extract-mfg
7032-S02 ----- Summer camps, except day and sports instructional
7922-S04 ----- Summer theaters, except dinner theaters
1711-S07 ----- Sump pump installation and servicing-contractors
5999-S08 ----- Sun glasses-retail
0119-S03 ----- Sunflower farms
2076-S02 ----- Sunflower seed oil-mfg
3851-S02 ----- Sunglasses and goggles-mfg
2369-S08 ----- Sunsuits: girls' children's, and infants'-mfpm-mfg
2844-S05 ----- Suntan lotions and oils-mfg
5411-S01 ----- Supermarkets, grocery-retail
2874-S01 ----- Superphosphates, ammoniated and not ammoniated-mfg
9199-S01 ----- Supply agencies-government
3842-S14 ----- Supports: abdominal, ankle, arch, and kneecap-mfg
2834-S06 ----- Suppositories-mfg
6351-S01 ----- Surety insurance
5999-S07 ----- Surf shops-retail
2843-S05 ----- Surface active agents-mfg
5169-S06 ----- Surface active agents-wholesale
3826-S06 ----- Surface area analyzers-mfg
3822-S04 ----- Surface burner controls, temperature-mfg
3531-S18 ----- Surfacers, concrete grinding-mfg
3553-S06 ----- Surfacers (woodworking machines)-mfg
3949-S20 ----- Surfboards-mfg
3443-S16 ----- Surge tanks, metal plate-mfg
3069-S16 ----- Surgeons, gloves, rubber-mfg
8011-S01 ----- Surgeons (M.D.), offices of
0721-S04 ----- Surgery on orchard trees and vines
3841-000 ----- Surgical and medical instruments-mfg
5047-S01 ----- Surgical and medical instruments-wholesale
3061-S01 ----- Surgical and medical tubing: extruded and lathe-cut-mfg
3842-S15 ----- Surgical appliances and supplies, except medical instruments-mfg
5047-S02 ----- Surgical equipment-wholesale
2211-S16 ----- Surgical fabrics, cotton-mfg
7699-S13 ----- Surgical instrument repair
3841-S09 ----- Surgical instruments and apparatus, except electromedical-mfg
3841-S10 ----- Surgical knife blades and handles-mfg
3841-S11 ----- Surgical stapling devices-mfg
3845-S02 ----- Surgical support systems: heart-lung machines, except iron lungs and blood flow systems-mfg
3569-S08 ----- Surveillance ovens, for aging and testing powder-mfg
7699-S14 ----- Surveying instrument repair
3829-S12 ----- Surveying instruments-mfg
8713-S01 ----- Surveying: land, water, and aerial
8713-000 ----- Surveying services
1389-S06 ----- Surveying wells on a contract basis, except seismographic
4785-S01 ----- Surveyors, marine cargo
2499-S22 ----- Surveyors, stakes, wood-mfg
8299-S03 ----- Survival schools
5812-S13 ----- Sushi bars
2389-S01 ----- Suspenders-mfpm-mfg
3842-S16 ----- Suspensories-mfg
3842-S17 ----- Sutures-mfg