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2822-S01 ----- S-type rubber-mfg
2869-S01 ----- Saccharin-mfg
2844-S01 ----- Sachet-mfg
2674-S01 ----- Sacks, multiwall or heavy-duty shipping: sack-mfpm-mfg
2399-S01 ----- Saddle cloths-mfg
2842-S01 ----- Saddle soap-mfg
2499-S01 ----- Saddle trees, wood-mfg
3429-S01 ----- Saddlery hardware-mfg
3111-S01 ----- Saddlery leather-mfg
7699-S01 ----- Saddlery repair shops
5941-S01 ----- Saddlery stores-retail
3199-S01 ----- Saddles and parts-mfg
3751-S01 ----- Saddles, motorcycle and bicycle-mfg
3499-S01 ----- Safe deposit boxes and chests, metal
6099-S01 ----- Safe deposit companies
3499-S02 ----- Safe doors and linings, metal-mfg
4212-S01 ----- Safe moving, local
3499-S03 ----- Safes, metal-mfg
3842-S01 ----- Safety appliances and equipment, personal-mfg
3199-S02 ----- Safety belts, leather-mfg
2892-S01 ----- Safety fuses-mfg
3231-S01 ----- Safety glass, made from purchased glass-mfg
7218-S01 ----- Safety glove supply service
3842-S02 ----- Safety gloves, all materials-mfg
7389-S01 ----- Safety inspection service, except automotive
3965-S01 ----- Safety pins-mfg
2741-S02 ----- Safety publications-mfg
8099-S02 ----- Safety related services
3421-S01 ----- Safety razor blades-mfg
3421-S02 ----- Safety razors-mfg
2399-S02 ----- Safety strap assemblies, automobile except leather-mfg
5063-S01 ----- Safety switches-wholesale
0119-S01 ----- Safflower farms
2076-S01 ----- Safflower oil-mfg
3255-S01 ----- Saggers-mfg
3949-S01 ----- Sailboards-mfg
3732-S01 ----- Sailboats, building and repairing-mfg
5091-S01 ----- Sailboats-wholesale
2211-S01 ----- Sailcloth-mitse-mfg
3731-S01 ----- Sailing vessels, commercial: building and repairing-mfg
2394-S01 ----- Sails-mfpm-mfg
2812-S01 ----- Sal soda (washing soda)-mfg
2099-S01 ----- Salad dressing mixes, dry-mfg
5149-S01 ----- Salad dressing-wholesale
2035-S01 ----- Salad dressings, except dry mixes-mfg
2079-S01 ----- Salad oils, vegetable: except corn oil refined-mfg
2099-S02 ----- Salads, fresh or refrigerated-mfg
3433-S01 ----- Salamanders, coke and gas burning-mfg
6211-S01 ----- Sale of partnership shares in real estate syndicates
5112-S01 ----- Sales and receipt books-wholesale
5999-S01 ----- Sales barns-retail
2761-S01 ----- Sales books-mfg
7389-S16 ----- Sales representative
2833-S01 ----- Salicylic acid derivatives, medicinal grade-mfg
1474-S01 ----- Salines mining, except common salt
0912-S01 ----- Salmon, catching of
2091-S01 ----- Salmon: smoked, salted, dried, canned, and pickled-mfg
5813-S01 ----- Saloons (drinking places)
2819-S01 ----- Salt cake (sodium sulfate)-mfg
5149-S02 ----- Salt, evaporated-wholesale
2899-S01 ----- Salt-mfg
1479-S01 ----- Salt mining, common
1389-S01 ----- Salt water, impounding (in connection with petroleum products)
2068-000 ----- Salted and roasted nuts and seeds
5145-S01 ----- Salted nuts-wholesale
2052-S01 ----- Saltines-mfg
2834-S01 ----- Salts, effervescent-mfg
2899-S02 ----- Salts, heat treating-mfg
5169-S01 ----- Salts, industrial-wholesale
5169-S02 ----- Salts, metal-wholesale
2819-S02 ----- Salts of rare earth metals-mfg
5812-S01 ----- Salvadorean restaurants
7389-S02 ----- Salvage of damaged merchandise, not engaged in sales
2782-S01 ----- Sample books-mfg
3161-S01 ----- Sample cases, regardless of material-mfg
3829-S01 ----- Sample changers, nuclear radiation-mfg
2789-S01 ----- Sample mounting for the trade-mfg
3821-S01 ----- Sample preparation apparatus, laboratory type-mfg
7319-S01 ----- Samples, distribution of
7389-S03 ----- Sampling of commodities, not connected with transportation
5211-S01 ----- Sand and gravel dealers-retail
5032-S01 ----- Sand, construction-wholesale
3531-S01 ----- Sand mixers-mfg
3599-S01 ----- Sand riddles (hand sifting or screening apparatus)-mfg
3149-S01 ----- Sandals, children's: except rubber-mfg
3021-S01 ----- Sandals, rubber-mfg
1799-S01 ----- Sandblasting of building exteriors contractors
3471-S01 ----- Sandblasting of metal parts, for the trade-mfg
3546-S01 ----- Sanders, hand: electric-mfg
3714-S01 ----- Sanders, motor vehicle safety-mfg
3553-S01 ----- Sanding machines, except portable floor sanders (woodworking machinery)-mfg
3589-S01 ----- Sanding machines, floor-mfg
3554-S01 ----- Sandpaper manufacturing machines-mfg
3291-S01 ----- Sandpaper-mfg
1499-S01 ----- Sandstone, bituminous-mfg
1411-S01 ----- Sandstone, dimension-quarrying
1429-S01 ----- Sandstone, except bituminous: crushed and broken-quarrying
5812-S02 ----- Sandwich bars or shops
2022-S01 ----- Sandwich spreads, cheese-mfg
2013-S01 ----- Sandwich spreads, meat-mfpm-mfg
2035-S02 ----- Sandwich spreads, salad dressing base-mfg
3634-S01 ----- Sandwich toasters and grills, household: electric-mfg
2099-S03 ----- Sandwiches, assembled and packaged: for wholesale market-mfg
5149-S03 ----- Sandwiches-wholesale
3842-S03 ----- Sanitary aprons-mfg
9631-S01 ----- Sanitary districts-nonoperating
9511-S01 ----- Sanitary engineering agencies-government
2656-000 ----- Sanitary food containers-mfg
5113-S03 ----- Sanitary food containers: paper, paperboard, and disposable plastics-whole sale
2676-S01 ----- Sanitary napkins-mfpm-mfg
2656-S01 ----- Sanitary paper food containers, liquid tight-mfpm-mfg
2676-000 ----- Sanitary paper products
3432-S01 ----- Sanitary pipe fittings-mfg
4959-000 ----- Sanitary services, n.e.c.
3431-S01 ----- Sanitary ware: bathtubs, lavoratories, and sinks-metal-mfg
5074-S01 ----- Sanitary ware, china or enameled iron-wholesale
2842-S02 ----- Sanitation preparations-mfg
5169-S03 ----- Sanitation preparations-wholesale
1499-S02 ----- Sapphire mining
2221-S01 ----- Saran broadwoven fabrics-mfg
2824-S01 ----- Saran fibers-mfg
2077-S01 ----- Sardine oil-mfg
2091-S02 ----- Sardines, canned-mfg
3321-S01 ----- Sash balances, cast iron-mfg
3495-S01 ----- Sash balances, spring-mfg
3442-S01 ----- Sash, door and window: metal-mfg
2431-S01 ----- Sash, door and window: wood and covered wood-mfg
5211-S02 ----- Sash, storm: wood or metal-retail
3161-S02 ----- Satchels, regardless of material-mfg
2211-S02 ----- Sateens, cotton-mfg
4899-S01 ----- Satellite earth stations
3679-S01 ----- Satellite home antennas-mfg
4841-S01 ----- Satellite master antenna systems (SMATV) services
4899-S02 ----- Satellite or missile tracking stations, operated on a contract basis
3663-S01 ----- Satellites, communications-mfg
2816-S01 ----- Satin white pigments-mfg
2221-S02 ----- Satins-mfg
3612-S01 ----- Saturable reactors-mfg
2621-S01 ----- Saturated felts-mitse-mfg
2099-S04 ----- Sauce mixes, dry-mfg
3089-S01 ----- Saucers, plastics: except foam-mfg
2035-S03 ----- Sauces, meat (seasoning): except tomato and dry-mfg
2035-S04 ----- Sauces, seafood: except tomato and dry-
2033-S01 ----- Sauces, spaghetti-mfg
2033-S02 ----- Sauces, tomato based-mfg
2035-S05 ----- Sauces, vegetable: except tomato and dry-mfg
5149-S04 ----- Sauces-wholesale
2035-S06 ----- Sauerkraut, bulk-mfg
2033-S03 ----- Sauerkraut, canned-mfg
3634-S02 ----- Sauna heaters, electric-mfg
5074-S02 ----- Sauna heaters, except electric-wholesale
2952-S01 ----- Sauna rooms, prefabricated: wood-mfg
2013-S02 ----- Sausage casings, collagen-mfg
3089-S02 ----- Sausage casings, synthetic-mfg
5149-S05 ----- Sausage casings-wholesale
3556-S01 ----- Sausage stuffers-mfg
2013-000 ----- Sausages and other prepared meats
2013-S03 ----- Sausages-mfpm-mfg
2011-S01 ----- Sausages-mitse-mfg
6035-F02 ----- Saving banks, federal
6035-S02 ----- Savings and loan associations, federally chartered
6036-S01 ----- Savings and loan associations, not federally chartered
6036-S02 ----- Savings banks, state: not federally chartered
3425-S01 ----- Saw blades, for hand or power saws-mfg
5072-S01 ----- Saw blades-wholesale
2411-S01 ----- Saw logs-mfg
7699-S02 ----- Saw sharpening and repair shops
2421-S01 ----- Sawdust and shavings-mfg
2499-S02 ----- Sawdust, reground-mfg
5199-S01 ----- Sawdust-wholesale
3541-S01 ----- Sawing and cutoff machines (metalworking machinery)-mfg
2421-000 ----- Sawmills and planing mills, general
3553-S02 ----- Sawmill machines-mfg
2421-S02 ----- Sawmills, custom-mfg
2421-S03 ----- Sawmills, except special product mills.mfg
2429-S01 ----- Sawmills, special product: except lumber and veneer mills-mfg
3425-S02 ----- Saws, hand: metalworking or woodworking-mfg
3546-S02 ----- Saws, portable hand held: power-driven-woodworking or metalworking-mfg
3553-S03 ----- Saws, power: bench and table (woodworking machinery)-except portable-mfg
3541-S02 ----- Saws, power: metal cutting-mfg
3841-S01 ----- Saws, surgical-mfg
3931-S01 ----- Saxophones and parts-mfg
1799-S02 ----- Scaffolding construction-contractors
5082-S01 ----- Scaffolding-wholesale
3446-S01 ----- Scaffolds, metal (mobile or stationary)-mfg
2499-S03 ----- Scaffolds, wood-mfg
7699-S03 ----- Scale repair service
3579-S01 ----- Scalers for gummed tape: hand-mfg
3829-S02 ----- Scalers, nuclear radiation-mfg
3596-000 ----- Scales and balances, (except laboratory)
7299-S01 ----- Scales, coin-operated: operation of
3596-S01 ----- Scales, except laboratory-mfg
6046-S01 ----- Scales, except laboratory-wholesale
3545-S01 ----- Scales, measuring (machinists' precision tools)-mfg
7699-S04 ----- Scaling, ship-contractors
2395-S01 ----- Scalloping, for the trade-mfg
7299-S02 ----- Scalp treatment service
2819-S03 ----- Scandium-mfg
3553-S04 ----- Scarfing machines (woodworking machinery)-mfg
2253-S01 ----- Scarfs-mitse-mfg
3531-S02 ----- Scarifiers, road-mfg
2865-S01 ----- Scarlet 2 R lake-mfg
2392-S01 ----- Scarves: e.g., table, dresser-mfpm-mfg
2339-S01 ----- Scarves, hoods, and headbands: women's misses' and juniors'-mfpm-mfg
2323-S01 ----- Scarves: men's and boys'-mfpm-mfg
5136-S01 ----- Scarves, men's and boys'-wholesale
5137-S01 ----- Scarves: women's, children's and infant's-wholesale
2273-S01 ----- Scatter rugs, except rubber or plastics-mfg
5093-S01 ----- Scavengering-wholesale
7922-S01 ----- Scenery design, theatrical
3999-S01 ----- Scenery for theaters, opera houses, halls and schools-mfg
7922-S02 ----- Scenery, rental: theatrical
7999-S01 ----- Scenic railroads for amusement
2759-S01 ----- Schedules, transportation: except lithographed or gravure-mfg
2754-S01 ----- Schedules, transportation: gravure printing-mfg
2752-S01 ----- Schedules, transportation: lithographed-mfg
1061-S01 ----- Scheelite mining
2397-000 ----- Schiffli machine embroideries
2397-S01 ----- Schiffli machine embroideries-mfg
1411-S02 ----- Schist, dimension-quarrying
1542-S01 ----- School building construction-general contractors
4151-S01 ----- School buses
5021-S01 ----- School desks-wholesale
2531-S01 ----- School furniture, except stone and concrete-mfg
2531-S02 ----- School furniture-mfg
7221-P03 ----- School photographers
5943-S01 ----- School supplies-retail
7999-S02 ----- Schools and camps, sports instructional
8249-S01 ----- Schools, correspondence: including branch offices and solicitors
7911-S01 ----- Schools, dance: including children's, and professionals
8299-000 ----- Schools & educational services, n.e.c.
8211-S01 ----- Schools, elementary and secondary
8211-S02 ----- Schools for the physically handicapped, elementary and secondary
8211-S03 ----- Schools for the retarded
7999-S03 ----- Schools, riding
8249-S02 ----- Schools, vocational, except high schools, data processing, or business
3674-S01 ----- Schottky diodes-mfg
3944-S01 ----- Science kits: microscopes, chemistry sets, and natural science sets-mfg
3231-S02 ----- Scientific apparatus glass, made from purchased glass-mfg
3231-S03 ----- Scientific glassware, made from purchased glass-mfg
3229-S01 ----- Scientific glassware, pressed or blown: made in glassmaking plants-mfg
7699-S05 ----- Scientific instrument repair, except electric
5099-S01 ----- Scientific instruments-wholesale
8621-S01 ----- Scientific membership associations
8733-S01 ----- Scientific research, noncommercial
3829-S03 ----- Scintillation detectors-mfg
3421-S03 ----- Scissors: barbers, manicure, pedicure, tailors, and household-mfg
3634-S03 ----- Scissors, electric-mfg
3421-S04 ----- Scissors, hand-mfg
3949-S02 ----- Scoops, crab and fish-mfg
3423-S01 ----- Scoops, hand: metal-mfg
2499-S04 ----- Scoops, wood-mfg
3944-S02 ----- Scooters, children's-mfg
3993-S01 ----- Scoreboards, electric-mfg
1499-S03 ----- Scoriaing
2841-S01 ----- Scouring compounds-mfg
3559-S01 ----- Scouring machines, tannery-mfg
2299-S01 ----- Scouring of wool, mohair, and similar fibers-mfg
3291-S02 ----- Scouring pads, soap impregnated-mfg
3731-S02 ----- Scows, building and repairing-mfg
5093-000 ----- Scrap and waste materials
5093-S02 ----- Scrap and waste materials-wholesale
5093-S03 ----- Scrap, rubber-wholesale
7389-S04 ----- Scrap steel cutting on a contract or fee basis
2782-S02 ----- Scrapbooks-mfg
5112-S02 ----- Scrapbooks-wholesale
3532-S01 ----- Scraper loaders, underground-mfg
3531-S03 ----- Scrapers, construction-mfg
3423-S02 ----- Scrapers, woodworking: hand-mfg
2013-S04 ----- Scrapple-mfpm-mfg
3531-S04 ----- Screeds and screeding machines-mfg
3442-S02 ----- Screen doors, metal-mfg
2261-S01 ----- Screen printing of cotton broadwoven fabrics-mfg
2262-S01 ----- Screen printing of manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics-mfg
2759-S02 ----- Screen printing on glass, plastics, paper, and metal, including highway signs-mfg
2893-S01 ----- Screen process ink-mfg
3531-S05 ----- Screeners, portable-mfg
3532-S02 ----- Screeners, stationary-mfg
3569-S01 ----- Screening and sifting machines for general industrial use-mfg
5084-S01 ----- Screening machinery and equipment, industrial-wholesale
1499-S04 ----- Screening peat
1231-S01 ----- Screening plants, anthracite
1221-S01 ----- Screening plants, bituminous coal
3089-S03 ----- Screening, window: plastics-mfg
3496-S01 ----- Screening, woven wire: made from purchased wire-mfg
3442-S03 ----- Screens, door and window: metal frame-mfg
2431-S02 ----- Screens, door and window: wood-mfg
2511-S01 ----- Screens, privacy: wood-mfg
3861-S01 ----- Screens, projection-mfg
3953-S01 ----- Screens, textile printing-mfg
3541-S03 ----- Screw and nut slotting machines-mfg
3423-S03 ----- Screw drivers-mfg
3452-S01 ----- Screw eyes, metal-mfg
3089-S04 ----- Screw eyes, plastics-mfg
3452-S02 ----- Screw hooks-mfg
3451-000 ----- Screw machine products
3451-S01 ----- Screw machine products: produced on a job or order basis-mfg
3451-S02 ----- Screw machine products: produced on a job or order basis-mfg
3541-S04 ----- Screw machines, automatic-mfg
3366-S01 ----- Screw propellers: cast brass, bronze, copper, and copper base-mfg
3549-S01 ----- Screwdowns and boxes-mfg
3549-S02 ----- Screwdriving machines-mfg
3841-S02 ----- Screws, bone-mfg
3569-S02 ----- Screws, jack-mfg
3452-S03 ----- Screws, metal-mfg
2211-S03 ----- Scrim, cotton-mfg
3443-S01 ----- Scroll casings-mfg
2211-S04 ----- Scrub cloths-mitse-mfg
3589-S02 ----- Scrubbing machines-mfg
3089-S05 ----- Scrubbing pads, plastics-mfg
7999-S04 ----- Scuba and skin diving instruction
3949-S03 ----- Scuba diving equipment, except clothing-mfg
4724-S01 ----- Scuba diving travel
8999-S01 ----- Sculptors, studios
3299-S01 ----- Sculptures, architectural: gypsum, clay, or papier mache-factory production only-mfg
3423-S04 ----- Scythes-mfg
1499-S05 ----- Scythestone quarrying
3291-S03 ----- Scythestones, artificial-mfg