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3421-P01 ----- Pocket knives-mfg
3999-P13 ----- Pocketbook frames-mfg
2396-P03 ----- Pocketbook linings-mfg
7699-P04 ----- Pocketbook repair shops
3172-P02 ----- Pocketbooks, men's: regardless of material-mfg
3171-P01 ----- Pocketbooks, women's: of all materials, except precious metal-mfg
2211-P13 ----- Pocketing twill, cotton-mfg
2396-P04 ----- Pockets for men's and boys' suits and coats-mfg
8043-P01 ----- Podiatrists, offices and clinics of
8699-P01 ----- Poetry associations
3578-P01 ----- Point of sale devices-mfg
3541-P04 ----- Pointing, chamfering, and burring machines-mfg
2371-P01 ----- Pointing furs-mfg
3843-P03 ----- Points, abrasive: dental-mfg
2879-P06 ----- Poison: ant, rat, roach, and rodent-household-mfg
3944-P03 ----- Poker chips-mfg
3826-P04 ----- Polariscopes-mfg
3826-P05 ----- Polarizers-mfg
3826-P06 ----- Polarographic equipment-mfg
2411-P04 ----- Pole cutting contractors-mfg
1623-P04 ----- Pole line construction-general contractors
3462-P01 ----- Pole line hardware forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills-mfg
3463-P02 ----- Pole line hardware forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot-rolling mills-mfg
3644-P02 ----- Pole line hardware-mfg
5063-P02 ----- Pole line hardware-wholesale
2491-P03 ----- Poles and pole crossarms, treated-mfg
3272-P07 ----- Poles, concrete-mfg
2591-P01 ----- Poles, curtain and drapery-mfg
2491-P04 ----- Poles, cutting and preserving-mfg
2411-P05 ----- Poles, vvood: untreated-mfg
2499-P10 ----- Poles, wood: e.g., clothesline, tent, flag-mfg
9221-P01 ----- Police departments
2353-P02 ----- Police hats and caps, except protective head gear-mfg
9221-000 ----- Police protection
5999-P05 ----- Police supply stores-retail
2311-P01 ----- Police uniforms, men's-mfg
6411-P02 ----- Policyholders, consulting service
2842-000 ----- Polishes and sanitation goods
2842-P02 ----- Polishes: furniture, automobile, metal, shoe, and stove-mfg
5169-P01 ----- Polishes: furniture, automobile, metal, shoe, etc.-wholesale
3541-P05 ----- Polishing and buffing machines (machiney tools)-mfg
2842-P03 ----- Polishing and cleaning preparations-mfg
2842-P04 ----- Polishing cloths, chemically treated-mfg
2392-P05 ----- Polishing cloths, plain-mfg
2299-P07 ----- Polishing felts, except woven-mfg
3541-P06 ----- Polishing machines (machine tools)-mfg
3471-P02 ----- Polishing of metals and formed products, for the trade-mfg
2044-P01 ----- Polishing of rice-mfg
3291-P04 ----- Polishing rouge (abrasive)-mfg
3291-P05 ----- Polishing wheels-mfg
8651-P01 ----- Political Action Committees (PACs)
8651-P02 ----- Political campaign organizations
8651-P03 ----- Political fundraising, except on a contractor fee basis
8651-P04 ----- Political organizations and clubs
0912-P02 ----- Pollack, catching of
2836-P02 ----- Pollen extracts, except in vitro and in vivo-mfg
0721-P02 ----- Pollinating
9511-P01 ----- Pollution control agencies-government
8734-P01 ----- Pollution testing, except automotive emissions testing
3949-P05 ----- Polo equipment, except apparel and footswear-mfg
2321-P01 ----- Polo shirts: men's and boys'-mfpm-mfg
2253-P02 ----- Polo shirts-mitse mfg
2821-P07 ----- Polyacrylonitrile resins-mfg
2821-P08 ----- Polyamide resins-mfg
2822-P01 ----- Polybutadienes-mfg
2821-P09 ----- Polycarbonate resins-mfg
2221-P05 ----- Polyester broadwoven fabrics-mfg
2824-P01 ----- Polyester fibers-mfg
2282-P01 ----- Polyester filament yarn: throwing, twisting, winding, or spooling-mfg
3081-P03 ----- Polyester film and sheet, unsupported-mfg
2284-P01 ----- Polyester thread-mfg
2281-P01 ----- Polyester yarn, made from purchased staple: spun-mfg
2821-P10 ----- Polyesters-mfg
2221-P06 ----- Polyethylene broadwoven fabrics-mfg
3081-P04 ----- Polyethylene film and sheet, unsupported-mfg
2821-P11 ----- Polyethylene resins-mfg
2822-P02 ----- Polyethylenes, chlorosulfonated-mfg
7381-P01 ----- Polygraph service
2821-P12 ----- Polyhexamethylenediamine adipamideresins-mfg
2869-P08 ----- Polyhydric alcohol esters and axnines-mfg
2869-P09 ----- Polyhydric alcohols-mfg
2822-P03 ----- Polyisobutylene (synthetic rubber)-mfg
2822-P04 ----- Polyisobutylene-isoprene elastomers-mfg
2821-P13 ----- Polyisobutylenes-mfg
2821-P14 ----- Polymerization plastics, except fibers-mfg
2822-P05 ----- Polymethylene rubbers-mfg
2221-P07 ----- Polypropylene broadwoven fabrics-mfg
2282-P02 ----- Polypropylene filament yarn: throwing, twisting, winding, or spooling-mfg
3081-P05 ----- Polypropylene film and sheet, unsupported-mfg
2821-P15 ----- Polypropylene resins-mfg
2281-P02 ----- Polypropylene yarn, made from purchased staple: spun-mfg
2821-P16 ----- Polystyrene resins-mfg
2822-P06 ----- Polysulfides-mfg
2851-P12 ----- Polyurethane coatings-mfg
2821-P17 ----- Polyurethane resins-mfg
2821-P18 ----- Polyvinyl alcohol resins-mfg
2821-P19 ----- Polyvinyl chloride resins-mfg
2824-P02 ----- Polyvinyl ester fibers-mfg
3081-P06 ----- Polyvinyl film and sheet, unsupported-mfg
2821-P20 ----- Polyvinyl halide resins-mfg
2821-P21 ----- Polyvinyl resins-mfg
2824-P03 ----- Polyvinylidene chlonde fibers-mfg
0175-P05 ----- Pomegranate orchards and farms
1629-P06 ----- Pond construction-general contractors
2211-P14 ----- Pongee, cotton-mfg
2221-P08 ----- Pongee, manmade fiber and silk-mfg
3728-P02 ----- Pontoons, aircraft-mfg
3732-P01 ----- Pontoons, except aircraft and inflatable(rubber and plastics)-mfg
3089-P07 ----- Pontoons, nonrigid: plastics-mfg
3069-P09 ----- Pontoons, rubber-mfg
0272-P01 ----- Pony farms
5941-P02 ----- Pool and billiards table stores-retail
3949-P06 ----- Pool balls, pockets, tables, and equipment-mfg
5091-P01 ----- Pool equipment and supplies-wholesale
7999-P06 ----- Pool parlors
3491-P01 ----- Pop safety valves, over 15 lbs. w.s.p.-mfg
2064-P01 ----- Popcorn balls and candy covered popcorn products-mfg
0119-P02 ----- Popcorn farms
2099-P09 ----- Popcorn, packaged: except popped-mfg
2096-P01 ----- Popcorn, popped: except candy covered-mfg
3634-P02 ----- Popcorn poppers for home use: electric-mfg
5441-P01 ----- Popcorn stands-retail
5145-P01 ----- Popcorn-wholesale
2211-P15 ----- Poplin, cotton-mfg
2221-P09 ----- Poplin, manmade fiber-mfg
2024-P02 ----- Pops, dessert: frozen-flavored ice, fruit, pudding and gelatin-mfg
7929-P02 ----- Popular music groups or artists
7519-P01 ----- Popup camper rental
5012-P01 ----- Popup campers-wholesale
2891-P03 ----- Porcelain cement, household-mfg
3269-P01 ----- Porcelain, chemical-mfg
3264-000 ----- Porcelain electrical supplies
3264-P01 ----- Porcelain parts, molded: for electrical and electronic devices-mfg
2431-P03 ----- Porch columns, wood-mfg
2591-P02 ----- Porch shades, wood slat-mfg
2514-P02 ----- Porch swings, metal-mfg
2511-P02 ----- Porch swings, wood-mfg
2431-P04 ----- Porch work, wood-mfg
2032-P04 ----- Pork and beans, canned-mfg
2011-P01 ----- Pork-mitse-mfg
2013-P03 ----- Pork: pickled, cured, salted, or smoked-mfpm-mfg
2096-P02 ----- Pork rinds-mfg
9621-P01 ----- Port authorities and districts-nonoperating
3448-P02 ----- Portable buildings, prefabricated metal-mfg
2452-P02 ----- Portable buildings, prefabricated wood-mfg
3431-P02 ----- Portable chemical toilets (metal)-mfg
3088-P02 ----- Portable chemical toilets, plastics-mfg
3825-P02 ----- Portable test meters-mfg
2082-P01 ----- Porter (alcoholic beverage)-mfg
7299-P03 ----- Porter service
5181-P01 ----- Porter-wholesale
3241-P01 ----- Portland cement-mfg
7221-P02 ----- Portrait photographers
5099-P02 ----- Portraits-wholesale
3845-P04 ----- Position emission tomography (PET scanner)-mfg
3812-P03 ----- Position indicators, airframe equipment: e.g., for landing gear, stabilizers-mfg
3824-P03 ----- Positive displacement meters-mfg
3423-P06 ----- Post hole diggers, hand-mfg
3531-P08 ----- Post hole diggers, powered-mfg
3444-P03 ----- Post office collection boxes-mfg
1542-P02 ----- Post office construction-general contractors
7389-P11 ----- Post office contract stations
3579-P06 ----- Postage meters-mfg
3496-P04 ----- Postal screen wire equipment-mfpm-mfg
2542-P03 ----- Postal service lock boxes, except wood-mfg
4312-P01 ----- Postal Service, except U.S.
4311-P01 ----- Postal Service, U.S.
2759-P06 ----- Postcards, picture: except lithographed or gravure printed-mfg
2754-P04 ----- Postcards, picture: gravure printing-mfg
2752-P07 ----- Postcards, picture: lithographed-mfg
5999-P06 ----- Posters and prints-retail
7312-P01 ----- Poster advertising service, outdoor
7319-P01 ----- Poster advertising services, except outdoor
2621-P05 ----- Poster paper-mitse-mfg
2754-P05 ----- Posters: gravure printing-mfg
2759-P07 ----- Posters, including billboard: except lithographed or gravure-mfg
2752-P08 ----- Posters, lithographed-mfg
1799-P05 ----- Posthole digging-contractors
3462-P02 ----- Posts, bumping: railroad-forged (not made in rolling mills)-mfg
3272-P08 ----- Posts, concrete-mfg
2411-P06 ----- Posts, wood: hewn, round, or split-mfg
2491-P05 ----- Posts, wood: treated-mfg
2026-P01 ----- Pot cheese-mfg
2819-P05 ----- Potash alum-mfg
2812-P01 ----- Potash, caustic-mfg
1474-P01 ----- Potash mining
1474-000 ----- Potash, soda, and borate minerals
2819-P06 ----- Potassium aluminum sulfate-mfg
2819-P07 ----- Potassium bichromate and chromate-mfg
2869-P10 ----- Potassium bitartrate-mfg
2819-P08 ----- Potassium bromide-mfg
2812-P02 ----- Potassium carbonate-mfg
2819-P09 ----- Potassium chlorate-mfg
2819-P10 ----- Potassium chloride-mfg
2819-P11 ----- Potassium compounds, inorganic: except potassium hydroxide and carbonate-mfg
1474-P02 ----- Potassium compounds mining
2819-P12 ----- Potassium cyanide-mfg
2812-P03 ----- Potassium hydroxide-mfg
2819-P13 ----- Potassium hypochlorate-mfg
2819-P14 ----- Potassium iodide-mfg
2819-P15 ----- Potassium metal-mfg
2819-P16 ----- Potassium nitrate and sulfate-mfg
2819-P17 ----- Potassium permanganate-mfg
4221-P01 ----- Potato cellars
2096-P03 ----- Potato chips and related corn snacks-mfg
2096-000 ----- Potato chips and similar snacks-mfg
5145-P02 ----- Potato chips-wholesale
0723-P05 ----- Potato curing
3523-P04 ----- Potato diggers, harvesters, and planters(agricultural machinery)-mfg
0134-P01 ----- Potato farms, except sweet potato and yam
0134-P02 ----- Potato farms, Irish
0139-P02 ----- Potato farms, sweet
0139-P03 ----- Potato farms, yam
2034-P01 ----- Potato flakes, granules, and other dehydrated potato products-mfg
3496-P05 ----- Potato mashers, made from purchased wire-mfg
2499-P12 ----- Potato mashers, wood-mfg
3556-P03 ----- Potato peelers, electric-mfg
3421-P02 ----- Potato peelers, hand-mfg
2046-P01 ----- Potato starch-mfg
2096-P04 ----- Potato sticks-mfg
2099-P10 ----- Potatoes, dried: packaged with other ingredients-mfg
5148-P01 ----- Potatoes, fresh-wholesale
2099-P11 ----- Potatoes, peeled for the trade-mfg
3825-P03 ----- Potentiometric instruments, except industrial process type-mfg
3823-P04 ----- Potentiometric self-balancing instruments, except X-Y plotters-mfg
3443-P06 ----- Pots: annealing, melting, and smelting-mfg
3255-P03 ----- Pots, melting: glass house-clay-mfg
2013-P04 ----- Potted meats-mfpm-mfg
5992-P02 ----- Potted plants-retail
3269-P02 ----- Pottery: art, garden, decorative, industrial, and laboratory-mfg
3559-P06 ----- Pottery making machinery-mfg
3269-000 ----- Pottery products, n.e.c.-mfg
5719-P01 ----- Pottery stores-retail
2875-P01 ----- Potting soil, mixed-mfg
3172-P03 ----- Pouches, tobacco: regardless of material-mfg
2834-P06 ----- Poultry and animal remedies-mfg
5499-P01 ----- Poultry and egg dealers-retail
0259-000 ----- Poultry and eggs, n.e.c.
5144-000 ----- Poultry and poultry products
3523-P05 ----- Poultry brooders, feeders, and waterers-mfg
5499-P02 ----- Poultry dealers-retail
5083-P02 ----- Poultry equipment-wholesale
2048-P02 ----- Poultry feeds, supplements, and concentrates-mfg
5142-P02 ----- Poultry, frozen: packaged-wholesale
0254-P01 ----- Poultry hatcheries
5144-P01 ----- Poultry: live, dressed, or frozen (except packaged) wholesale
3496-P06 ----- Poultry netting, made from purchased wire-mfg
5142-P03 ----- Poultry pies, frozen-wholesale
2015-P01 ----- Poultry, processed: fresh, frozen, canned, or cooked-mfg
5144-P02 ----- Poultry products-wholesale
2015-P02 ----- Poultry: slaughtering and dressing-mfg
2015-000 ----- Poultry slaughtering and processing-mfg
3523-P06 ----- Poultry vision control devices-mfg
2844-P03 ----- Powder: baby, face, talcum, and toilet-mfg
3483-P01 ----- Powder bag loading-mfg
2892-P05 ----- Powder, blasting-mfg
2892-P06 ----- Powder, explosive: pellet, smokeless, and sporting-mfg
3399-P02 ----- Powder, metal: except artists, materials-mfg
3499-P02 ----- Powder metal products, custom molding-mfg
2399-P03 ----- Powder puffs and mitts-mfg
3569-P01 ----- Powder testing chambers-mfg
3546-P01 ----- Powder-actuated hand tools-mfg
2087-P01 ----- Powders, drink-mfg
2834-P07 ----- Powders, pharmaceutical-mfg
3443-P07 ----- Power boilers, industrial and marine-mfg
3613-P03 ----- Power circuit breakers-mfg
3613-P04 ----- Power connectors-mfg
3629-P01 ----- Power conversion units, a.c. to d.c.: static-electric-mfg
3531-P09 ----- Power cranes, draglines, and shovels-mfg
3546-000 ----- Power driven hand tools-mfg
4911-P01 ----- Power, electric: generation, transmission, or distribution
3825-P04 ----- Power factor meters-mfg
3613-P05 ----- Power fuses devices, 600 volts and over-mfg
1796-P02 ----- Power generating equipment installation-contractors
3621-P02 ----- Power generators-mfg
5072-P01 ----- Power handtools-wholesale
7211-P01 ----- Power laundries, family and commercial
1623-P05 ----- Power line construction-general contractors
3825-P05 ----- Power measuring equipment, electrical-mfg
5261-P01 ----- Power mowers-retail
1629-P07 ----- Power plant construction-general contractors
5084-P04 ----- Power plant machinery, except electrical-wholesale
3577-C05 ----- Power supplies, computer peripheral equipment-mfg
3679-P06 ----- Power supplies, static, and variable frequency-mfg
3613-P06 ----- Power switchboards-mfg
3613-P07 ----- Power switching equipment-mfg
5251-P01 ----- Power tools-retail
3612-P01 ----- Power transformers, electric-mfg
3728-P03 ----- Power transmission equipment, aircraft-mfg
5063-P03 ----- Power transmission equipment, electric-wholesale
3714-P03 ----- Power transmission equipment, motor vehicle-mfg
3568-000 ----- Power transmission equipment, n.e.c.-mfg
5085-P04 ----- Power transmission supplies, mechanical-wholesale
3241-P02 ----- Pozzolana cement-mfg
1499-P07 ----- Pozzolana mining