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0173-M01 ----- Macadamia groves and farms
2098-M01 ----- Macaroni and products, dry: e.g., alphabets, rings, seashells-mfg
2098-000 ----- Macaroni and spaghetti-mfg
2032-M01 ----- Macaroni, canned-mfg
3556-M01 ----- Macaroni machinery: for making macaroni, spaghetti, and noodles-mfg
5149-M01 ----- Macaroni-wholesale
3423-M01 ----- Machetes-mfg
3499-M01 ----- Machine bases, metal-mfg
3915-M01 ----- Machine chain, platinum or karat gold-mfg
3444-M01 ----- Machine guards, sheet metal-mfg
3484-M01 ----- Machine gun belts, metallic: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less-mfg
3484-M02 ----- Machine guns and parts, 30 mm. (or 1.18inch) or less-mfg
3489-M01 ----- Machine guns, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)-mfg
5099-M01 ----- Machine guns-wholesale
3452-M01 ----- Machine keys-mfg
3423-M02 ----- Machine knives, except metal cutting-mfg
3545-M01 ----- Machine knives, metalworking-mfg
3089-M01 ----- Machine nuts, plastics-mfg
3469-M01 ----- Machine parts, stamped and pressed metal-mfg
1796-M01 ----- Machine rigging-contractors
3599-M01 ----- Machine shops, jobbing and repair-mfg
3545-000 ----- Machine tool accessories-mfg
5084-M01 ----- Machine tool accessories-wholesale
3545-M02 ----- Machine tool attachments and accessories-mfg
8711-M01 ----- Machine tool designers
3541-M01 ----- Machine tool replacement and repair parts, metal cutting types-mfg
3612-M01 ----- Machine tool transformers-mfg
3541-M02 ----- Machine tools, metal cutting: e.g., exotic, chemical, explosive-mfg
3542-M01 ----- Machine tools, metal forming types: including rebuilding-mfg
5084-M02 ----- Machine tools-wholesale
6159-M01 ----- Machinery and equipment finance leasing
3365-M01 ----- Machinery castings, aluminum: except die-castings-mfg
3366-M01 ----- Machinery castings: brass, copper, and copper-base alloy-except die-castings-mfg
3369-M01 ----- Machinery castings, nonferrous: except aluminum, copper, copper alloys, and die-castings-mfg
7699-M01 ----- Machinery cleaning
3462-M01 ----- Machinery forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills-mfg
3463-M01 ----- Machinery forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot-rolling mills-mfg
5084-M03 ----- Machinists, precision measuring tools-wholesale
3812-M01 ----- Machmeters-mfg
0912-M01 ----- Mackerel, catching of
2091-M01 ----- Mackerel: smoked, salted, dried, and pickled-mfg
2329-M01 ----- Mackinaws: men's and boys'-mfpm-mfg
2511-M01 ----- Magazine racks, wood-mfg
5994-M01 ----- Magazine stands-retail
5963-M01 ----- Magazine subscription sales, except mail-order-retail
2789-M01 ----- Magazines, binding only-mfg
2754-M01 ----- Magazines: gravure printing (not publishing)-mfg
3484-M03 ----- Magazines, gun: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less-mfg
5963-M02 ----- Magazines, house-to house selling
5961-M01 ----- Magazines, mail-order-retail
2759-M01 ----- Magazines, printed: except lithographed or gravure (not publishing)-mfg
2721-M01 ----- Magazines: publishing and printing, or publishing only-mfg
5192-M01 ----- Magazines-wholesale
3944-M01 ----- Magic lanterns (toys)-mfg
7929-M01 ----- Magicians
3295-M01 ----- Magnesite, crude: ground, calcined, or dead-burned-mfg
1459-M01 ----- Magnesite mining
3356-M01 ----- Magnesium and magnesium alloy bars, rods, shapes, sheets, strip, and tubing-mfg
3497-M01 ----- Magnesium and magnesium base alloy foil, not made in rolling mills-mfg
2819-M01 ----- Magnesium carbonate-mfg
3369-M02 ----- Magnesium castings, except die-castings-mfg
2819-M02 ----- Magnesium chloride-mfg
2819-M03 ----- Magnesium compounds, inorganic-mfg
3364-M01 ----- Magnesium die-castings-mfg
3339-M01 ----- Magnesium refining, primary-mfg
3356-M02 ----- Magnesium rolling, drawing, and extruding-mfg
3341-M01 ----- Magnesium smelting and refining, secondary-mfg
3357-M01 ----- Magnet wire, insulated-mfg
3695-000 ----- Magnetic and optical recording media-mfg
3674-M01 ----- Magnetic bubble memory device-mfg
3824-M01 ----- Magnetic counters-mfg
3823-M01 ----- Magnetic flow meters, industrial process type-mfg
3542-M02 ----- Magnetic forming machines-mfg
3577-M01 ----- Magnetic ink recognition devices, computer peripheral equipment-mfg
2899-M01 ----- Magnetic inspection oil and powder-mfg
3695-M01 ----- Magnetic recording tape, blank: reels, cassettes, and disks-mfg
5065-M01 ----- Magnetic recording tape-wholesale
3845-M01 ----- Magnetic resonance imaging device (diagnostic), nuclear-mfg
3826-M01 ----- Magnetic resonance imaging type apparatus, except diagnostic-mfg
3572-M01 ----- Magnetic storage devices for computers-mfg
3652-M01 ----- Magnetic tape, audio: prerecorded-mfg
1011-M01 ----- Magnetite mining
3671-M01 ----- Magnetron tubes-mfg
3264-M01 ----- Magnets, permanent: ceramic or ferrite-mfg
3499-M02 ----- Magnets, permanent: metallic-mfg
3674-M02 ----- Magneyohydrodynamic (MHD) devices-mfg
3829-M01 ----- Magneyometers-mfg
3851-M01 ----- Magnifiers (readers and simple magnifiers)-mfg
3827-M01 ----- Magnifying instruments, optical-mfg
7361-M01 ----- Maid registries
7349-M01 ----- Maid service on a contract or fee basis
7331-M01 ----- Mail advertising service
3469-M02 ----- Mail boxes, except collection boxes-mfg
4212-M01 ----- Mail carriers, bulk, contract: local
3444-M02 ----- Mail chutes, sheet metal-mfg
3444-M03 ----- Mail collection or storage boxes, sheet metal-mfg
4215-M01 ----- Mail delivery, private: except air
2542-M01 ----- Mail pouch racks, except wood-mfg
3579-M01 ----- Mail tying (bundling) machines-mfg
5961-M02 ----- Mail-order houses-retail (not including retail outlets)
4822-M01 ----- Mailgram services
2655-M01 ----- Mailing cases and tubes, paper fiber(metal end or all-fiber)-mfpm-mfg
6531-M03 ----- Mailing services, real estate
7331-M02 ----- Mailing list compilers
3579-M02 ----- Mailing machines-mfg
5044-M01 ----- Mailing machines-wholesale
2542-M02 ----- Mailing racks, postal service: except wood-mfg
7331-M03 ----- Mailing service, direct mail advertising services
8999-M02 ----- Mailing services, miscellaneous services
3571-M01 ----- Mainframe computers-mfg
7349-M02 ----- Maintenance, building: except repairs
4173-M01 ----- Maintenance facilities for motor vehicle passenger transportation
2519-M01 ----- Malacca furniture-mfg
4959-M01 ----- Malaria control
5812-M01 ----- Malaysian restaurants
2865-M01 ----- Maleic anhydride-mfg
3322-000 ----- Malleable iron foundries-mfg
3423-M03 ----- Mallets, printers-mfg
3069-M01 ----- Mallets, rubber-mfg
3949-M01 ----- Mallets, sports: e.g., polo, croquet-mfg
2499-M01 ----- Mallets, wood-mfg
2869-M01 ----- Malononitrile, technical grade-mfg
2083-M01 ----- Malt: barley, rye, wheat, and corn-mfg
2083-M02 ----- Malt byproducts-mfg
2082-M01 ----- Malt extract, liquors, and syrups-mfg
5149-M02 ----- Malt extract-wholesale
3556-M02 ----- Malt mills-mfg
5149-M03 ----- Malt-wholesale
2023-M01 ----- Malted milk-mfg
2083-M03 ----- Malthouses-mfg
8742-000 ----- Management consulting services
8742-M01 ----- Management engineering consultants
8742-M02 ----- Management information systems consultants
6726-M01 ----- Management investment funds, closed end
6722-M01 ----- Management investment funds, open-end
8741-000 ----- Management services
0762-M01 ----- Management services, farm
6282-M01 ----- Manager of mutual funds, contract or fee basis
7941-M01 ----- Managers of individual professional athletes
6211-M01 ----- Managers or agents for mutual funds
6531-M01 ----- Managers, real estate
5812-M02 ----- Mandarin
3931-M01 ----- Mandolins and parts-mfg
3545-M03 ----- Mandrels-mfg
2819-M04 ----- Manganese dioxide powder, synthetic-mfg
3313-M01 ----- Manganese metal-mfg
1061-M01 ----- Manganese ore mining
1011-M02 ----- Manganiferous ore mining, valued chiefly for iron content
1061-M02 ----- Manganite mining
2861-M01 ----- Mangrove extract-mfg
1623-M01 ----- Manhole construction-contractors
3272-M01 ----- Manhole covers and frames, concrete-mfg
3321-M01 ----- Manhole covers, metal-mfg
7231-M01 ----- Manicure and pedicure salons
2844-M01 ----- Manicure preparations-mfg
2761-000 ----- Manifold business forms-mfg
5112-M01 ----- Manifold business forms-wholesale
3714-M01 ----- Manifolds, motor vehicle: gasoline engine-mfg
3498-M01 ----- Manifolds, pipe: fabricated from purchased metal pipe-mfg
2675-M01 ----- Manila folders-mfpm-mfg
2631-M01 ----- Manila lined board-mitse-mfg
2621-M01 ----- Manila wrapping paper-mitse-mfg
2284-M01 ----- Manmade fiber thread-mfg
5169-M01 ----- Manmade fibers-wholesale
2281-M01 ----- Manmade staple fiber yarn, spun-mfg
7389-M01 ----- Mannequin decorating service
5046-M01 ----- Mannequins-wholesale
3999-M01 ----- Mannikins and display forms-mfg
3823-M02 ----- Manometers, industrial process type-mfg
7363-M01 ----- Manpower pools
8331-M01 ----- Manpower training
1743-M01 ----- Mantel work-contractors
3272-M02 ----- Mantels, concrete-mfg
4925-M01 ----- Manufactured gas production and distribution
2097-000 ----- Manufactured ice-mfg
8611-M01 ----- Manufacturers, institutes
3999-000 ----- Manufacturing industries, n.e.c.
8742-M03 ----- Manufacturing management consultants
5932-M01 ----- Manuscripts, rare-retail
7389-M02 ----- Map drafting service
3829-M02 ----- Map plotting instruments-mfg
0831-M01 ----- Maple sap, gathering of
7389-M03 ----- Mapmaking, including aerial
2759-M02 ----- Maps, engraved-mfg
2754-M02 ----- Maps: gravure printing (not publishing)-mfg
2752-M01 ----- Maps, lithographed-mfg
2759-M03 ----- Maps, printed: except lithographed or gravure (not publishing)-mfg
2741-M01 ----- Maps: publishing and printing, or publish-ing only-mfg
3281-M01 ----- Marble, building: cut and shaped-mfg
5032-M01 ----- Marble building stone-wholesale
1429-M01 ----- Marble, crushed and broken-quarrying
1411-M01 ----- Marble, dimension-quarrying
1743-M02 ----- Marble installation, interior: including finishing contractors
1741-M01 ----- Marble work, exterior construction-contractors
1479-M01 ----- Marcasite mining
2899-M02 ----- Margaric acid-mfg
2079-M01 ----- Margarine, including imitation-mfg
2079-M02 ----- Margarine oil, except corn-mfg
5149-M04 ----- Margarine-wholesale
2079-M03 ----- Margarine-butter blend-mfg
3931-M02 ----- Marimbas-mfg
4493-M01 ----- Marinas
2452-M01 ----- Marinas, prefabricated: wood-mfg
3625-M01 ----- Marine and navy auxiliary controls-mfg
4493-M02 ----- Marine basins, operation of
4491-M01 ----- Marine cargo handling
1629-M01 ----- Marine construction-general contractors
9711-M01 ----- Marine corps
8711-M02 ----- Marine engineering services
3519-M01 ----- Marine engines: diesel, semidiesel, and other internal combustion-mfg
3429-M01 ----- Marine hardware-mfg
3499-M03 ----- Marine horns, compressed air or steam: metal-mfg
3669-M01 ----- Marine horns, electric-mfg
2851-M01 ----- Marine paints-mfg
5088-M01 ----- Marine propulsion machinery and equipment-wholesale
3663-M01 ----- Marine radio communications equipment-mfg
4499-M01 ----- Marine railways for drydocking, operation of
3731-M01 ----- Marine rigging-mfg
4499-M02 ----- Marine salvaging
5541-M01 ----- Marine service stations-retail
5088-M02 ----- Marine supplies (dunnage)-wholesale
5551-M01 ----- Marine supply dealers-retail
4499-M03 ----- Marine surveyors, except cargo
4492-M01 ----- Marine towing
4499-M04 ----- Marine wrecking: ships for scrap
3999-M02 ----- Marionettes (puppets)-mfg
3647-M01 ----- Marker lamps, motor vehicle-mfg
3951-M01 ----- Markers, soft tip: e.g., felt, fabric, plastics-mfg
2499-M02 ----- Market baskets, except fruit and vegetable: veneer and splint-mfg
2449-M01 ----- Market baskets, fruit and vegetable: veneer and splint-mfg
0161-M01 ----- Market gardens
8732-M01 ----- Market research, commercial
9641-M01 ----- Marketing and consumer services-government
8742-M04 ----- Marketing consultants
3953-000 ----- Marking devices-mfg
5112-M02 ----- Marking devices-wholesale
3549-M01 ----- Marking machines, metal working-mfg
1422-M01 ----- Marl, crushed and broken-quarrying
2033-M01 ----- Marmalade-mfg
2499-M03 ----- Marquetry, wood-mfg
2211-M01 ----- Marquisettes, cotton-mfg
2221-M01 ----- Marquisettes, manmade fiber-mfg
7299-M01 ----- Marriage bureaus
8322-M01 ----- Marriage counseling services
9221-M01 ----- Marshals, offices, police
2099-M01 ----- Marshmallow creme-mfg
2064-M01 ----- Marshmallows-mfg
2064-M02 ----- Marzipan (candy)-mfg
3699-M01 ----- Maser amplifiers-mfg
2499-M04 ----- Mashers, potato: wood-mfg
2672-M01 ----- Masking tape mfpm-mfg
3949-M02 ----- Masks, Sports: e.g., baseball, fencing, hockey-mfg
2679-M01 ----- Masks, papier-mache-mfpm-mfg
3546-M01 ----- Masonry and concrete drilling tools, power: portable-mfg
1741-000 ----- Masonry and other stonework
1741-M02 ----- Masonry-contractors
3423-M04 ----- Masons, handtools-mfg
3274-M01 ----- Masons, lime-mfg
5032-M02 ----- Masons, materials-wholesale
3826-M02 ----- Mass spectrometers-mfg
3826-M03 ----- Mass spectroscopy instrumentation-mfg
3999-M03 ----- Massage machines, electric: designed for beauty and barber shops-mfg
3634-M01 ----- Massage machines, electric: except designed for beauty and barber shop-mfg
7299-M02 ----- Massage parlors
5999-M03 ----- Massage related products-retail
2951-M01 ----- Mastic floor composition, hot and cold-mfg
2952-M01 ----- Mastic roofing composition-mfpm-mfg
2499-M05 ----- Masts, wood-mfg
3999-M04 ----- Matches and match books-mfg
5199-M01 ----- Matches-wholesale
2211-M02 ----- Matelasse, cotton-mfg
5084-M04 ----- Materials handling equipment-wholesale
9431-M01 ----- Maternity and child health program administration-government
2342-M01 ----- Maternity bras and corsets-mfpm-mfg
8069-M01 ----- Maternity hospitals
5621-M01 ----- Maternity shops-retail
8699-M01 ----- Martial arts associations
2631-M02 ----- Matrix board-mitse-mfg
2621-M02 ----- Matrix paper-mitse-mfg
3555-M01 ----- Mats, advertising and newspaper (matrices)mfg
3069-M02 ----- Mats and matting: e.g., bath, door-rubber-mfg
3496-M01 ----- Mats and matting, made from purchased wire-mfg
2273-M01 ----- Mats and matting, textile-mfg
2273-M02 ----- Mats and matting: twisted paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, jute, and rag-mfg
2299-M01 ----- Mats, felt: except woven-mfg
0181-M01 ----- Mats, preseeded: soil erosion-growing of
2295-M01 ----- Mats, varnished glass-mfg
3423-M05 ----- Mattocks (handtools)-mfg
2392-M01 ----- Mattress pads-mfg
2392-M02 ----- Mattress protectors, except rubber-mfg
3069-M03 ----- Mattress protectors, rubber-mfg
7699-M02 ----- Mattress renovating and repair shops
5712-M01 ----- Mattress stores, including custom made-retail
3292-M01 ----- Mattresses, asbestos-mfg
2515-M01 ----- Mattresses, containing felt, foam rubber, urethane, etc.-mfg
3272-M03 ----- Mattresses for river revetment, concrete articulated-mfg
2515-M02 ----- Mattresses: innerspring, box spring, and noninnerspring-mfg
3069-M04 ----- Mattresses, pneumatic: fabric coated with rubber-mfg
5021-M01 ----- Mattresses-wholesale
2052-M01 ----- Matzoths-mfg
3423-M06 ----- Mauls, metal (handtools)-mfg
2499-M06 ----- Mauls, wood-mfg
3952-M01 ----- Maulsticks, artists-mfg
1542-M01 ----- Mausoleum construction-general contractors
6553-M01 ----- Mausoleum operation
2035-M01 ----- Mayonnaise-mfg
9111-M01 ----- Mayors' offices