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2044-H01 ----- Head rice-mfg
8351-H01 ----- Head Start centers, except in conjunction with schools
2511-H01 ----- Headboards, wood-mfg
2013-H02 ----- Headcheese-mfpm-mfg
3542-H03 ----- Headers-mfg
2429-H01 ----- Heading, barrel (cooperage stock): sawed or split-mfg
2411-H02 ----- Heading bolts, wood: hewn-mfg
3647-H01 ----- Headlights (fixtures), vehicular-mfg
3679-H02 ----- Headphones, radio-mfg
3931-H05 ----- Heads, banjo and drum-mfg
3679-H03 ----- Heads, recording for speech and musical equipment-mfg
3812-H01 ----- Heads-up display (HUD) systems, aeronautical-mfg
3661-H01 ----- Headsets, telephone-mfg
2369-H01 ----- Headwear: girls' children's, and infants'-mfpm-mfg
2253-H02 ----- Headwear-misc-mfg
6321-H01 ----- Health and accident insurance
8099-000 ----- Health and allied services, n.e.c.
8399-H01 ----- Health and welfare councils
5499-H01 ----- Health food stores-retail
5149-H01 ----- Health foods-wholesale
6411-H01 ----- Health insurance coverage consulting service
6399-H01 ----- Health insurance for pets
6321-H02 ----- Health insurance, indemnity plans: except medical service
3641-H01 ----- Health lamps, infrared and ultraviolet-radiation-mfg
3999-H15 ----- Health related products-mfg
8099-H01 ----- Health screening service
9431-H01 ----- Health statistics centers-government
5999-H03 ----- Health supplement products-retail
8399-H02 ----- Health systems agencies
6411-H02 ----- Healthcare electronic claims processing
7629-H01 ----- Hearing aid repair
3842-H01 ----- Hearing aids-mfg
5999-H01 ----- Hearing aids-retail
5047-H01 ----- Hearing aids-wholesale
8099-H02 ----- Hearing testing service
3713-H01 ----- Hearse bodies-mfg
4119-H01 ----- Hearse rental with drivers
7514-H01 ----- Hearse rental, without drivers
7514-H02 ----- Hearses and limousines, rental without drivers
3711-H01 ----- Hearses (motor vehicles)-mfg
3845-H01 ----- Heart-lung machine-mfg
5084-H01 ----- Heat exchange equipment, industrial-wholesale
3443-H01 ----- Heat exchangers: industrial, scientific, and nuclear-mfg
2899-H02 ----- Heat insulating compounds-mfg
3292-H01 ----- Heat insulating materials except felt: for covering boilers, pipes, etc.-mfg
3585-H01 ----- Heat pumps, electric-mfg
3861-H02 ----- Heat sensitized paper made from purchased paper-mfg
3443-H02 ----- Heat transfer drives (finned tubing)-mfg
3398-H02 ----- Heat treating of metal for the trade-mfg
3567-H01 ----- Heat treating ovens-mfg
2899-H03 ----- Heat treating salts-mfg
3052-H01 ----- Heater hose, plastics or rubber-mfg
3269-H01 ----- Heater parts, pottery-mfg
3255-H01 ----- Heater radiants, clay-mfg
3634-H04 ----- Heaters, immersion: household-electric-mfg
3714-H01 ----- Heaters, motor vehicle-mfg
3634-H05 ----- Heaters, space: electric-mfg
3433-H01 ----- Heaters, space: except electric-mfg
3569-H01 ----- Heaters, swimming pool: electric-mfg
3433-H02 ----- Heaters, swimming pool: oil or gas-mfg
3634-H06 ----- Heaters, tape-mfg
3585-H02 ----- Heating and air-conditioning combination units-mfg
3433-H03 ----- Heating apparatus, except electric or warm air-mfg
3433-000 ----- Heating equipment, (except electric)-mfg
3567-H02 ----- Heating equipment, induction-mfg
1711-H01 ----- Heating equipment installation contractors
4741-H01 ----- Heating of railroad cars
3634-H07 ----- Heating pads, electric-mfg
4961-H01 ----- Heating systems, steam (suppliers of heat)
3567-H03 ----- Heating units and devices, industrial: electric-mfg
3634-H08 ----- Heating units, baseboard or wall: electric(radiant heating element)-mfg
3634-H09 ----- Heating units for electric appliances-mfg
1711-H02 ----- Heating, with or without sheet metalwork-contractors
7353-000 ----- Heavy construction equipment rental
1629-000 ----- Heavy construction, n.e.c.
2819-H01 ----- Heavy water-mfg
3552-H01 ----- Heddles for loom harnesses, wire-mfg
3421-H01 ----- Hedge shears and trimmers, except power-mfg
3524-H01 ----- Hedge trimmers, power-mfg
3131-H01 ----- Heel caps, leather or metal-mfg
3131-H02 ----- Heel lifts, leather-mfg
3131-H03 ----- Heels, boot and shoe: finished wood or leather-mfg
3089-H03 ----- Heels, boot and shoe: plastics-mfg
3069-H06 ----- Heels, boot and shoe: rubber, composition, and fiber-mfg
3493-H01 ----- Helical springs, hot wound: for railroad equipment and vehicles-mfg
4522-H01 ----- Helicopter carriers
3721-H02 ----- Helicopters-mfg
2813-H01 ----- Helium-mfg
3949-H01 ----- Helmets, athletic-mfg
3199-H05 ----- Helmets, except athletic: leather-mfg
2353-H06 ----- Helmets, jungle-cloth: wool-lined-mfg
3842-H02 ----- Helmets, space-mfg
3469-H01 ----- Helmets, steel-mfg
7363-H01 ----- Help supply service
8322-H01 ----- Helping hand services
1011-H01 ----- Hematite mining
2835-H01 ----- Hematology diagnostic reagents-mfg
2836-H01 ----- Hematology products, except in vitro and in vivo reagents-mfg
2861-H02 ----- Hemlock extract-mfg
0831-H01 ----- Hemlock gum, gathering of
3841-H01 ----- Hemodialysis apparatus-mfg
2299-H03 ----- Hemp yarn, thread, roving, and textiles-mfg
2395-H01 ----- Hemstitching, for the trade-mfg
2833-H01 ----- Herb grinding, grading, and milling-mfg
5912-H01 ----- Herb stores-retail
2879-H01 ----- Herbicides-mfg
3679-H04 ----- Hermetic seals for electronic equipment-mfg
7694-H01 ----- Hermetics repair
2091-H01 ----- Herring: smoked, salted, dried, and pickled-mfg
2869-H01 ----- Hexamethylenediamine-mfg
2869-H02 ----- Hexamethylenetetramine-mfg
2211-H02 ----- Hickory stripes, cotton-mfg
2011-H02 ----- Hides and skins, cured or uncured-mfg
5159-H02 ----- Hides (may include curing)-wholesale
3111-H03 ----- Hides: tanning, currying, and finishing-mfg
2511-H02 ----- High chairs, children's: wood-mfg
3542-H04 ----- High energy rate metal forming machines-mfg
2892-H01 ----- High explosives-mfg
5731-H01 ----- High fidelity (hi-fi) equipment-retail
5064-H01 ----- High fidelity (hi-fi) equipment-wholesale
2046-H01 ----- High fructose syrup-mfg
3313-H01 ----- High percentage ferroalloys-mfg
3313-H02 ----- High percentage nonferrous additive alloys, except copper-mfg
2819-H02 ----- High purity grade chemicals, inorganic: refined from technical grades-mfg
2869-H03 ----- High purity grade chemicals, organic: refined from technical grades-mfg
8211-H01 ----- High schools
3297-H01 ----- High temperature mortar, nonclay-mfg
3443-H03 ----- High vacuum coaters, metal plate-mfg
1611-000 ----- Highway and street construction
3441-H01 ----- Highway bridge sections, prefabricated metal-mfg
4785-H01 ----- Highway bridges, operation of
1622-H01 ----- Highway construction, elevated-general contractors
1611-H01 ----- Highway construction, except elevated-general contractors
2899-H04 ----- Highway fusees-mfg
3494-H01 ----- Highway guardrails, sheet metal-mfg
1731-H01 ----- Highway lighting and electrical signal construction contractors
9221-H01 ----- Highway patrols
3669-H01 ----- Highway signals, electric-mfg
1611-H02 ----- Highway signs, installation of-contractors
3429-H03 ----- Hinge tubes-mfg
3429-H04 ----- Hinges-mfg
8699-H01 ----- Historical clubs, other than professional
3799-H01 ----- Hitches, trairier-mfg