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5947-000 ----- Gift, novelty, and souvenir shops-retail
5947-G01 ----- Gift shops-retail
2679-G01 ----- Gift wrap paper-mfpm-mfg
5199-G01 ----- Gifts and novelties-wholesale
2789-G01 ----- Gilding books, cards, or paper-mfg
1499-G03 ----- Gilsonite mining
3423-G03 ----- Gimlets (edge tools)-mfg
2241-G01 ----- Gimps-mitse-mfg
2085-G01 ----- Gin (alcoholic beverage)-mfg
2086-G01 ----- Ginger ale, bottled or canned-mfg
2045-G01 ----- Gingerbread mixes-mfpm-mfg
2211-G04 ----- Ginghams-mfg
0724-G01 ----- Ginning cotton
3559-G01 ----- Ginning machines, cotton-mfg
0723-G01 ----- Ginning moss
0724-G02 ----- Gins, cotton: operation of
0831-G03 ----- Ginseng, gathering of
2259-G01 ----- Girdle blanks, elastic-misc-mfg
2259-G02 ----- Girdles (elastic) and other foundation garments-misc-mfg
2342-G01 ----- Girdles, women's and misses-mfpm-mfg
7032-G01 ----- Girls, camps
2252-G01 ----- Girls, hosiery-mfg
2064-G01 ----- Glace fruits and nuts-mfg
2833-G02 ----- Gland derivatives: bulk, uncompounded-mfg
3229-G01 ----- Glass and glassware made in glassmaking establishments: for industrial, scientific, and technical use-mfg
1793-000 ----- Glass and glazing work
3229-G02 ----- Glass blanks for electric light bulbs-mfg
5085-G03 ----- Glass bottles-wholesale
3229-G03 ----- Glass brick-mfg
2221-G02 ----- Glass broadwoven fabrics-mfg
3211-G01 ----- Glass, colored: cathedral and antique-mfg
3221-000 ----- Glass containers-mfg
3231-G01 ----- Glass: cut, ground, leaded, laminated, ornamented, and tinted-mfpm-mfg
5039-G02 ----- Glass, flat: except automotive-wholesale
3211-G02 ----- Glass, flat-mfg
1793-G01 ----- Glass installation, except automotive-contractors
3559-G02 ----- Glass making machinery: blowing, molding, forming, grinding, etc.-mfg
5122-G01 ----- Glass, medical-wholesale
2241-G02 ----- Glass narrow fabrics-mfg
7536-G01 ----- Glass replacement and repair, automotive
1446-G01 ----- Glass sand mining
3231-G02 ----- Glass, scientific apparatus: for druggists' hospitals, laboratories-made from pur-chased glass-mfg
3231-G03 ----- Glass, sheet: bent-made from purchased glass-mfg
5231-G01 ----- Glass stores-retail
2296-G01 ----- Glass tire cord and tire cord fabrics-mfg
2211-G05 ----- Glass toweling, cotton-mfg
2842-G01 ----- Glass window cleaning preparations-mfg
3296-G01 ----- Glass wool-mfg
1793-G02 ----- Glass work, except automotive-contractors
3827-G01 ----- Glasses, field or opera-mfg
3851-G02 ----- Glasses, sun or glare-mfg
3255-G01 ----- Glasshouse refractories-mfg
2674-G01 ----- Glassine bags, uncoated paper-mfpm-mfg
2621-G01 ----- Glassine wrapping paper-mitse-mfg
5932-G01 ----- Glassware, antique-retail
3229-G04 ----- Glassware: art, decorative, and novelty-mfg
3231-G04 ----- Glassware, cut and engraved-made from purchased glass-mfg
3231-G05 ----- Glassware, cutting and engraving-mfg
3231-G06 ----- Glassware, decorated: e.g., chipped, engraved, sandblasted, etched-made from purchased glass-mfg
3229-G05 ----- Glassware, except glass containers for packing, bottling, and canning-mfg
3221-G01 ----- Glassware for packing, bottling and home canning-mfg
5023-G01 ----- Glassware, household-wholesale
5199-G02 ----- Glassware, novelty-wholesale
5719-G01 ----- Glassware stores-retail
2819-G01 ----- Glauber's salt-mfg
1474-G01 ----- Glauber's salt mining
7699-G02 ----- Glazing and cleaning baking pans
2371-G01 ----- Glazing furs-mfg
1799-G03 ----- Glazing of concrete surfaces-contractors
3089-G03 ----- Glazing panels, plastics-mfg
1793-G03 ----- Glazing work-contractors
3812-G01 ----- Glide slope instrumentation-mfg
3721-G01 ----- Gliders (aircraft)-mfg
2514-G02 ----- Gliders (furniture), metal-mfg
2741-G01 ----- Globe covers (maps): publishing and printing, or publishing only-mfg
3999-G04 ----- Globes, geographical-mfg
2211-G06 ----- Glove fabrics, cotton-mitse-mfg
3111-G02 ----- Glove leather-mfg
2241-G03 ----- Glove lining fabrics-mfg
2381-G01 ----- Glove linings, except fur-mfg
2371-G02 ----- Glove linings, fur-mfg
2399-G01 ----- Glove mending on factory basis-mfg
5136-G01 ----- Gloves (all materials), men's and boys'-wholesale
5137-G01 ----- Gloves, (all materials): women's, children's, and infants'-wholesale
3089-G04 ----- Gloves and mittens, plastics-mfg
2381-G02 ----- Gloves and mittens, woven or knit-mfpm-mfg
3069-G01 ----- Gloves: e.g., surgeons, electricians' household-rubber-mfg
3151-G01 ----- Gloves, leather-mfg
2259-G03 ----- Gloves-mitse-mfg
3842-G04 ----- Gloves, safety: all material-mfg
3949-G02 ----- Gloves, sport and athletic: e.g., boxing, baseball, racketball, handball-mfg
3641-G01 ----- Glow lamp bulbs-mfg
2046-G01 ----- Glucose-mfg
3843-G01 ----- Glue, dental-mfg
2891-G01 ----- Glue, except dental: animal, vegetable, fish, casein, and synthetic resin-mfg
2899-G04 ----- Glue size-mfg
5169-G03 ----- Glue-wholesale
2046-G02 ----- Gluten feed-mfg
2046-G03 ----- Gluten meal-mfg
2841-G01 ----- Glycerin, crude and refined: from fats-except synthetic-mfg
2869-G04 ----- Glycerin, except from fats (synthetic)-mfg
2833-G03 ----- Glycosides-mfg
1423-G01 ----- Gneiss, crushed and broken -quarrying
1411-G02 ----- Gneiss, dimension-quarrying
0214-G01 ----- Goat farms
0214-G02 ----- Goats, milk production
5154-G01 ----- Goats-wholesale
3229-G06 ----- Goblets, glass-mfg
7299-G02 ----- Gocart raceway operation
7999-G05 ----- Gocart rentals
3944-G02 ----- Gocarts, children's-mfg
3799-G01 ----- Gocarts, except children's-mfg
6599-G01 ----- Gocarts-retail
5091-G01 ----- Gocarts-wholesale
8661-G01 ----- God
3851-G03 ----- Goggles: sun, safety, industrial, and underwater-mfg
3356-G01 ----- Gold and gold alloy bars, sheets, strip, and tubing-mfg
3497-G01 ----- Gold beating (manufacturing of gold leaf and foil)-mfg
3843-G02 ----- Gold, dental-mfg
3497-G02 ----- Gold foil and leaf, not made in rolling mills-mfg
2893-G01 ----- Gold ink-mfg
1041-G01 ----- Gold lode mining
3952-G01 ----- Gold or bronze mixtures, powders, paints, and sizes: artists-mfg
1041-000 ----- Gold ores
5052-G01 ----- Gold ore-wholesale
1041-G02 ----- Gold placer mining
3471-G01 ----- Gold plating, for the trade-mfg
3339-G02 ----- Gold refining, primary-mfg
3356-G02 ----- Gold rolling and drawing-mfg
3341-G02 ----- Gold smelting and refining, secondary-mfg
3999-G05 ----- Gold stamping for the trade, except books-mfg
2789-G02 ----- Gold stamping on books-mfg
0273-G01 ----- Goldfish farms
5091-G02 ----- Golf carts, except self-propelled-wholesale
3949-G03 ----- Golf carts, hand-mfg
3799-G02 ----- Golf carts, powered-mfg
5088-G01 ----- Golf carts, self-propelled-wholesale
7997-G01 ----- Golf clubs, membership
7992-G01 ----- Golf clubs, nonmembership
1629-G01 ----- Golf course construction-general contractors
7999-G06 ----- Golf courses, miniature: operation of
7992-G02 ----- Golf courses, public: operation of
7999-G07 ----- Golf driving ranges
5091-G03 ----- Golf equipment-wholesale
5941-G01 ----- Golf goods and equipment-retail
7999-G08 ----- Golf, pitch-n-putt
7999-G09 ----- Golf professionals not operating retail stores
5941-G02 ----- Golf professionals operating retail stores
3949-G04 ----- Golfing equipment: e.g., caddy carts and bags, clubs, tees, balls-mfg
4724-G01 ----- Golf travel packages
3699-G01 ----- Gongs, electric-mfg
3423-G04 ----- Gouges, woodworking-mfg
6111-G01 ----- Government National Mortgage Association
6726-G01 ----- Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA) pools
3728-G02 ----- Governors, aircraft propeller feathering-mfg
3519-G02 ----- Governors, diesel engine-mfg
3714-G03 ----- Governors, motor vehicle-mfg
9111-G01 ----- Governors, offices
3519-G03 ----- Governors, pump: for gas engines-mfg
3511-G05 ----- Governors, steam-mfg
7213-G01 ----- Gown supply service, uniform
2389-G03 ----- Gowns: academic, choir, clerical-mfpm-mfg
2335-G01 ----- Gowns, formal: women's, misses' and juniors'-mfpm-mfg
2389-G04 ----- Gowns, hospital: surgical and patient-mfpm-mfg
2254-G01 ----- Gowns, night-mitse mfg
2335-G02 ----- Gowns, wedding: women's, misses' and juniors'-mfpm-mfg