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5999-F02 ----- Flag shops-retail
7389-F05 ----- Flagging service (traffic control)
3446-F03 ----- Flagpoles, metal-mfg
2499-F05 ----- Flagpoles, wood-mfg
2399-F02 ----- Flags, fabric-mfg
1411-F01 ----- Flagstone mining
3281-F01 ----- Flagstones-mfg
2493-F01 ----- Flakeboard-mfg
3399-F01 ----- Flakes, metal-mfg
7218-F01 ----- Flame and heat resistant clothing supply service
3826-F01 ----- Flame photometers-mfg
3822-F02 ----- Flame safety controls for furnaces and boilers-mfg
3489-F02 ----- Flame throwers (ordnance)-mfg
3229-F03 ----- Flameware, glass and glass ceramic-mfg
3541-F03 ----- Flange facing machines-mfg
3562-F01 ----- Flange units for ball or roller bearings-mfg
3462-F01 ----- Flange, valve, and pipe fitting forgings, ferrous: not made in rolling mills-mfg
3463-F01 ----- Flange, valve and pipe fitting forgings, nonferrous: not made in hot-rolling mills-mfg
3494-F01 ----- Flanges and flange unions, pipe: metal-mfg
2321-F01 ----- Flannel shirts, except work shirts: men's, youths, and boys'-mfg
2211-F03 ----- Flannelette-mfg
2211-F04 ----- Flannels, cotton-mfg
2231-F06 ----- Flannels: wool, mohair, and similar animal fibers-mfg
3728-F02 ----- Flaps, aircraft wing-mfg
2899-F06 ----- Flares-mfg
3647-F01 ----- Flasher lights, automobile-mfg
3861-F03 ----- Flashlight apparatus for photographers, except bulbs-mfg
2899-F07 ----- Flashlight bombs (pyrotechnics)-mfg
3641-F02 ----- Flashlight bulbs, photographic-mfg
3648-F01 ----- Flashlights-mfg
5063-F01 ----- Flashlights-wholesale
3316-F01 ----- Flat bright steel strip, cold-rolled: not made in hot-rolling mills-mfg
2221-F04 ----- Flat crepes-mfg
3211-000 ----- Flat glass-mfg
3089-F04 ----- Flat panels, plastics-mfg
3493-F01 ----- Flat springs, sheet or strip stock-mfg
3312-F02 ----- Flats, iron and steel: made in steel works or hot-rolling mills-mfg
2441-F01 ----- Flats, wood: greenhouse-mfg
3914-F01 ----- Flatware, table: with metal handles and blades-mfg
2026-F01 ----- Flavored milk drinks-mfg
2087-F01 ----- Flavoring concentrates-mfg
5149-F01 ----- Flavoring extract, except for fountain use-wholesale
2087-000 ----- Flavoring extracts and syrups, n.e.c.-mfg
2087-F02 ----- Flavoring extracts, pastes, powders, and syrups-mfg
2869-F03 ----- Flavors and flavoring materials, synthetic-mfg
0723-F02 ----- Flax decorticating and retting
2299-F06 ----- Flax yarns and roving-mfg
0119-F01 ----- Flaxseed farms
3111-F03 ----- Fleshers, leather (flesh side of split leather)-mfg
3546-F01 ----- Flexible shaft metalworking machines, portable-mfg
2893-F01 ----- Flexographic ink-mfg
2796-F01 ----- Flexographic plates, preparation of-mfg
2759-F02 ----- Flexographic printing-mfg
3949-F03 ----- Flies, artificial: for fishing-mfg
3812-F02 ----- Flight instruments, aeronautical-mfg
3699-F02 ----- Flight simulators (training aids), electronic-mfg
1459-F03 ----- Flint clay mining
3295-F03 ----- Flint, ground or otherwise treated-mfg
3999-F05 ----- Flints, cigarette lighter-mfg
2421-F01 ----- Flitches (veneer stock), made in sawmills-mfg
3822-F03 ----- Float controls, residential and commercial types-mfg
3211-F01 ----- Float glass-mfg
3255-F03 ----- Floaters, glasshouse: clay-mfg
3443-F03 ----- Floating covers, metal plate-mfg
7389-F06 ----- Floats, decoration of
3949-F04 ----- Floats for fish lines-mfg
2261-F04 ----- Flock printing of cotton broadwoven fabrics-mfg
2262-F04 ----- Flock printing of manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics-mfg
2269-F02 ----- Flock printing of narrow fabrics, except wool-mfg
2299-F07 ----- Flock (recovered textile fibers)-mfg
3999-F06 ----- Flocking metal products for the trade-mfg
2261-F05 ----- Flocking of cotton broadwoven fabrics-mfg
2262-F05 ----- Flocking of manmade fiber and silk broadwoven fabrics-mfg
1629-F01 ----- Flood control project construction-general contractors
3648-F02 ----- Floodlights-mfg
3251-F03 ----- Floor arch tile, clay-mfg
2431-F01 ----- Floor baseboards, wood-mfg
3299-F01 ----- Floor composition, magnesite-mfg
2951-F01 ----- Floor composition, mastic: hot and cold-mfg
5713-F01 ----- Floor covering stores-retail
3996-F01 ----- Floor coverings, asphalted-felt-base (linoleum)-mfg
2273-F02 ----- Floor coverings, textile fiber-mfg
2273-F03 ----- Floor coverings, tufted-mfg
2273-F04 ----- Floor coverings: twisted paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, jute, and rag-mfg
5023-F01 ----- Floor coverings-wholesale
3089-F05 ----- Floor covers, plastics-mfg
3634-F03 ----- Floor fans, electric-mfg
3272-F02 ----- Floor filler tiles, concrete-mfg
3441-F02 ----- Floor jacks, metal-mfg
3645-F01 ----- Floor lamps-mfg
1752-000 ----- Floor laying and floor work, n.e.c.
1752-F02 ----- Floor laying, scraping, finishing, and refinishing contractors
2392-F01 ----- Floor mops-mfg
3441-F03 ----- Floor posts, adjustable: metal-mfg
3589-F01 ----- Floor sanding, washing, and polishing machines: commercial type-mfg
3272-F03 ----- Floor slabs, precast concrete-mfg
3292-F03 ----- Floor tile, asphalt-mfg
3253-F02 ----- Floor tile, ceramic-mfg
3272-F04 ----- Floor tile, precast terrazzo-mfg
3469-F02 ----- Floor tile, stamped metal-mfg
5713-F02 ----- Floor tile stores-retail
6221-F01 ----- Floor traders, commodity contract
6211-F01 ----- Floor traders, security
2842-F02 ----- Floor wax emlusion-mfg
3639-F01 ----- Floor waxers and polishers, household: electric-mfg
2842-F03 ----- Floor waxes-mfg
7349-F01 ----- Floor waxing service
3251-F04 ----- Flooring brick, clay-mfg
3444-F01 ----- Flooring, cellular steel-mfg
2421-F02 ----- Flooring (dressed lumber), softwood-mfg
2426-F01 ----- Flooring, hardwood
3446-F04 ----- Flooring, open steel (grating)-mfg
3069-F04 ----- Flooring, rubber: tile or sheet-mfg
2491-F01 ----- Flooring, wood block: treated-mfg
1752-F03 ----- Flooring, wood-contractors
5211-F02 ----- Flooring, wood-retail
2452-F02 ----- Floors, prefabricated: wood-mfg
3269-F04 ----- Florists, articles, red earthenware-mfg
3496-F04 ----- Florists, designs, made from purchased wire-mfg
0181-F02 ----- Florists, greens, cultivated: growing of
5992-F01 ----- Florists-retail
5992-000 ----- Florists
7389-F07 ----- Florists, telegraph service
5193-F01 ----- Florists-wholesale
6211-F02 ----- Flotation companies, security
3532-F02 ----- Flotation machinery (mining machinery)-mfg
2258-F04 ----- Flouncings, lace-mfg
2041-000 ----- Flour and other grain mill products-mfg
2673-F01 ----- Flour bags, except fabric-mfpm-mfg
2393-F01 ----- Flour bags, fabric-mfpm-mfg
2045-F01 ----- Flour: blended or self-rising-mfpm-mfg
2041-F02 ----- Flour: blended, prepared, or self-rising-mitse-mfg
2041-F03 ----- Flour: buckwheat, corn, graham, rye, and wheat-mfg
3556-F03 ----- Flour mill machinery-mfg
2041-F04 ----- Flour mills, cereals: except rice-mfg
2041-F05 ----- Flour mixes-mitse-mfg
2044-F01 ----- Flour, rice-mfg
5149-F02 ----- Flour-wholesale
2499-F06 ----- Flour, wood-mfg
3625-F01 ----- Flow actuated electrical switches-mfg
3823-F01 ----- Flow instruments, industrial process type-mfg
5191-F05 ----- Flower and field bulbs-wholesale
3299-F02 ----- Flower boxes, plaster of paris: factory production only-mfg
5261-F01 ----- Flower bulbs-retail
3089-F06 ----- Flower pots, plastics-mfg
3269-F05 ----- Flower pots, red earthenware-mfg
5193-F02 ----- Flowers and florists, supplies-wholesale
3999-F07 ----- Flowers, artificial, except glass-mfg
5999-F03 ----- Flowers, artificial-retail
5193-F03 ----- Flowers, artificial-wholesale
3231-F01 ----- Flowers, foliage, fruits and vines: artificial glass-made from purchased glass-mfg
5992-F02 ----- Flowers, fresh-retail
5193-F04 ----- Flowers, fresh-wholesale
0181-F03 ----- Flowers, growing of
3231-F02 ----- Flowers, made from purchased glass-mfg
3999-F08 ----- Flowers, preserved-mfg
3259-F01 ----- Flue lining, clay-mfg
3444-F02 ----- Flues, stove and furnace: sheet metal-mfg
3824-000 ----- Fluid meters and counting devices-mfg
2026-000 ----- Fluid milk-mfg
3412-F01 ----- Fluid milk shipping containers, metal-mfg
3593-F01 ----- Fluid power actuators, hydraulic and pneumatic-mfg
3593-F02 ----- Fluid power cylinders, hydraulic and pneumatic-mfg
3593-000 ----- Fluid power cylinders & actuators-mfg
3593-F03 ----- Fluid power motors-mfg
3594-F01 ----- Fluid power pumps and motors-mfg
3492-F01 ----- Fluid power valves and fittings-mfg
3823-F02 ----- Fluidic devices, circuits, and systems for process control-mfg
2899-F08 ----- Fluidifier (retarder) for concrete-mfg
3443-F04 ----- Flumes, metal plate-mfg
3444-F03 ----- Flumes, sheet metal-mfg
3612-F02 ----- Fluorescent ballasts (transformers)-mfg
2899-F09 ----- Fluorescent inspection oil-mfg
3641-F03 ----- Fluorescent lamp electrodes, cold cathode-mfg
3641-F04 ----- Fluorescent lamps, electric-mfg
3646-F01 ----- Fluorescent lighting fixtures, commercial-mfg
3645-F02 ----- Fluorescent lighting fixtures, residential-mfg
3612-F03 ----- Fluorescent lighting transformers-mfg
3643-F01 ----- Fluorescent starters-mfg
2869-F04 ----- Fluorinated hydrocarbon gases-mfg
2819-F06 ----- Fluorine, elemental-mfg
1479-F01 ----- Fluorite mining
2822-F01 ----- Fluoro rubbers-mfg
2822-F02 ----- Fluorocarbon derivative rubbers-mfg
2824-F02 ----- Fluorocarbon fibers-mfg
2821-F01 ----- Fluorohydrocarbon resins-mfg
3844-F01 ----- Fluoroscopes-mfg
3844-F02 ----- Fluoroscopic X-ray apparatus and tubes-mfg
1479-F02 ----- Fluorspar, ground or otherwise treated
1479-F03 ----- Fluorspar mining
3431-F01 ----- Flush tanks, metal-mfg
3088-F01 ----- Flush tanks, plastics-mfg
3261-F02 ----- Flush tanks, vitreous china-mfg
3432-F02 ----- Flush valves-mfg
3711-F02 ----- Flushers, street (motor vehicles)-mfg
3931-F01 ----- Flutes and parts-mfg
2899-F10 ----- Fluxes: brazing, soldering, galvanizing, and welding-mfg
3199-F02 ----- Fly nets (harness)-mfg
3496-F05 ----- Fly screening, made from purchased wire-mfg
2879-F01 ----- Fly sprays-mfg
3999-F09 ----- Fly swatters-mfg
3677-F01 ----- Flyback transformers-mfg
4522-F01 ----- Flying charter services
4581-F01 ----- Flying fields, except those maintained by aviation clubs
7997-F01 ----- Flying fields maintained by aviation clubs
8299-F02 ----- Flying instruction
2672-F02 ----- Flypaper-mfpm-mfg
3699-F03 ----- Flytraps, electrical-mfg
3651-F01 ----- FM and AM tuners-mfg