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1629-D04 ----- Dock construction-general contractors
4492-D01 ----- Docking of ocean vessels
3448-D01 ----- Docks, building, prefabricated: metal-mfg
4491-D01 ----- Docks, including buildings and facilities: operation and maintenance
3537-D02 ----- Docks, loading: portable, adjustable, and hydraulic-mfg
3577-D03 ----- Document entry conversion devices, computer peripheral equipment-mfg
2047-000 ----- Dog and cat food-mfg
5149-D02 ----- Dog and cat food-wholesale
0279-D01 ----- Dog farms
2047-D01 ----- Dog food-mfg
3199-D02 ----- Dog furnishings, leather: e.g., collars, leashes, harnesses, muzzles-mfg
0752-D01 ----- Dog grooming
0752-D02 ----- Dog pounds
7948-D01 ----- Dog racing
7381-D02 ----- Dogs, rental of: for protective service
0752-D03 ----- Dogs, training
5199-D01 ----- Dogs-wholesale
2679-D02 ----- Doilies, paper-mfpm-mfg
3944-D04 ----- Doll carriages and carts-mfg
3999-D05 ----- Doll wigs-mfg
3537-D03 ----- Dollies (hand or power trucks), industrial: except mining-mfg
3942-D01 ----- Dolls, doll parts, and doll clothing: except wigs-mfg
3942-D02 ----- Dolls, miniature: collectors-mfg
5945-C03 ----- Dolls-retail
5092-D01 ----- Dolls-wholesale
3297-D01 ----- Dolomite and dolomite-magnesite brick and shapes-mfg
1422-D01 ----- Dolomite, crushed and broken-quarrying
3274-D01 ----- Dolomite, dead-burned-mfg
1411-D03 ----- Dolomite, dimension-quarrying
3274-D02 ----- Dolomitic lime-mfg
1429-D02 ----- Dolomitic marble, crushed and broken-quarrying
1411-D04 ----- Dolomitic marble, dimension-quarrying
1542-D02 ----- Dome construction-general contractors
3647-D01 ----- Dome lights, motor vehicle-mfg
4731-D01 ----- Domestic for warding
4424-D01 ----- Domestic freight transportation, deep sea
8811-D01 ----- Domestic service (private households employing cooks, maids, etc.)
3561-D01 ----- Domestic water pumps-mfg
8059-D01 ----- Domiciliary care with health care
3944-D05 ----- Dominoes-mfg
0272-D01 ----- Donkey farms
3442-D01 ----- Door and jamb assemblies, prefabricated: metal-mfg
1751-D01 ----- Door and window (prefabricated) installation-contractors
3429-D01 ----- Door bolts and checks-mfg
5031-D01 ----- Door frames, all materials-wholesale
3442-D02 ----- Door frames and sash, metal-mfg
2431-D01 ----- Door frames and sash, wood and covered wood-mfg
3272-D01 ----- Door frames, concrete-mfg
3444-D02 ----- Door hoods, aluminum-mfg
2431-D02 ----- Door jambs, wood-mfg
3429-D02 ----- Door locks and lock sets-mfg
5251-D01 ----- Door locks and lock sets-retail
3496-D03 ----- Door mats, made from purchased wire-mfg
3069-D02 ----- Door mats, rubber-mfg
2273-D01 ----- Door mats: twisted paper, grass, reed, choir, sisal, jute, and rag-mfg
3699-D01 ----- Door opening and closing devices, electrical-mfg
3429-D03 ----- Door opening and closing devices, except electrical-mfg
2431-D03 ----- Door screens, wood-mfg
2431-D04 ----- Door shutters, wood-mfg
2431-D05 ----- Door trim, wood-mfg
2431-D06 ----- Door units, prehung: wood and covered wood-mfg
3612-D02 ----- Doorbell transformers, electric-mfg
2431-D07 ----- Doors, combination screen-storm: wood-mfg
1751-D02 ----- Doors, folding: installation-contractors
3089-D04 ----- Doors, folding: plastics or plastics coated fabric-mfg
1751-D03 ----- Doors, garage: installation or erection-contractors
3442-D03 ----- Doors, louver: all metal or metal frame-mfg
3231-D02 ----- Doors, made from purchased glass-mfg
3442-D04 ----- Doors, metal-mfg
5211-D01 ----- Doors-retail
3499-D01 ----- Doors, safe and vault: metal-mfg
2431-D08 ----- Doors, wood and covered wood-mfg
2851-D02 ----- Dopes, paint-mfg
3732-D02 ----- Dories, building and repairing-mfg
7021-D01 ----- Dormitories, commercially operated
1522-D02 ----- Dormitory construction-general contractors
8734-D01 ----- Dosimetry, radiation
3552-D01 ----- Doubling and twisting frames (textile machinery)-mfg
2045-D01 ----- Dough, biscuit-mfpm-mfg
2041-D01 ----- Dough, biscuit-mitse-mfg
3556-D05 ----- Dough mixing machinery-mfg
2045-D02 ----- Doughnut mixes-mfpm-mfg
5461-D01 ----- Doughnut shops-retail
2051-D01 ----- Doughnuts, except frozen-mfg
2053-D01 ----- Doughnuts, frozen-mfg
2045-D03 ----- Doughs, refrigerated or frozen-mfpm-mfg
2041-D02 ----- Doughs, refrigerated or frozen-mitse-mfg
3553-D01 ----- Dovetailing machines (woodworking machinery)-mfg
3452-D01 ----- Dowel pins, metal-mfg
2499-D04 ----- Dowels, wood-mfg
3999-D06 ----- Down (feathers)-mfg
2329-D01 ----- Down-filled clothing: men's and boys'-mfpm-mfg
2339-D02 ----- Down-filled coats, jackets, and vests: women's, misses' and juniors'-mfpm-mfg
1761-D01 ----- Downspout installation, metal-contractors
3089-D05 ----- Downspouts, plastics-mfg
3444-D03 ----- Downspouts, sheet metal-mfg
3531-D04 ----- Dozers, tractor mounted: material moving-mfg
3823-D05 ----- Draft gauges, industrial process type-mfg
7699-D03 ----- Drafting instrument repair
3829-D02 ----- Drafting instruments and machines-mfg
5049-D01 ----- Drafting instruments and tables-wholesale
3952-D01 ----- Drafting materials, except instruments-mfg
7389-D06 ----- Drafting service, except temporary help
7363-D01 ----- Drafting service (temporary employees)
3531-D05 ----- Draglines, powered-mfg
2861-D02 ----- Dragon, s blood-mfg
3523-D02 ----- Drags (agricultural equipment)-mfg
3531-D06 ----- Drags, road (construction and road maintenance equipment)-mfg
7948-D02 ----- Dragstrip operation
3432-D01 ----- Drain cocks-mfg
2842-D04 ----- Drain pipe solvents and cleaners-mfg
3499-D02 ----- Drain plugs, magnetic: metal-mfg
3259-D01 ----- Drain tile, clay-mfg
3272-D02 ----- Drain tile, concrete-mfg
1629-D05 ----- Drainage project construction-general contractors
1711-D01 ----- Drainage system installation, cesspool and septic tank-contractors
2541-D01 ----- Drainboards, plastics laminated-mfg
1241-D01 ----- Draining or pumping of bituminous coal, anthracite, or lignite mines on a contract basis
1081-D01 ----- Draining or pumping of metal mines: on a contract basis
1481-D01 ----- Draining or pumping of nonmetallic minerals mines, except fuels: on a contract basis
3432-D02 ----- Drains, plumbers-mfg
8299-D02 ----- Drama schools
2211-D06 ----- Draperies and drapery fabrics, cotton-mitse-mfg
2221-D01 ----- Draperies and drapery fabrics, manmade fiber and silk-mitse-mfg
2391-D01 ----- Draperies, plastics and textile-mfpm-mfg
5023-D01 ----- Draperies-wholesale
5714-000 ----- Drapery and upholstery stores-retail
7216-D01 ----- Drapery dry cleaning plants
2591-000 ----- Drapery hardware & blinds & shades-mfg
5131-D01 ----- Drapery material-wholesale
2691-D01 ----- Drapery rods, poles, and fixtures-mfg
5714-D01 ----- Drapery stores-retail
3842-D02 ----- Drapes, surgical: cotton-mfg
3549-D01 ----- Draw benches-mfg
7389-D07 ----- Drawback service, customs
2254-D01 ----- Drawers, apparel-mitse-mfg
2322-D01 ----- Drawers: men's and boys'-mfpm-mfg
3552-D02 ----- Drawing frames, textile-mfg
3952-D02 ----- Drawing inks, blacks and colored-mfg
3549-D02 ----- Drawing machinery and equipment, except wire drawing dies-mfg
3952-D03 ----- Drawing tables and boards, artists-mfg
3423-D02 ----- Drawknives-mfg
4212-D02 ----- Draying, local: without storage
5082-D01 ----- Dredges and draglines, except ships-wholesale
3731-D02 ----- Dredges, building and repairing-mfg
1231-D01 ----- Dredging, anthracite
1629-D06 ----- Dredging-general contractors
3531-D07 ----- Dredging machinery-mfg
2259-D02 ----- Dress and semi-dress gloves, knit-mitse-mfg
3151-D01 ----- Dress and semi-dress gloves, leather-mfg
2211-D07 ----- Dress fabrics, cotton-mfg
2221-D02 ----- Dress fabrics, manmade fiber and silk-mfg
2396-D01 ----- Dress linings-mfg
3069-D03 ----- Dress shields, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse-mfg
3143-D01 ----- Dress shoes, men's-mfg
5621-D01 ----- Dress shops-retail
7299-D05 ----- Dress suit rental
2396-D02 ----- Dress trimmings, fabric-mfpm-mfg
2392-D02 ----- Dresser scarves-mfpm-mfg
3545-D04 ----- Dressers, abrasive wheel: diamond point and other-mfg
2511-D03 ----- Dressers-mfg
5137-D02 ----- Dresses
3942-D03 ----- Dresses, doll-mfg
2361-D01 ----- Dresses: girls' children's, and infants'-mfpm-mfg
2253-D01 ----- Dresses, hand-knit-mfg
5699-D01 ----- Dresses made to order-retail
2253-D02 ----- Dresses-mitse-mfg
2335-D01 ----- Dresses, paper, cut and sewn: women's, misses' and juniors'-mfpm-mfg
5137-D02 ----- Dresses-wholesale
2335-D02 ----- Dresses: women's, misses' and juniors'-mfpm-mfg
2384-D01 ----- Dressing gowns, men's and women's-mfg
3999-D07 ----- Dressing of furs: bleaching, blending, currying, scraping, and tanning-mfg
2511-D04 ----- Dressing tables-mfg
2844-D05 ----- Dressings, cosmetic-mfg
2842-D05 ----- Dressings for fabricated leather and other materials-mfg
3842-D03 ----- Dressings, surgical-mfg
5699-D02 ----- Dressmakers' shops, custom-retail
7219-D02 ----- Dressmaking services on material owned by individual customers
5159-D02 ----- Dried beet pulp-wholesale
2037-D01 ----- Dried citrus pulp-mfg
2034-D03 ----- Dried fruits and vegetables-mfg
2013-D01 ----- Dried meats-mfpm-mfg
2011-D01 ----- Dried meats-mitse-mfg
3567-D03 ----- Driers and redriers, industrial process-mfg
3569-D01 ----- Driers and reel, firehose-mfg
3523-D03 ----- Driers: grain, hay, and seed (agricultural implements)-mfg
3999-D08 ----- Driers, hair: designed for beauty parlors-mfg
3634-D04 ----- Driers: hand, face, and hair-electric-mfg
2851-D03 ----- Driers, paint-mfg
3861-D06 ----- Driers, photographic-mfg
3812-D02 ----- Driftmeters, aeronautical-mfg
3545-D05 ----- Drill bits, metalworking-mfg
3423-D03 ----- Drill bits, woodworking-mfg
3545-D06 ----- Drill bushings (drilling jig)-mfg
3541-D03 ----- Drill presses (machine tools)-mfg
3533-D02 ----- Drill rigs, all types-mfg
3499-D03 ----- Drill stands, metal-mfg
3731-D03 ----- Drilling and production platforms, floating, oil and gas-mfg
5084-D05 ----- Drilling bits-wholesale
1241-D02 ----- Drilling for bituminous coal, anthracite, and lignite on a contract basis
1081-D02 ----- Drilling for metal mining: on a contract basis
1481-D02 ----- Drilling for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: on a contract basis
3545-D07 ----- Drilling machine attachments and accessories (machine tool accessories)-mfg
3541-D04 ----- Drilling machine tools (metal cutting)-mfg
2899-D05 ----- Drilling mud-mfg
5169-D02 ----- Drilling mud-wholesale
1381-D02 ----- Drilling of oil and gas wells: on a contract basis
3915-D03 ----- Drilling of pearls-mfg
1381-000 ----- Drilling oil and gas wells
1381-D03 ----- Drilling, service well: on a contract basis
3533-D03 ----- Drilling tools for gas, oil, or water wells-mfg
3546-D01 ----- Drilling tools, masonry and concrete:power (portable)-mfg
1381-D04 ----- Drilling water intake wells: on a contract basis
1781-D01 ----- Drilling water wells-contractors
3532-D01 ----- Drills and drilling equipment, mining: except oil and gas field-mfg
3532-D02 ----- Drills, core-mfg
2211-D08 ----- Drills, cotton-mfg
3843-D10 ----- Drills, dental-mfg
3546-D02 ----- Drills (except rock drilling and coring), portable: electric and pneumatic-mfg
3546-D03 ----- Drills, hand: electric-mfg
3423-D04 ----- Drills, hand: except power-mfg
3545-D08 ----- Drills (machine tool accessories)-mfg
3532-D03 ----- Drills, rock: portable-mfg
2087-D01 ----- Drink powders and concentrates-mfg
2656-D02 ----- Drinking cups, paper: except those made from pressed or molded pulp-mfpm-mfg
3431-D01 ----- Drinking fountains, except mechanically refrigerated: metal-mfg
3088-D01 ----- Drinking fountains, except mechanically refrigerated: plastics-mfg
3585-D02 ----- Drinking fountains, mechanically refrigerated-mfg
3261-D01 ----- Drinking fountains, vitreous china-mfg
5813-D02 ----- Drinking places, alcoholic beverages
2656-D03 ----- Drinking straws, except glass or plastics-mfpm-mfg
3229-D02 ----- Drinking straws, glass-mfg
5078-D02 ----- Drinking water coolers, mechanical-wholesale
2086-D01 ----- Drinks, fruit: bottled, canned, or fresh-mfg
3568-D01 ----- Drive chains, bicycle and motorcycle-mfg
3714-D04 ----- Drive shafts, motor vehicle-mfg
7389-D08 ----- Drive-a-way automobile service
7833-000 ----- Drive-in motion picture theaters
5812-D06 ----- Drive-in restaurants
7833-D01 ----- Drive-in theaters
3545-D09 ----- Drivers, drill and cutters (machine tool accessories)-mfg
3572-D02 ----- Drives, computer: disk and drum-mfg
3566-D01 ----- Drives, high-speed industrial: except hydrostatic-mfg
3594-D01 ----- Drives, hydrostatic transmissions-mfg
1629-D07 ----- Driving piling-general contractors
2411-D01 ----- Driving timber-mfg
2394-D01 ----- Drop cloths, fabric-mfpm-mfg
3462-D01 ----- Drop forgings, iron and steel: not made in rolling mills-mfg
3542-D02 ----- Drop hammers, for forging and shaping metal-mfg
8069-D01 ----- Drug addiction rehabilitation hospitals
2865-D03 ----- Drug dyes, synthetic-mfg
2833-D02 ----- Drug grading, grinding, and milling-mfg
5122-D01 ----- Drug proprietaries-wholesale
8361-D01 ----- Drug rehabilitation centers, residential: with health care incidental
5912-D01 ----- Drug stores
8093-D02 ----- Drug treatment, outpatient clinics
3069-D04 ----- Druggists' sundries, rubber-mfg
5122-D02 ----- Druggists' sundries-wholesale
5122-000 ----- Drugs, proprietaries, and sundries-wholesale
5122-D03 ----- Drugs-wholesale
7929-D02 ----- Drum and bugle corps (drill teams)
3537-D04 ----- Drum cradles-mfg
3572-D03 ----- Drum drives, computer-mfg
3931-D01 ----- Drummers, traps-mfg
2655-D01 ----- Drums, fiber (metal end or all fiber-mfpm-mfg
5085-D02 ----- Drums, new and reconditioned-wholesale
3931-D02 ----- Drums, parts, and accessories (musical instruments)-mfg
3089-D06 ----- Drums, plastics (containers)-mfg
2449-D01 ----- Drums, plywood-mfg
3412-D01 ----- Drums, shipping: metal-mfg
2449-D02 ----- Drums, shipping: wood-wirebound-mfg
3944-D06 ----- Drums, toy-mfg
3692-D01 ----- Dry cell batteries, single and multiple cell-mfg
7215-D01 ----- Dry cleaning, coin-operated
3582-D01 ----- Dry cleaning equipment and machinery, commercial-mfg
1541-D02 ----- Dry cleaning plant construction-general contractors
7216-000 ----- Dry cleaning plants, (except rug)
5087-D01 ----- Dry cleaning plant equipment and supplies-wholesale
7216-D02 ----- Dry cleaning plants, except rug cleaning
2842-D06 ----- Dry cleaning preparations-mfg
2621-D01 ----- Dry felts, except textile-mitse-mfg
2813-D01 ----- Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide)-mfg
5169-D03 ----- Dry ice-wholesale
3556-D06 ----- Dry milk processing machinery-mfg
2023-D02 ----- Dry milk products: whole milk, nonfat milk, buttermilk, whey, and cream-mfg
3634-D05 ----- Dry shavers (electric razors)-mfg
1742-D01 ----- Dry wall construction-contractors
1711-D02 ----- Dry well construction, cesspool-contractors
3633-D01 ----- Dry-cleaning and laundry machines, household: including coin-operated-mfg
3731-D04 ----- Drydocks, floating-mfg
5087-D02 ----- Dryers, beauty shop-wholesale
2499-D05 ----- Dryers, clothes (clothes horses): wood-mfg
5064-D02 ----- Dryers, clothes: electric or gas-wholesale
3582-D02 ----- Dryers, commercial laundry, including coin-operated-mfg
3821-D03 ----- Dryers, laboratory-mfg
3582-D03 ----- Dryers, laundry: commercial, including coin-operated-mfg
3633-D02 ----- Dryers, laundry: household, including coin-operated-mfg
3496-D04 ----- Drying belts, made from purchased wire-mfg
2851-D04 ----- Drying japans-mfg
3559-D05 ----- Drying kilns, lumber-mfg
3552-D03 ----- Drying machines, textile: for stock, yarn, and cloth-mfg
0723-D02 ----- Drying of corn, rice, hay, fruits, and vegetables