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[95 ----- Environmental Quality and Housing]
9511-000 ----- Air, water, & solid waste management
9531-000 ----- Housing programs
9512-000 ----- Land, mineral, wildlife conservation
9532-000 ----- Urban and community development
[9511-000 ----- Air, water, & solid waste management]
9511-A01 ----- Air pollution control agencies
9511-E01 ----- Environmental protection agencies
9511-E02 ----- Environmental quality and control agencies
9511-P01 ----- Pollution control agencies
9511-S01 ----- Sanitary engineering agencies
9511-W01 ----- Waste management program administration
9511-W02 ----- Water control and quality agencies
9511-W03 ----- Water pollution control agencies
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[9531 -000 ----- Housing programs]
9531-B01 ----- Building standards agencies
9531-H01 ----- Housing agencies, nonoperating
9531-H02 ----- Housing authorities, nonoperating
9531-P01 ----- Planning and development of housing programs
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[9512 -000 ----- Land, mineral, wildlife conservation]
9512-C01 ----- Conservation and stabilization agencies
9512-F01 ----- Fish and wildlife conservation
9512-G01 ----- Game and inland fish agencies
9512-L01 ----- Land management agencies
9512-R01 ----- Recreational program administration
9512-S01 ----- Soil conservation services
9512-W01 ----- Wildlife conservation agencies
9512-W02 ----- Wind and water erosion control agencies
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[9532 -000 ----- Urban and community development]
9532-C01 ----- Community development agencies
9532-C02 ----- County development agencies
9532-R01 ----- Redevelopment land agencies
9532-U01 ----- Urban planning commissions
9532-U02 ----- Urban renewal agencies
9532-Z01 ----- Zoning boards and commissions