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[87 ----- Engineering & Management Services]
8721-000 ----- Accounting, auditing, & bookkeeping
8712-000 ----- Architectural services
8748-000 ----- Business consulting, n.e.c.
8732-000 ----- Commercial nonphysical research
8731-000 ----- Commercial physical research
8711-000 ----- Engineering services
8744-000 ----- Facilities support services
8742-000 ----- Management consulting services
8741-000 ----- Management services
8733-000 ----- Noncommercial research organizations
8743-000 ----- Public relations services
8713-000 ----- Surveying services
8734-000 ----- Testing laboratories
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[8721-000 ----- Accounting, auditing, & bookkeeping]
8721-A01 ----- Accounting service
8721-A02 ----- Auditing service, accounts
8721-B01 ----- Bookkeeping and billing service
8721-C02 ----- CPA (certified public accountant)
8721-P01 ----- Payroll accounting service
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[8712-000 ----- Architectural services]
8712-A01 ----- Architectural engineering services
8712-A02 ----- Architectural services
8712-H01 ----- House designers
8712-W01 ----- Waterfalls, custom made
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[8748-000 ----- Business consulting, n.e.c.]
8748-A01 ----- Agricultural consulting
8748-C01 ----- City planners, except professional engineering
8748-E01 ----- Economic consulting
8748-E02 ----- Educational consulting, except management
8748-I01 ----- Industrial development planning service, commercial
8748-R01 ----- Radio consultants
8748-S01 ----- Systems engineering consulting, except professional engineering or computer related
8748-T01 ----- Test development and evaluation service, educational or personnel
8748-T02 ----- Testing services, educational or personnel
8748-T03 ----- Traffic consultants
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[8732-000 ----- Commercial nonphysical research]
8732-B01 ----- Business economists, commercial
8732-B02 ----- Business research, commercial
8732-E01 ----- Economic research, commercial
8732-E02 ----- Educational research, commercial
8732-M01 ----- Market research, commercial
8732-O01 ----- Opinion research, commercial
8732-P01 ----- Public opinion research
8732-R01 ----- Research: economic, sociological, and educational-commercial
8732-S01 ----- Sociological research, commercial
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[8731-000 ----- Commercial physical research]
8731-A01 ----- Agricultural research, commercial
8731-B01 ----- Biological research, commercial
8731-C01 ----- Chemical laboratories, commercial research: except testing
8731-E01 ----- Engineering laboratories, commercial research: except testing
8731-F01 ----- Food research, commercial
8731-I01 ----- Industrial laboratories, commercial research: except testing
8731-L01 ----- Laboratories, industrial: commercial research, except testing
8731-L02 ----- Laboratories, research: commercial
8731-L03 ----- Laboratory (physical) research and development
8731-P01 ----- Physical research, commercial
8731-R01 ----- Research and development of computer and related hardware
8731-R02 ----- Research and development, physical and biological: commercial
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[8711-000 ----- Engineering services]
8711-D01 ----- Designing: ship, boat, and machine
8711-E02 ----- Engineering services: communication and computer
8711-E01 ----- Engineering services: industrial, civil, electrical, mechanical, petroleum, marine, and design
8711-M01 ----- Machine tool designers
8711-M02 ----- Marine engineering services
8711-P01 ----- Petroleum engineering services
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[8744-000 ----- Facilities support services]
8744-B01 ----- Base maintenance (providing personnel on continuing basis)
8744-C01 ----- Correctional facilities, adult: privately operated
8744-F01 ----- Facilities management, except computer
8744-F02 ----- Facilities support services, except computer
8744-J01 ----- Jails, privately operated
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[8742-000 ----- Management consulting services]
8742-A01 ----- Administrative management consultants
8742-C01 ----- Compensation consulting
8742-G01 ----- General management consultants
8742-H01 ----- Human resource consultants
8742-M01 ----- Management engineering consultants
8742-M02 ----- Management information systems consultants
8742-M03 ----- Manufacturing management consultants
8742-M04 ----- Marketing consultants
8742-O01 ----- Operations research consultants
8742-P01 ----- Personnel management consultants, except employment service
8742-P02 ----- Physical distribution consultants
8742-S01 ----- Site location consultants
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[8741-000 ----- Management services]
8741-A01 ----- Administrative management services
8741-B01 ----- Business management services
8741-C01 ----- Circuit management services for motion picture theaters
8741-C02 ----- Construction management
8741-E01 ----- Energy management services
8741-M01 ----- Motel management services
8741-O01 ----- Office management services
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[8733-000 ----- Noncommercial research organizations]
8733-A01 ----- Archeological expeditions
8733-B01 ----- Biological research, noncommercial
8733-E01 ----- Economic research, non-commercial
8733-E02 ----- Educational research, non-commercial
8733-M01 ----- Medical research, noncommercial
8733-P01 ----- Physical research, noncommercial
8733-R01 ----- Research, noncommercial
8733-S01 ----- Scientific research, noncommercial
8733-S02 ----- Sociological research, non-commercial
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[8743-000 ----- Public relations services]
8743-L01 ----- Lobbyists
8743-P01 ----- Public relations services
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[8713-000 ----- Surveying services]
8713-E01 ----- Engineering services: photogrammetric
8713-L01 ----- Land surveying
8713-P01 ----- Photogrammetric engineering
8713-S01 ----- Surveying: land, water, and aerial
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[8734-000 ----- Testing laboratories]
8734-A01 ----- Assaying services
8734-A02 ----- Automobile proving and testing grounds
8734-C01 ----- Calibration and certification (testing)
8734-D01 ----- Dosimetry, radiation
8734-F01 ----- Film badge service (radiation detection)
8734-F02 ----- Food testing services
8734-F03 ----- Forensic laboratories
8734-H01 ----- Hydrostatic testing laboratories
8734-L01 ----- Laboratories, product testing: not manufacturing auxiliaries
8734-M01 ----- Metallurgical testing laboratories
8734-P01 ----- Pollution testing, except automotive emissions testing
8734-P02 ----- Product testing services
8734-R01 ----- Radiation dosimetry laboratories
8734-R02 ----- Radiographing welded joints on pipes and fittings
8734-S01 ----- Seed testing laboratories
8734-T01 ----- Testing laboratories, except clinical
8734-V01 ----- Veterinary testing laboratories
8734-X01 ----- X-ray inspection service, industrial