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[83 ----- Social Services]
8351-000 ----- Child day care services
8322-000 ----- Individual and family services
8331-000 ----- Job training and related services
8361-000 ----- Residential care
8399-000 ----- Social services, n.e.c.![]()
[8351-000 ----- Child day care services]
8351-C01 ----- Child care centers
8351-D01 ----- Day care centers, child
8351-G01 ----- Group day care centers, child
8351-H01 ----- Head Start centers, except in conjunction with schools
8351-N01 ----- Nursery schools
8351-P01 ----- Preschool centers
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[8322-000 ----- Individual and family services]
8322-A01 ----- Activity centers, elderly or handicapped
8322-A02 ----- Adoption services
8322-A03 ----- Adult day care centers
8322-A04 ----- Aid for families with dependent children(AFDC)
8322-A05 ----- Alcoholism counseling, nonresidential: except medical treatment
8322-C01 ----- Centers for senior citizens
8322-C02 ----- Child guidance agencies
8322-C03 ----- Community centers
8322-C04 ----- Counseling centers
8322-C05 ----- Crisis centers
8322-C06 ----- Crisis intervention centers
8322-D01 ----- Day care centers, adult and handicapped
8322-D02 ----- Disaster services
8322-E01 ----- Emergency shelters
8322-F01 ----- Family counseling services
8322-F02 ----- Family location services
8322-F03 ----- Family service agencies
8322-H01 ----- Helping hand services
8322-H02 ----- Homemaker, s service, primarily nonmedical
8322-H03 ----- Hotlines
8322-M01 ----- Marriage counseling services
8322-M02 ----- Meal delivery programs
8322-M03 ----- Multiservice centers, neighborhood
8322-N01 ----- Neighborhood centers
8322-O01 ----- Offender rehabilitation agencies
8322-O02 ----- Offender self-help agencies
8322-O03 ----- Old age assistance
8322-O04 ----- Outreach programs
8322-P05 ----- Parenting counseling
8322-P01 ----- Parole offices
8322-P04 ----- People searching services
8322-P02 ----- Probation offices
8322-P03 ----- Public welfare centers, offices of
8322-R01 ----- Referral services for personal and social problems
8322-R02 ----- Refugee services
8322-R03 ----- Relief services, temporary
8322-S01 ----- Self-help organizations for alcoholics and gamblers
8322-S02 ----- Senior citizens associations
8322-S03 ----- Service leagues
8322-S04 ----- Settlement houses
8322-S05 ----- Social service centers
8322-T01 ----- Telephone counseling service
8322-T02 ----- Traveler's aid centers
8322-Y01 ----- Youth centers
8322-Y02 ----- Youth self-help organizations
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[8331-000 ----- Job training and related services]
8331-C01 ----- Community service employment training programs
8331-J01 ----- Job counseling
8331-J02 ----- Job training
8331-M01 ----- Manpower training
8331-R01 ----- Rehabilitation counseling and training, vocational
8331-S01 ----- Sheltered workshops
8331-S02 ----- Skill training centers
8331-T01 ----- Training, electrical
8331-V01 ----- Vocational rehabilitation agencies
8331-V02 ----- Vocational rehabilitation counseling
8331-V03 ----- Vocational training agencies, except schools
8331-W01 ----- Work experience centers
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[8361-000 ----- Residential care]
8361-A01 ----- Alcoholism rehabilitation centers, residential: with health care incidental
8361-B01 ----- Boys' towns
8361-C01 ----- Children's boarding homes
8361-C02 ----- Children's homes
8361-C03 ----- Children's villages
8361-D01 ----- Drug rehabilitation centers, residential: with health care incidental
8361-F01 ----- Foster homes, group
8361-G01 ----- Group foster homes
8361-H01 ----- Halfway group homes for persons with social or personal problems
8361-H02 ----- Halfway homes for delinquents and offenders
8361-H03 ----- Homes for children, with health care incidental
8361-H04 ----- Homes for destitute men and women
8361-H05 ----- Homes for the aged, with health care incidental
8361-H06 ----- Homes for the deaf or blind, with healthcare incidental
8361-H07 ----- Homes for the emotionally disturbed, with health care incidental
8361-H08 ----- Homes for the mentally handicapped, with health care incidental
8361-H09 ----- Homes for the physically handicapped, with health care incidental
8361-J01 ----- Juvenile correctional homes
8361-O01 ----- Old soldiers, homes
8361-O02 ----- Orphanages
8361-R01 ----- Rehabilitation centers, residential: with health care incidental
8361-R02 ----- Rest homes, with health care incidental
8361-S01 ----- Self-help group homes for persons with social or personal problems
8361-T01 ----- Training schools for delinquents
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[8399-000 ----- Social services, n.e.c.]
8399-A01 ----- Advocacy groups
8399-A02 ----- Antipoverty boards
8399-C05 ----- Charitable organizations
8399-C01 ----- Community action agencies
8399-C02 ----- Community chests
8399-C03 ----- Community development groups
8399-C04 ----- Councils for social agencies, exceptional children, and poverty
8399-E01 ----- Environmental organization
8399-F01 ----- Fundraising organizations, except on contract or fee basis
8399-H01 ----- Health and welfare councils
8399-H02 ----- Health systems agencies
8399-R01 ----- Regional planning organizations, for social services
8399-S01 ----- Social change associations
8399-S02 ----- Social service information exchanges: e.g., alcoholism, drug addiction
8399-U01 ----- United fund councils