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[82 ----- Educational Services]
8244-000 ----- Business and secretarial schools
8221-000 ----- Colleges and universities, n.e.c.
8243-000 ----- Data processing schools
8211-000 ----- Elementary and secondary schools
8222-000 ----- Junior colleges
8231-000 ----- Libraries and information centers
8299-000 ----- Schools & educational services, n.e.c.
8249-000 ----- Vocational schools, n.e.c.
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[8244-000 ----- Business and secretarial schools]
8244-B01 ----- Business colleges and schools, not of college grade
8244-C01 ----- Court reporting schools
8244-S01 ----- Secretarial schools
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[8221-000 ----- Colleges and universities, n.e.c.]
8221-A01 ----- Academies, service (college)
8221-C01 ----- Colleges, except junior
8221-P01 ----- Professional schools: e.g., dental, engineering, law, medical
8221-S01 ----- Seminaries, theological
8221-S02 ----- Service academies (college)
8221-T01 ----- Theological seminaries
8221-U01 ----- Universities
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[8243-000 ----- Data processing schools]
8243-C01 ----- Computer operator training
8243-C02 ----- Computer repair training
8243-C03 ----- Computer software training
8243-D01 ----- Data processing schools
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[8211-000 ----- Elementary and secondary schools]
8211-A01 ----- Academies, elementary and secondary schools
8211-B01 ----- Boarding schools
8211-E01 ----- Elementary schools
8211-F01 ----- Finishing schools, secondary
8211-H01 ----- High schools
8211-K01 ----- Kindergartens
8211-M01 ----- Military academies, elementary and secondary level
8211-P01 ----- Parochial schools, elementary and secondary
8211-P02 ----- Preparatory schools
8211-S01 ----- Schools, elementary and secondary
8211-S02 ----- Schools for the physically handicapped, elementary and secondary
8211-S03 ----- Schools for the retarded
8211-S04 ----- Secondary schools
8211-S05 ----- Seminaries, below university grade
8211-V01 ----- Vocational high schools
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[8222-000 ----- Junior colleges]
8222-C01 ----- Community colleges (junior)
8222-J01 ----- Junior colleges
8222-T01 ----- Technical institutes
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[8231-000 ----- Libraries and information centers]
8231-C01 ----- Centers for documentation
8231-C02 ----- Circulating libraries
8231-L01 ----- Lending libraries
8231-L02 ----- Libraries, except motion picture film
8231-L03 ----- Libraries, printed matter
8231-R01 ----- Rental of books
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[8299-000 ----- Schools & educational services, n.e.c.]
8299-A01 ----- Art schools, except commercial
8299-A02 ----- Automobile driving instruction
8299-B01 ----- Baton instruction
8299-B02 ----- Bible schools, not operated by churches
8299-C01 ----- Ceramics schools
8299-C02 ----- Charm schools
8299-C03 ----- Civil service schools
8299-C04 ----- Continuing education programs
8299-C05 ----- Cooking schools
8299-C06 ----- Curriculum development, educational
8299-E01 ----- Educational services
8299-D01 ----- Diction schools
8299-D02 ----- Drama schools
8299-F01 ----- Finishing schools, charm and modeling
8299-F02 ----- Flying instruction
8299-H01 ----- Hypnosis schools
8299-L01 ----- Language schools
8299-M01 ----- Modeling schools, clothes
8299-M02 ----- Music schools
8299-M03 ----- Music educational services
8299-P01 ----- Personal development schools
8299-P02 ----- Public speaking schools
8299-R01 ----- Reading schools
8299-S01 ----- Speed reading courses
8299-S02 ----- Student exchange programs
8299-S03 ----- Survival schools
8299-T01 ----- Tutoring
8299-V01 ----- Vocational counseling, except rehabilitation counseling
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[8249-000 ----- Vocational schools, n.e.c.]
8249-A01 ----- Art schools, commercial
8249-A02 ----- Aviation schools, excluding flying instruction
8249-B01 ----- Banking schools (training in banking)
8249-C01 ----- Commercial art schools
8249-C02 ----- Construction equipment operation schools
8249-C03 ----- Correspondence schools, including branch offices and solicitors
8249-N01 ----- Nursing schools, practical
8249-R01 ----- Real estate schools
8249-R02 ----- Restaurant operation schools
8249-S01 ----- Schools, correspondence: including branch offices and solicitors
8249-S02 ----- Schools, vocational, except high schools, data processing, or business
8249-T01 ----- Trade schools
8249-T02 ----- Truck driving schools
8249-V01 ----- Vocational apprenticeship training
8249-V02 ----- Vocational schools: except high schools, data processing, or business
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