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[73 ----- Business Services (cont')]
[7371-000 ----- Computer programming services]
7371-A01 ----- Applications software programming, custom
7371-C01 ----- Computer code authors
7371-C02 ----- Computer programming services
7371-C03 ----- Computer programs or systems software development, custom
7371-C04 ----- Computer software systems analysis and design, custom
7371-C05 ----- Computer software writers, freelance
7371-G01 ----- Gambling software
7371-I01 ----- Interactive and multimedia programming services
7371-P01 ----- Programming services, computer: custom
7371-S04 ----- Shareware, software
7371-S02 ----- Software systems analysis and design, custom
7371-S01 ----- Software programming, custom
7371-S05 ----- Virtual Reality, computer software
[7379-000 ----- Computer related services, n.e.c.]
7379-C03 ----- Computer consultants
7379-C04 ----- Computer news
7379-D01 ----- Data base developers
7379-D02 ----- Data processing consultants
7379-D03 ----- Disk and diskette conversion services
7379-D04 ----- Disk and diskette recertification services
7379-R01 ----- Requirements analysis, computer hardware
7379-T01 ----- Tape recertification service
[7377-000 ----- Computer rental & leasing]
7377-C01 ----- Computer hardware rental or leasing, except finance leasing or by the manufacturer
7377-C02 ----- Computer peripheral equipment, rental and leasing
7377-L01 ----- Leasing of computers, except finance leasing or by the manufacturer
7377-R01 ----- Rental of computers, except finance leasing or by the manufacturer
[7323-000 ----- Credit reporting services]
7323-C02 ----- Consumer credit reporting bureaus
7323-C03 ----- Credit bureaus and agencies
7323-C04 ----- Credit clearing-houses
7323-C05 ----- Credit investigation services
7323-M01----- Mercantile credit reporting bureaus
[7374-000 ----- Data processing and preparation]
7374-C01 ----- Calculating service, computer
7374-C02 ----- Computer input output service
7374-C03 ----- Computer time brokerage
7374-C04 ----- Computer time-sharing
7374-D01 ----- Data entry service
7374-D02 ----- Data processing services
7374-D03 ----- Data verification service
7374-K01 ----- Keypunch service
7374-L01 ----- Leasing of computer time
7374-O01 ----- Optical scanning data service
7374-P01 ----- Punch card services, punching and processing
7374-R01 ----- Rental of computer time
7374-S01 ----- Service bureaus, computer
7374-T01 ----- Tabulating service, computer
7374-T02 ----- Time sharing, computer
[7381-000 ----- Detective & armored car services]
7381-A01 ----- Armored car service
7381-D01 ----- Detective agencies
7381-D02 ----- Dogs, rental of: for protective service
7381-F01 ----- Fingerprint service
7381-G01 ----- Guard service
7381-I01 ----- Investigators, private
7381-L01 ----- Lie detection service
7381-P01 ----- Polygraph service
7381-P02 ----- Protective service, guard
7381-S01 ----- Security guard service
[7331-000 ----- Direct mail advertising services]
7331-A01 ----- Address list compilers
7331-A02 ----- Addressing service
7331-A03 ----- Advertising, direct mail
7331-D01 ----- Direct mail advertising service
7331-M01 ----- Mail advertising service
7331-M02 ----- Mailing list compilers
7331-M03 ----- Mailing service
[7342-000 ----- Disinfecting & pest control services]
7342-B01 ----- Bird proofing
7342-D01 ----- Deodorant servicing of rest rooms
7342-D02 ----- Disinfecting service
7342-E01 ----- Exterminating service
7342-F01 ----- Fumigating service
7342-P01 ----- Pest control in structures
7342-R01 ----- Rest room cleaning service
7342-T01 ----- Termite control
7342-W01 ----- Washroom sanitation service
[7361-000 ----- Employment agencies]
7361-C01 ----- Chauffeur registries
7361-E03 ----- Employment agencies
7361-E02 ----- Executive placing services
7361-L01 ----- Labor contractors (employment agencies), except farm labor
7361-M01 ----- Maid registries
7361-M02 ----- Model registries
7361-N01 ----- Nurses, registries
7361-R01 ----- Registries, nurses
7361-R02 ----- Resume database services
7361-S01 ----- Ship crew registries
7361-T01 ----- Teachers, registries
[7359-000 ----- Equipment rental & leasing, n.e.c.]
7359-A01 ----- Airplane rental and leasing
7359-A02 ----- Appliance rental and leasing
7359-C01 ----- Coin-operated machine rental and leasing
7359-E01 ----- Electronic equipment rental and leasing, except medical and computer equipment
7359-F01 ----- Furniture rental and leasing
7359-I01 ----- Industrial truck rental and leasing
7359-O01 ----- Office machine rental and leasing, except computers
7359-O02 ----- Oil field equipment rental and leasing
7359-O03 ----- Oil well drilling equipment rental and leasing
7359-P01 ----- Party supplies rental and leasing
7359-P02 ----- Piano rental and leasing
7359-P03 ----- Plants, live: rental and leasing
7359-R01 ----- Rental and leasing of dishes, silverware, and tables
7359-R02 ----- Rental and servicing of electronic equipment, except computers
7359-R03 ----- Rental of coin-operated machines
7359-R04 ----- Rental of furniture
7359-R05 ----- Rental of oil field equipment
7359-R06 ----- Rental of tools
7359-T01 ----- Television rental and leasing
7359-T02 ----- Toilets, portable: rental and leasing
7359-T03 ----- Tool rental and leasing
7359-T04 ----- Truck rental and leasing, industrial
7359-V01 ----- Vending machines, rental only
[7353-000 ----- Heavy construction equipment rental]
7353-B01 ----- Bulldozer rental and leasing
7353-C01 ----- Construction equipment, heavy: rental and leasing
7353-C02 ----- Crane rental and leasing
7353-E01 ----- Earth moving equipment rental and leasing
7353-R01 ----- Rental of construction equipment
[7363-000 ----- Help supply services]
7363-D01 ----- Drafting service (temporary employees)
7363-E01 ----- Employee leasing service
7363-E02 ----- Engineering job shops (temporary employees)
7363-F01 ----- Fashion show model Supply service
7363-H01 ----- Help supply service
7363-L01 ----- Labor pools
7363-M01 ----- Manpower pools
7363-M02 ----- Modeling service
7363-O01 ----- Office help supply service
7363-T01 ----- Temporary help service
7363-U01 ----- Usher service
[7375-000 ----- Information retrieval services]
7375-D01 ----- Data base information retrieval services
7375-I01 ----- Information retrieval services, on-line
7375-O01 ----- On-line data base information retrieval services
7375-R01 ----- Remote data base information retrieval services
[7399-000 ----- Internet Business services, n.e.c.]
7399-A01 ----- Animation gif archive
7399-B02 ----- Bulk email advertising services
7399-B01 ----- Bulletin Boards, electronic, except ISPs (BBS)
7399-I01 ----- Internet business consulting
7399-I02 ----- Internet business services, n.e.c.
7399-I03 ----- Internet information and documentation
7399-I04 ----- Internet promotion services
7399-I05 ----- Internet search engines and directories
7399-I06 ----- Internet security services
7399-N01 ----- Newsgroups
7399-T01 ----- Internet TV
7399-U01 ----- Usenet
[7391-000 ----- Internet Service Providers]
7391-I01 ----- Internet service providers, dial up access, except BBS
7391-I07 ----- Internet shopping mall
7391-O01 ----- Online services
7391-W01 ----- World wide web servers (webservers)
7391-W02 ----- Web site hosting
[7352-000 ----- Medical equipment rental]
7352-I01 ----- Invalid supplies rental and leasing
7352-M01 ----- Medical equipment rental and leasing
[7383-000 -----News syndicates]
7383-N01 ----- News correspondents, independent
7383-N02 ----- News feature syndicates
7383-N03 ----- News pictures, gathering and distributing
7383-N04 ----- News reporting services for newspapers and periodicals
7383-N05 ----- News syndicates
7383-N06 ----- News ticker services
7383-P01 ----- Press services (news syndicates)
[7312-000 ----- Outdoor advertising services]
7312-A03 ----- Advertising, billboard
7312-A04 ----- Advertising service, outdoor
7312-B01 ----- Bill posting, advertising
7312-B02 ----- Billboard advertising
7312-P01 ----- Poster advertising service, outdoor
[7369-000 ------ Personnel supply services, n.e.c.]
[7334-000 -----Photocopying & duplicating services]
7334-B01 ----- Blueprinting service
7334-D01 ----- Duplicating services, except printing
7334-M01 ----- Mimeographing service
7334-M02 ----- Multigraphing service
7334-M03 ----- Multilithing service
7334-P01 ----- Photocopying service
[7384-000 ----- Photofinishing laboratories]
7384-D01 ----- Developing and printing of film, except commercial motion picture film
7384-D02 ----- Developing and processing of home movies
7384-F01 ----- Film processing, except for the motion picture industry
7384-P01 ----- Photofinishing laboratories, except for the motion picture industry
7384-P02 ----- Photographic laboratories, except for the motion picture industry
[7372-000 -----Prepackaged software]
7372-A01 ----- Applications software, computer: prepackaged
7372-B01 ----- Business software, computer: prepackaged
7372-C01 ----- Computer software publishers, pre-packaged
7372-G01 ----- Games, computer software: prepackaged
7372-I01 ----- Internet related software: prepackaged
7372-I02 ----- Intranet related software: prepackaged
7372-M01 ----- Mortgage payment managment software
7372-O01 ----- Operating systems software, computer: prepackaged
7372-S01 ----- Software, computer: prepackaged
7372-U01 ----- Utility software, computer: prepackaged
[7313-000 ----- Radio, TV, publisher representatives]
7313-N01 ----- Newspaper advertising representatives, not auxiliary to publishing
7313-P01 ----- Publishers, representatives, advertising
7313-R01 ----- Radio representatives, advertising: not auxiliary to radio broadcasting
7313-T01 ----- Television and radio time, sale of: not auxiliary to television or radio broadcasting
[7338-000 ------ Secretarial & court reporting]
7338-C01 ----- Court reporting service
7338-E01 ----- Editing service
7338-E02 ----- Editorial services, online
7338-L01 ----- Letter writing service
7338-P01 ----- Proofreading service
7338-R01 ----- Resume writing service
7338-S01 ----- Secretarial service
7338-S02 ----- Stenographers, public
7338-S03 ----- Stenographic service
7338-T01 ----- Typing service
7338-W01----- Word processing service (typing)
[7382-000 ----- Security systems services]
7382-B01 ----- Burglar alarm monitoring and maintenance
7382-F01 ----- Fire alarm monitoring and maintenance
7382-S01 ----- Security systems devices, burglar and fire alarm: monitoring and maintenance