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[49 ----- Electric, Gas, and Sanitary Services]
4939 - 000 ----- Combination utilities, n.e.c.
4931-000 ----- Electric and other services combined
4911-000 ----- Electric services
4932-000 ----- Gas and other services combined
4925-000 ----- Gas production and/or distribution
4923-000 ----- Gas transmission and distribution
4971-000 ----- Irrigation systems
4924-000 ----- Natural gas distribution
4922-000 ----- Natural gas transmission
4953-000 ----- Refuse systems
4959-000 ----- Sanitary services, n.e.c.
4952-000 ----- Sewerage systems
4961-000 ----- Steam supply
4941-000 ----- Water supply
[4911-000 ----- Electric services]
4911-D01 ----- Distribution of electric power
4911-E01 ----- Electric power generation, transmission, or distribution
4911-G01 ----- Generation of electric power
4911-P01 ----- Power, electric: generation, transmission, or distribution
4911-T01 ----- Transmission of electric power
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[4925 - 000 ----- Gas production and/or distribution]
4925-B01 ----- Blue gas, carbureted: production and distribution
4925-C01 ----- Coke oven gas, production and distribution
4925-C02 ----- Coke ovens, byproduct: operated for manufacture or distribution of gas
4925-D01 ----- Distribution of manufactured gas
4925-G01 ----- Gas, liquefied petroleum: distribution through mains
4925-G02 ----- Gas, manufactured: production and distribution
4925-G03 ----- Gas, mixed natural and manufactured:production and distribution
4925-L01 ----- Liquefied petroleum (LP) gas, distribution through mains
4925-M01 ----- Manufactured gas production and distribution
4925-S01 ----- Synthetic natural gas from naphtha, production and distribution
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[4923 - 000 ----- Gas transmission and distribution]
4923-G01 ----- Gas, natural: transmission and distribution
4923-N01 ----- Natural gas transmission and distribution
4923-T01 ----- Transmission and distribution of natural gas
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[4971 - 000 ----- Irrigation systems]
4971-I01 ----- Impounding reservoirs, irrigation
4971-I02 ----- Irrigation system operation
4971-W01 ----- Water distribution or supply systems for .irrigation
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[4924 - 000 ----- Natural gas distribution]
4924-D01 ----- Distribution of natural gas
4924-G01 ----- Gas, natural: distribution
4924-N01 ----- Natural gas distribution
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[4922 - 000 ----- Natural gas transmission]
4922-G01 ----- Gas, natural: transmission
4922-N01 ----- Natural gas storage
4922-N02 ----- Natural gas transmission
4922-P01 ----- Pipelines, natural gas
4922-S01 ----- Storage of natural gas
4922-T01 ----- Transmission of natural gas
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[4953 - 000 ----- Refuse systems]
4953-A01 ----- Acid waste, collection and disposal of
4953-A02 ----- Ashes, collection and disposal of
4953-D01 ----- Dumps, operation of
4953-G01 ----- Garbage: collecting, destroying, and processing
4953-H01 ----- Hazardous waste material disposal sites
4953-I01 ----- Incinerator operation
4953-L01 ----- Landfill, sanitary: operation of
4953-R01 ----- Radioactive waste materials, disposal of
4953-R02 ----- Refuse systems
4953-R03 ----- Rubbish collection and disposal
4953-S01 ----- Sludge disposal sites
4953-S02 ----- Street refuse systems
4953-W01 ----- Waste materials disposal at sea
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[4959 - 000 ----- Sanitary services, n.e.c.]
4959-B01 ----- Beach maintenance cleaning
4959-M01 ----- Malaria control
4959-M02 ----- Mosquito eradication
4959-O01 ----- Oil spill cleanup
4959-S01 ----- Snowplowing
4959-S02 ----- Sweeping service: road, airport, parking lot, etc.
4959-V01 ----- Vacuuming of airport runways
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[4961 - 000 ----- Steam supply]
4961-A01 ----- Air-conditioning supply services
4961-C01 ----- Cooled air suppliers
4961-D01 ----- Distribution of cooled air
4961-G01 ----- Geothermal steam production
4961-H01 ----- Heating systems, steam (suppliers of heat)
4961-S01 ----- Steam heating systems (suppliers of heat)
4961-S02 ----- Steam supply Systems, including geothermal