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[38 ----- Instruments and Related Products (cont')]
[3823 -000 ----- Process control instruments]
3823-A01 ----- Absorption analyzers, industrial process type: e.g., infrared, X-ray
3823-A02 ----- Analyzers, industrial process type
3823-A03 ----- Annunciators, relay and solid-state types: industrial display
3823-B01 ----- Boiler controls: industrial, power, and marine type
3823-B02 ----- Buoyancy instruments, industrial process type mfg
3823-C01 ----- Chromatographs, industrial process type
3823-C02 ----- Combustion control instruments, except commercial and household furnace type
3823-C03 ----- Computer interface equipment for industrial process control
3823-C04 ----- Controllers for process variables: electric, electronic, and pneumatic
3823-C05 ----- Coulometric analyzers, industrial process type
3823-D01 ----- Data loggers, industrial process type
3823-D02 ----- Density and specific gravity instruments, industrial process type
3823-D03 ----- Differential pressure instruments, industrial process type
3823-D04 ----- Digital displays of process variables
3823-D05 ----- Draft gauges, industrial process type
3823-E01 ----- Electric and electronic controllers, industrial process type
3823-E02 ----- Electrodes used in industrial process measurement
3823-E03 ----- Electrolytic conductivity instruments, industrial process type
3823-F01 ----- Flow instruments, industrial process type
3823-F02 ----- Fluidic devices, circuits, and systems for process control
3823-G01 ----- Gas and liquid analysis instruments, industrial process type
3823-G02 ----- Gas flow computers, industrial process type
3823-H01 ----- Humidity instruments, industrial process type
3823-H02 ----- Hydrometers, industrial process type
3823-I01 ----- Infrared instruments, industrial process type
3823-I02 ----- Instruments for industrial process control
3823-I03 ----- Industrial process control instruments
3823-L01 ----- Level and bulk measuring instruments, industrial process type
3823-L02 ----- Liquid analysis instruments, industrial process type
3823-L03 ----- Liquid concentration instruments, industrial process type
3823-L04 ----- Liquid level instruments, industrial process type
3823-M01 ----- Magnetic flow meters, industrial process type
3823-M02 ----- Manometers, industrial process type
3823-M03 ----- Moisture meters, industrial process type
3823-N01 ----- Nuclear reactor controls
3823-P01 ----- Panelboard indicators, recorders and controllers: receiver type
3823-P02 ----- PH instruments, industrial process type
3823-P03 ----- Pneumatic controllers, industrial process type
3823-P04 ----- Potentiometric self-balancing instruments, except X-Y plotters
3823-P05 ----- Pressure gauges, dial and digital
3823-P06 ----- Pressure instruments, industrial process type
3823-P07 ----- Primary elements for process flow measurement: orifice plates
3823-P08 ----- Process control instruments, industrial
3823-P09 ----- Programmers, process type
3823-P10 ----- Pyrometers, industrial process type mfg
3823-R01 ----- Refractometers, industrial process type
3823-R02 ----- Resistance thermometers and bulbs, industrial process type mfg
3823-T01 ----- Telemetering instruments, industrial process type
3823-T02 ----- Temperature instruments: industrial process type, except glass and bimetal
3823-T03 ----- Thermal conductivity instruments, industrial process type
3823-T04 ----- Thermistors, industrial process type
3823-T05 ----- Thermocouples, industrial process type
3823-T06 ----- Thermometers, filled system: industrial process type mfg
3823-T07 ----- Time cycle and program controllers, industrial process type
3823-T08 ----- Transmitters of process variables, standard signal conversion
3823-T09 ----- Turbidity instruments, industrial process type
3823-T10 ----- Turbine now meters, industrial process type
3823-V01 ----- Viscosimeters, industrial process type
3823-W01 ----- Water quality monitoring and control systems
[3812 -000 ----- Search and Navigation Equipment]
3812-A01 ----- Acceleration indicators and systems components, aerospace types
3812-A02 ----- Air traffic control radar systems and equipment
3812-A03 ----- Airborne integrated data systems/flight recorders
3812-A04 ----- Aircraft flight instruments
3812-A05 ----- Airframe equipment instruments
3812-A06 ----- Airspeed instrumentation (aeronautical instruments)
3812-A07 ----- Altimeters, aeronautical
3812-A08 ----- Angle of-attack instrumentation
3812-A09 ----- Angle of-yaw instrumentation
3812-A10 ----- Artificial horizon instrumentation
3812-A11 ----- Automatic pilots
3812-B01 ----- Bank and turn indicators and components(aeronautical instruments)
3812-C01 ----- Cabin environment indicators, transmitters, and sensors
3812-C02 ----- Compasses, gyroscopic and
3812-D01 ----- Distance measuring equipment (DME), aeronautical
3812-D02 ----- Driftmeters, aeronautical
3812-F01 ----- Fathometers
3812-F02 ----- Flight instruments, aeronautical
3812-G01 ----- Glide slope instrumentation
3812-G02 ----- Gyrocompasses
3812-G03 ----- Gyrogimbals
3812-G04 ----- Gyropilots
3812-G05 ----- Gyroscopes
3812-H01 ----- Heads-up display (HUD) systems, aeronautical
3812-H02 ----- Horizon situation instrumentation
3812-H03 ----- Hydrophones
3812-I01 ----- Inertial navigation systems, aeronautical
3812-I02 ----- Infrared homing systems, aeronautical
3812-I03 ----- Instrument landing system instrumentation, airborne or airport
3812-L01 ----- Light reconnaissance and surveillance systems and equipment
3812-M01 ----- Machmeters
3812-M02 ----- Missile guidance systems and equipment
3812-N01 ----- Nautical instruments
3812-N02 ----- Navigational instruments
3812-O01 ----- Omnibearing instrumentation
3812-P01 ----- Pictorial situation instrumentation
3812-P02 ----- Pilots, automatic, aircraft
3812-P03 ----- Position indicators, airframe equipment: e.g., for landing gear, stabilizers
3812-R01 ----- Radar systems and equipment
3812-R02 ----- Radio magnetic instrumentation (RMI)
3812-R03 ----- Rate-of-climb instrumentation
3812-S01 ----- Sextants, except survey
3812-S02 ----- Sonabuoys
3812-S03 ----- Sonar fish finders
3812-S04 ----- Sonar systems and equipment
3812-S05 ----- Space vehicle guidance systems and equipment
3812-T01 ----- Taffrail logs
3812-W01 ----- Warfare counter measures equipment
3812-W02 ----- Wheel position indicators and transmitters, aircraft
[3841 -000 ----- Surgical and medical instruments]
3841-A01 ----- Anesthesia apparatus
3841-B01 ----- Biopsy instruments and equipment
3841-B02 ----- Blood pressure apparatus
3841-B03 ----- Blood transfusion equipment
3841-B04 ----- Bone drills
3841-B05 ----- Bone plates and screws
3841-B06 ----- Bone rongeurs
3841-B07 ----- Bronchoscopes, except electromedical
3841-C01 ----- Cannulae
3841-C02 ----- Catheters
3841-C03 ----- Clamps, surgical
3841-C04 ----- Corneal microscopes
3841-C05 ----- Cystoscopes, except electromedical
3841-D01 ----- Diagnostic apparatus, physicians
3841-E01 ----- Eye examining instruments and apparatus
3841-F01 ----- Fixation appliances, internal
3841-F02 ----- Forceps, surgical
3841-G01 ----- Gastroscopes, except electromedical
3841-H01 ----- Hemodialysis apparatus
3841-H02 ----- Holders, surgical needle
3841-H03 ----- Hypodermic needles and syringes
3841-I01 ----- Inhalation therapy equipment
3841-I02 ----- Inhalators, surgical and medical
3841-I03 ----- Instruments and apparatus, except electromedical: medical, surgical, ophthalmic, and veterinary
3841-I04 ----- Instruments, microsurgical: except electromedical
3841-I05 ----- IV transfusion apparatus
3841-K01 ----- Knives, surgical
3841-L01 ----- Lamps, slit (ophthalmic goods)
3841-M01 ----- Metabolism apparatus
3841-M02 ----- Muscle exercise apparatus, ophthalmic
3841-N01 ----- Needle holders, surgical
3841-N02 ----- Needles, hypodermic
3841-N03 ----- Needles, suture
3841-O01 ----- Operating tables
3841-O02 ----- Ophthalmic instruments and apparatus
3841-O03 ----- Ophthalmometers and ophthalmoscopes
3841-O04 ----- Optometers
3841-O05 ----- Otoscopes, except electromedical
3841-O06 ----- Oxygen tents
3841-P01 ----- Pelvimeters
3841-P02 ----- Physiotherapy equipment, electrical
3841-P03 ----- Plates, bone
3841-P04 ----- Probes, surgical
3841-R01 ----- Retinoscopes, except electromedical
3841-R02 ----- Retractors
3841-R03 ----- Rifles for propelling hypodermics into animals
3841-R04 ----- Rongeurs, bone
3841-S01 ----- Saws, surgical
3841-S02 ----- Screws, bone
3841-S03 ----- Skin grafting equipment
3841-S04 ----- Slit lamps (ophthalmic goods)
3841-S05 ----- Speculums
3841-S06 ----- Sphygmomanometers
3841-S07 ----- Stethoscopes and stethographs
3841-S08 ----- Suction therapy apparatus
3841-S09 ----- Surgical instruments and apparatus, except electromedical
3841-S10 ----- Surgical knife blades and handles
3841-S11 ----- Surgical stapling devices
3841-S12 ----- Syringes, hypodermic
3841-T01 ----- Tables, operating
3841-T02 ----- Tonometers, medical
3841-T03 ----- Trocars
3841-U01 ----- Ultrasonic medical cleaning equipment
3841-V01 ----- Veterinarians, instruments and apparatus
[3842 -000 ----- Surgical appliances and supplies]
3842-A01 ----- Abdominal supporters, braces, and trusses
3842-A02 ----- Absorbent cotton, sterilized
3842-A03 ----- Adhesive tape and plasters, medicated or nonmedicated
3842-A04 ----- Ankle supports, orthopedic
3842-A05 ----- Applicators, cotton tipped
3842-A06 ----- Arch supports, orthopedic
3842-A07 ----- Atomizers, medical
3842-A08 ----- Autoclaves, hospital and surgical
3842-B01 ----- Bandages and dressings, surgical and orthopedic
3842-B02 ----- Bandages: plastics, muslin, and plaster of Paris
3842-B03 ----- Belts: sanitary, surgical, and corrective
3842-B04 ----- Braces, elastic
3842-B05 ----- Braces, orthopedic
3842-B06 ----- Bulletproof vests
3842-C01 ----- Canes, orthopedic
3842-C02 ----- Cervical collars
3842-C03 ----- Chairs, wheel
3842-C04 ----- Clothing, fire resistant and protective
3842-C05 ----- Colostomy appliances
3842-C06 ----- Corn remover and bunion pads
3842-C07 ----- Corsets, surgical
3842-C08 ----- Cosmetic restorations
3842-C09 ----- Cotton, absorbent: sterilized
3842-C10 ----- Cotton, including cotton balls
3842-C11 ----- Crutches and walkers
3842-D01 ----- Depressors, tongue
3842-D02 ----- Drapes, surgical: cotton
3842-D03 ----- Dressings, surgical
3842-E01 ----- Ear stoppers
3842-E02 ----- Elastic hosiery, orthopedic
3842-E03 ----- Extension shoes, orthopedic
3842-F01 ----- First aid, snake bite, and burn kits
3842-F02 ----- Foot appliances, orthopedic
3842-F03 ----- Fracture appliances, surgical
3842-G01 ----- Gas capes (cold climate individual protective covers)
3842-G02 ----- Gas masks
3842-G03 ----- Gauze, surgical: not made in weaving mills
3842-G04 ----- Gloves, safety: all material
3842-G05 ----- Grafts, artificial: for surgery-made of braided or mesh artificial fibers
3842-G06 ----- Gut sutures, surgical
3842-G07 ----- Gynecological supplies and appliances
3842-H01 ----- Hearing aids
3842-H02 ----- Helmets, space
3842-H03 ----- Hosiery, elastic: orthopedic
3842-H04 ----- Hosiery, support
3842-H05 ----- Hydrotherapy equipment
3842-I01 ----- Implants, surgical
3842-I02 ----- Incubators, infant
3842-I03 ----- Infant incubators
3842-I04 ----- Intrauterine devices
3842-I05 ----- Iron lungs
3842-K01 ----- Kneecap supporters, orthopedic
3842-L01 ----- Life preservers, except cork and inflatable
3842-L02 ----- Ligatures, medical
3842-L03 ----- Limbs, artificial
3842-L04 ----- Linemen's safety belts
3842-M01 ----- Models, anatomical
3842-N01 ----- Noise protectors, personal
3842-N02 ----- Nose plugs
3842-O01 ----- Orthopedic devices and materials
3842-O02 ----- Orthopedic hosiery, elastic
3842-O03 ----- Orthopedic shoes, extension
3842-P01 ----- Pads, incontinent and bed
3842-P02 ----- Personal safety appliances and equipment
3842-P03 ----- Plasters, adhesive: medicated or nonmedicated
3842-P04 ----- Plugs, ear and nose
3842-P05 ----- Prosthetic appliances and supplies
3842-R01 ----- Radiation shielding aprons, gloves, and sheeting
3842-R02 ----- Respirators
3842-R03 ----- Respiratory protection equipment, personal
3842-R04 ----- Restraints, patient
3842-S01 ----- Safety appliances and equipment, personal
3842-S02 ----- Safety gloves, all materials
3842-S03 ----- Sanitary aprons
3842-S04 ----- Shoes, extension: orthopedic
3842-S05 ----- Socks, stump
3842-S06 ----- Space suits
3842-S07 ----- Splints, pneumatic and wood
3842-S08 ----- Sponges, surgical
3842-S09 ----- Sterilizers, hospital and surgical
3842-S10 ----- Stockinette, surgical
3842-S11 ----- Stoppers, ear
3842-S12 ----- Stretchers
3842-S13 ----- Suits, firefighting: asbestos
3842-S14 ----- Supports: abdominal, ankle, arch, and kneecap
3842-S15 ----- Surgical appliances and supplies, except medical instruments
3842-S16 ----- Suspensories
3842-S17 ----- Sutures
3842-S18 ----- Swabs, sanitary cotton
3842-T01 ----- Tape, adhesive: medicated or nonmedicated
3842-T02 ----- Tongue depressors
3842-T03 ----- Traction apparatus
3842-T04 ----- Trusses: orthopedic and surgical
3842-W01 ----- Walkers
3842-W02 ----- Welders, hoods
3842-W03 ----- Wheel chairs
3842-W04 ----- Whirlpool baths, hydrotherapy equipment
[3873 -000 ----- Watches, clocks, and watchcases]
3873-A01 ----- Appliance timers
3873-C01 ----- Cases for watches
3873-C02 ----- Chronographs, spring wound
3873-C03 ----- Chronometers, spring wound
3873-C04 ----- Clock materials and parts, except crystals and jewels
3873-C05 ----- Clocks, assembling of
3873-C06 ----- Clocks, except timeclocks
3873-M01 ----- Mechanisms for clockwork operated devices
3873-M02 ----- Movements, watch or clock
3873-T01 ----- Timers for industrial use, clockwork mechanism only
3873-W01 ----- Watchcases
3873-W02 ----- Watches and parts: except crystals and jewels
[3844 -000 ----- X-ray apparatus and tubes]
3844-B01 ----- Beta-ray irradiation equipment
3844-F01 ----- Fluoroscopes
3844-F02 ----- Fluoroscopic X-ray apparatus and tubes
3844-G01 ----- Gamma ray irradiation equipment
3844-G02 ----- Generators, X-ray
3844-I01 ----- Irradiation equipment
3844-L01 ----- Lamps, X-ray
3844-N01 ----- Nuclear irradiation equipment
3844-R01 ----- Radiographic X-ray apparatus and tubes: medical, industrial, and research
3844-R02 ----- Radium equipment
3844-T01 ----- Therapeutic X-ray apparatus and tubes: medical, industrial, and research
3844-T02 ----- Tubes, X-ray
3844-X01 ----- X-ray apparatus and tubes: medical, industrial, research, and control
3844-X02 ----- X-ray generators