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[37 ----- Transportation Equipment (cont')]
[3711-000 ----- Motor vehicles and car bodies]
3711-A01 ----- Ambulances
3711-A02 ----- Amphibian motor vehicles, except tanks
3711-A03 ----- Assembling complete automobiles, trucks, commercial cars, and buses
3711-A04 ----- Automobile bodies, passenger car
3711-A05 ----- Automobiles
3711-B01 ----- Bodies, passenger automobile
3711-B02 ----- Brooms, powered (motor vehicles)
3711-B03 ----- Buses, motor: except trackless trolley
3711-C01 ----- Car bodies, including fiberglass
3711-C02 ----- Cars, armored
3711-C03 ----- Cars, electric: for highway use mfg
3711-C04 ----- Chassis, motor vehicle
3711-F01 ----- Fire department vehicles
3711-F02 ----- Flushers, street
3711-H01 ----- Hearses
3711-H02 ----- Hovercraft (motor vehicles)-mfg
3711-L01 ----- Lubrication systems and parts
3711-M01 ----- Mobile lounges
3711-M02 ----- Motor buses, except trackless trolley
3711-M03 ----- Motor homes, self-contained-misc
3711-M04 ----- Motor trucks, except off-highway
3711-M05 ----- Motor vehicles, including amphibian
3711-P01 ----- Passenger automobile bodies
3711-P02 ----- Patrol wagons
3711-P03 ----- Personnel carriers, for highway use
3711-P04 ----- Plows, snow
3711-R01 ----- Road oilers
3711-S01 ----- Snowplows
3711-S02 ----- Station wagons
3711-S03 ----- Street flushers
3711-S04 ----- Street sprinklers and sweepers
3711-S05 ----- Sweepers, street
3711-T01 ----- Taxicabs
3711-T02 ----- Tractors, truck: for highway use
3711-T03 ----- Truck tractors for highway use
3711-T04 ----- Trucks, motor: except off-highway
3711-U01 ----- Universal carriers, military
3711-V01 ----- Vehicles, motor: including amphibian
[3751-000 ----- Motorcycles, bicycles, and parts]
3751-B01 ----- Bicycles and parts
3751-B02 ----- Brakes, bicycle: friction clutch and other
3751-C01 ----- Coaster brakes, bicycle
3751-F01 ----- Frames, motorcycle and bicycle
3751-G01 ----- Gears, motorcycle and bicycle
3751-H01 ----- Handle bars, motorcycle and bicycle
3751-M01 ----- Mopeds and parts
3751-M02 ----- Motor scooters and parts
3751-M03 ----- Motorbikes and parts
3751-M04 ----- Motorcycles and parts
3751-S01 ----- Saddles, motorcycle and bicycle
3751-S02 ----- Seat posts, motorcycle and bicycle
[3743-000 ----- Railroad equipment]
3743-A01 ----- Air brakes, railway
3743-B01 ----- Brakes, railway: air and vacuum
3743-B02 ----- Buses, trackless trolley
3743-C01 ----- Cars and car equipment, freight or passenger
3743-D01 ----- Dining cars and car equipment
3743-E01 ----- Engines, steam (locomotives)
3743-F01 ----- Freight cars and car equipment
3743-I01 ----- Industrial locomotives and parts
3743-I02 ----- Interurban cars and car equipment
3743-L01 ----- Locomotives, locomotive frames, and parts
3743-L02 ----- Lubrication systems, locomotive
3743-M01 ----- Mining locomotives and parts
3743-R01 ----- Railroad car rebuilding
3743-R02 ----- Railroad cars and car equipment
3743-R03 ----- Railroad locomotives and parts
3743-R04 ----- Railway maintenance cars
3743-R05 ----- Railway motor cars
3743-R06 ----- Rapid transit cars and equipment
3743-S01 ----- Sleeping cars, railroad
3743-S02 ----- Streetcars and car equipment
3743-S03 ----- Switching locomotives and parts, electric and nonelectric
3743-T01 ----- Tank freight cars and car equipment
3743-T02 ----- Tenders, locomotive
3743-T03 ----- Trackless trolley buses
3743-T04 ----- Train cars and equipment, freight or passenger
3743-T05 ----- Trolley buses, trackless
3743-V01 ----- Vacuum brakes, railway
[3731-000 ----- Ship building and repairing]
3731-B01 ----- Barges
3731-C01 ----- Cargo vessels
3731-C02 ----- Combat ships
3731-C03 ----- Crew boats
3731-D01 ----- Destroyer tenders
3731-D02 ----- Dredges
3731-D03 ----- Drilling and production platforms, floating, oil and gas
3731-D04 ----- Drydocks, floating
3731-F01 ----- Ferryboats
3731-F02 ----- Fireboats
3731-F03 ----- Fishing vessels, large: seiners and trawlers
3731-H01 ----- Hydrofoil vessels
3731-L01 ----- Landing ships
3731-L02 ----- Lighters, marine
3731-L03 ----- Lighthouse tenders
3731-M01 ----- Marine rigging
3731-N01 ----- Naval ships
3731-O01 ----- Offshore supply boats
3731-P01 ----- Passenger cargo vessels
3731-P02 ----- Patrol boats
3731-R01 ----- Radar towers, floating
3731-S01 ----- Sailing vessels, commercial
3731-S02 ----- Scows
3731-S03 ----- Seiners
3731-S04 ----- Ship
3731-S05 ----- Submarine tenders
3731-T01 ----- Tankers (ships)
3731-T02 ----- Tenders (ships)
3731-T03 ----- Towboats, building and repairing
3731-T04 ----- Transport vessels, passenger and troop
3731-T05 ----- Trawlers
3731-T06 ----- Tugboats
[3764-000 ----- Space propulsion units and parts]
3764-E01 ----- Engines and engine parts, guided missile
3764-P01 ----- Propulsion units for guided missiles and pace vehicles
3764-R01 ----- Research and development on guided missile and space vehicle engines, by the manufacturer
3764-R02 ----- Rocket motors, guided missile
[3769-000 ----- Space vehicle equipment, n.e.c.]
3769-A01 ----- Airframe assemblies, for guided missiles
3769-C01 ----- Casings for missiles and missile components shipping and storage
3769-N01 ----- Nose cones, guided missile
3769-R01 ----- Research and development on guided missile and space vehicle components, by the manufacturer
3769-S01 ----- Space capsules
[3795-000 ----- Tanks and tank components]
3795-A01 ----- Amphibian tanks, military
3795-T01 ----- Tank components, specialized: military
3795-T02 ----- Tank recovery vehicles
3795-T03 ----- Tanks, military: including factory rebuilding
[3799-000 ----- Transportation equipment, n.e.c.]
3799-A01 ----- All terrain vehicles (ATV)
3799-A02 ----- Automobile trailer chassis, except travel trailer
3799-A03 ----- Automobile trailers, except house and travel
3799-A04 ----- Autos, midget: power-driven
3799-B01 ----- Boat trailers
3799-C01 ----- Caddy cars
3799-C02 ----- Cars, electric: off-highway
3799-C03 ----- Chassis, automobile trailer: except mobile home and travel trailer
3799-E01 ----- Electrocars for transporting golfers
3799-G01 ----- Gocarts, except children's
3799-G02 ----- Golf carts, powered
3799-H01 ----- Hitches, trairier
3799-P01 ----- Pushcarts
3799-S01 ----- Snowmobiles
3799-T01 ----- Towing bars and systems
3799-T02 ----- Trailer hitches
3799-T03 ----- Trailers, boat
3799-T04 ----- Trailers for automobiles, except travel and mobile home
3799-T05 ----- Trailers for transporting horses, except fifth wheel type
3799-W01 ----- Wheelbarrows
[3792-000 ----- Travel trailers and campers]
3792-A01 ----- Automobile house trailer chassis
3792-C01 ----- Campers, for mounting on trucks
3792-C02 ----- Camping trailers and chassis
3792-C03 ----- Chassis for travel and camping trailers
3792-H01 ----- Housetrailers, except as permanent dwellings
3792-P01 ----- Pickup coaches (campers), for mounting on pickup trucks
3792-P02 ----- Pickup covers, canopies or caps
3792-T01 ----- Tent-type camping trailers
3792-T02 ----- Trailers, camping
3792-T03 ----- Trailers, house: except as permanent dwellings
3792-T04 ----- Travel trailer chassis
3792-T05 ----- Truck campers (slide-in campers)
[3713-000 ----- Truck and bus bodies]
3713-A01 ----- Ambulance bodies
3713-A02 ----- Automobile wrecker-truck body
3713-B01 ----- Bodies, dump
3713-B02 ----- Bodies, truck
3713-B03 ----- Bus bodies
3713-H01 ----- Hearse bodies
3713-T01 ----- Tops, truck
3713-T02 ----- Truck beds
3713-T03 ----- Truck bodies
3713-T04 ----- Truck cabs
3713-T05 ----- Truck tops
3713-V01 ----- Van-type bodies, all purpose
[3715-000 ----- Truck trailers]
3715-B01 ----- Bus trailers, tractor type
3715-D01 ----- Demountable cargo containers
3715-M01 ----- Motor truck trailers
3715-S01 ----- Semitrailers for missile transportation
3715-S02 ----- Semitrailers for truck tractors
3715-T01 ----- Trailers, fifth-wheel type: for transporting horses
3715-T03 ----- Truck trailers