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[35 ----- Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment (cont')]
[3585 -000 ----- Refrigeration and heating equipment]
3585-A01 ----- Air-conditioners, motor vehicle
3585-A02 ----- Air-conditioning and heating combination units
3585-A03 ----- Air-conditioning compressors
3585-A04 ----- Air-conditioning condensers and condensing units
3585-A05 ----- Air-conditioning units, complete: domestic and industrial
3585-B01 ----- Beer dispensing equipment
3585-C01 ----- Cabinets, show and display: refrigerated
3585-C02 ----- Cases, show and display: refrigerated
3585-C03 ----- Cold drink dispensing equipment, except coin-operated
3585-C04 ----- Compressors for refrigeration and air-conditioning
3585-C05 ----- Condensers and condensing units: refrigeration and air-conditioning
3585-C06 ----- Coolers, milk and water: electric
3585-C07 ----- Counters and counter display cases, refrigerated
3585-D01 ----- Dehumidifiers, except portable: electric
3585-D02 ----- Drinking fountains, mechanically refrigerated
3585-E01 ----- Electric comfort heating equipment
3585-E02 ----- Electric warm air furnaces
3585-E03 ----- Evaporative condensers (heat transfer equipment )
3585-F01 ----- Fountain syrup dispensing equipment
3585-F02 ----- Fountains, drinking: mechanically refrigerated
3585-F03 ----- Furnaces: gravity air flow
3585-H01 ----- Heat pumps, electric
3585-H02 ----- Heating and air-conditioning combination units
3585-H03 ----- Humidifying equipment, except portable
3585-I01 ----- Ice boxes, industrial
3585-I02 ----- Ice making machinery
3585-L01 ----- Lockers, refrigerated
3585-R01 ----- Refrigeration compressors
3585-R02 ----- Refrigeration machinery and equipment, industrial
3585-R03 ----- Room coolers, portable
3585-S01 ----- Showcases, refrigerated
3585-S02 ----- Siphons, soda water
3585-S03 ----- Snow making machinery
3585-S04 ----- Soda fountains, parts, and accessories
3585-T01 ----- Tanks, soda water
3585-W01 ----- Water coolers, electric
Back 3585-A01 ----- Air-conditioners, motor vehicle
3585-A02 ----- Air-conditioning and heating combination units
3585-A03 ----- Air-conditioning compressors
3585-A04 ----- Air-conditioning condensers and condensing units
3585-A05 ----- Air-conditioning units, complete: domestic and industrial
3585-B01 ----- Beer dispensing equipment
3585-C01 ----- Cabinets, show and display: refrigerated
3585-C02 ----- Cases, show and display: refrigerated
3585-C03 ----- Cold drink dispensing equipment, except coin-operated
3585-C04 ----- Compressors for refrigeration and air-conditioning
3585-C05 ----- Condensers and condensing units: refrigeration and air-conditioning
3585-C06 ----- Coolers, milk and water: electric
3585-C07 ----- Counters and counter display cases, refrigerated
3585-D01 ----- Dehumidifiers, except portable: electric
3585-D02 ----- Drinking fountains, mechanically refrigerated
3585-E01 ----- Electric comfort heating equipment
3585-E02 ----- Electric warm air furnaces
3585-E03 ----- Evaporative condensers (heat transfer equipment )
3585-F01 ----- Fountain syrup dispensing equipment
3585-F02 ----- Fountains, drinking: mechanically refrigerated
3585-F03 ----- Furnaces: gravity air flow
3585-H01 ----- Heat pumps, electric
3585-H02 ----- Heating and air-conditioning combination units
3585-H03 ----- Humidifying equipment, except portable
3585-I01 ----- Ice boxes, industrial
3585-I02 ----- Ice making machinery
3585-L01 ----- Lockers, refrigerated
3585-R01 ----- Refrigeration compressors
3585-R02 ----- Refrigeration machinery and equipment, industrial
3585-R03 ----- Room coolers, portable
3585-S01 ----- Showcases, refrigerated
3585-S02 ----- Siphons, soda water
3585-S03 ----- Snow making machinery
3585-S04 ----- Soda fountains, parts, and accessories
3585-T01 ----- Tanks, soda water
3585-W01 ----- Water coolers, electric
[3547 -000 ----- Rolling mill machinery]
3547-B01 ----- Bar mills
3547-B02 ----- Billet mills
3547-B03 ----- Blooming and slabbing mills
3547-C01 ----- Cleaning lines, electrolytic (rolling mill equipment)
3547-C02 ----- Cold forming type mills (rolling mill machinery)
3547-F01 ----- Ferrous and nonferrous mill equipment, auxiliary
3547-F02 ----- Finishing equipment, rolling mill
3547-G01 ----- Galvanizing lines (rolling mill equipment)
3547-H01 ----- Hot strip mill machinery
3547-L01 ----- Levelers, roller (rolling mill equipment)
3547-M01 ----- Mill tables (rolling mill equipment)
3547-P01 ----- Picklers and pickling lines, sheet and strip(rolling mill equipment)
3547-P02 ----- Pipe and tube mills
3547-P03 ----- Plate rolling mill machinery
3547-R01 ----- Rod mills (rolling mill equipment)
3547-R02 ----- Roller levelers (rolling mill machinery)
3547-R03 ----- Rolling mill machinery and equipment
3547-R04 ----- Rolls for rolling mill machinery, machined
3547-S01 ----- Steel rolling machinery
3547-S02 ----- Straightening machinery (rolling mill equipment) mfg
3547-S03 ----- Structural mills (rolling mill machinery
3547-T01 ----- Tube mill machinery
[3596 -000 ----- Scales and balances, (except laboratory)]
3596-B01 ----- Baby scales
3596-B02 ----- Balances, except laboratory
3596-B03 ----- Bathroom scales
3596-I01 ----- Industrial scales
3596-M01 ----- Motor truck scales
3596-R01 ----- Railroad track scales
3596-S01 ----- Scales, except laboratory
3596-W01 ----- Weighing machines and apparatus, except laboratory
[3589 -000 ----- Service industry machinery, n.e.c.]
3589-C01 ----- Cafeteria food warming equipment
3589-C02 ----- Carpet sweepers, except household electric, vacuum sweepers
3589-C03 ----- Carwashing machinery, including coin-operated
3589-C04 ----- Cleaners, electric vacuum: industrial
3589-C05 ----- Coffee urns, restaurant type
3589-C06 ----- Cookers, steam: restaurant type mfg
3589-C07 ----- Cooking equipment, commercial
3589-C08 ----- Corn popping machines, commercial type
3589-D01 ----- Dirt sweeping units, industrial
3589-D02 ----- Dishwashing machines, commercial
3589-F01 ----- Floor sanding, washing, and polishing machines: commercial type
3589-F02 ----- Food warming equipment, commercial
3589-F03 ----- Fryers, commercial
3589-G01 ----- Garbage disposers, commercial
3589-J01 ----- Janitors, carts
3589-M01 ----- Mop wringers
3589-O01 ----- Ovens, cafeteria food warming: portable
3589-O02 ----- Ovens, microwave (cooking equipment): commercial
3589-P01 ----- Pressure cookers, steam: commercial
3589-R01 ----- Ranges, cooking: commercial
3589-S01 ----- Sanding machines, floor
3589-S02 ----- Scrubbing machines
3589-S03 ----- Servicing machines, coin-operated: except drycleaning and laundry
3589-S04 ----- Sewage treatment equipment
3589-S05 ----- Sewer cleaning equipment, power
3589-S06 ----- Sludge processing equipment
3589-S07 ----- Steam cookers, restaurant type
3589-S08 ----- Steam tables
3589-S09 ----- Stoves, commercial
3589-S10 ----- Sweepers, carpet: except household electric vacuum sweepers
3589-S11 ----- Sweepers, electric: vacuum-industrial
3589-S12 ----- Swimming pool filter systems (home pools)mfg
3589-V01 ----- Vacuum cleaners and sweepers, electric: industrial and commercial
3589-W01 ----- Water conditioners, for swimming pools
3589-W02 ----- Water filters and softeners, household type
3589-W03 ----- Water purification equipment, household type
3589-W04 ----- Water softeners, household type
3589-W05 ----- Water treatment equipment, industrial
3589-W06 ----- Wringers, mop
[3544 -000 ----- Special dies, tools, jigs & fixtures]
3544-C01 ----- Cutting dies, for cutting metal
3544-D01 ----- Diamond dies, metalworking
3544-D02 ----- Dies and die holders for metal die-casting and metal cutting and forming, except threading
3544-D03 ----- Dies, diamond: metalworking
3544-D04 ----- Dies, metalworking, except threading
3544-D05 ----- Dies, plastics forming
3544-D06 ----- Dies, steel rule
3544-D07 ----- Diesets for metal stamping (presses)
3544-E01 ----- Extrusion dies
3544-F01 ----- Forms, metal (molds): for foundry and plastics working machinery
3544-I01 ----- Industrial molds
3544-J01 ----- Jigs and fixtures (metalworking machinery accessories)
3544-J02 ----- Jigs: inspection, gauging, and checking
3544-M01 ----- Molds, industrial
3544-P01 ----- Punches, forming and stamping
3544-S01 ----- Subpresses, metalworking
3544-W01 ----- Welding positioners (jigs)
3544-W02 ----- Wiredrawing and straightening dies
[3559 -000 ----- Special industry machinery, n.e.c.]
3559-A01 ----- Ammunition and explosives loading machinery
3559-A02 ----- Anodizing equipment (except rolling mill lines)
3559-B01 ----- Bag sewing and closing machines (industrial sewing machines)
3559-B02 ----- Balancing equipment, automotive wheel
3559-B03 ----- Boot making and repairing machinery
3559-B04 ----- Brick making machines
3559-B05 ----- Broom making machinery
3559-B06 ----- Buttonhole and eyelet machines and attachments, industrial
3559-C01 ----- Cement kilns, rotary
3559-C02 ----- Cement making machinery
3559-C03 ----- Chemical kilns
3559-C04 ----- Chemical machinery and equipment
3559-C05 ----- Cigarette and cigar making machines
3559-C06 ----- Clayworking and tempering machines
3559-C07 ----- Concrete products machinery
3559-C08 ----- Control rod drive mechanisms for use on nuclear reactors
3559-C09 ----- Cork working machinery
3559-C10 ----- Cotton ginning machinery
3559-D01 ----- Degreasing machines, automotive (garage equipment)
3559-D02 ----- Degreasing machines, industrial
3559-D03 ----- Desalination equipment
3559-D04 ----- Die and hub cutting equipment (jewelry manufacturing)
3559-D05 ----- Drying kilns, lumber
3559-E01 ----- Electric screening equipment
3559-E02 ----- Electron tube making machinery
3559-E03 ----- Electroplating machinery and equipment, except rolling mill lines
3559-F01 ----- Foundry machinery and equipment
3559-F02 ----- Frame straighteners, automotive (garage equipment)
3559-F03 ----- Fur sewing machines
3559-G01 ----- Ginning machines, cotton
3559-G02 ----- Glass making machinery: blowing, molding, forming, grinding, etc.
3559-H01 ----- Hat making and hat renovating machinery
3559-H02 ----- Hub and die-cutting machines (jewelers)
3559-I01 ----- Incandescent lamp making machinery
3559-J01 ----- Jewelers, machines
3559-K01 ----- Kilns: cement, wood, and chemical
3559-L01 ----- Lamp making machinery, incandescent
3559-L02 ----- Leather working machinery
3559-M01 ----- Metal finishing equipment for plating, except rolling mill lines
3559-M02 ----- Metal pickling equipment, except rolling mill lines
3559-M03 ----- Metal smelting and refining machinery, except furnaces and ovens
3559-N01 ----- Nuclear reactor control rod drive mechanisms
3559-O01 ----- Optical lens machinery
3559-O02 ----- Ozone machines
3559-P01 ----- Packup assemblies (wheel overhaul)
3559-P02 ----- Paint making machinery
3559-P03 ----- Petroleum refinery equipment
3559-P04 ----- Pharmaceutical machinery
3559-P05 ----- Plastics working machinery
3559-P06 ----- Pottery making machinery
3559-R01 ----- Robots, plastics: for molding and forming
3559-R02 ----- Rubber products machinery
3559-R03 ----- Rubber working machinery
3559-S01 ----- Scouring machines, tannery
3559-S02 ----- Semiconductor manufacturing machinery
3559-S03 ----- Sewing machines and attachments, industrial
3559-S04 ----- Shoe making and repairing machinery
3559-S05 ----- Silver recovery equipment, electrolytic
3559-S06 ----- Smelting and refining machinery and equipment, except ovens
3559-S07 ----- Stone tumblers
3559-S08 ----- Stone working machinery
3559-S09 ----- Synthetic filament extruding machines
3559-T01 ----- Tannery machines
3559-T02 ----- Tile making machines
3559-T03 ----- Tire grooving machines
3559-T04 ----- Tire retreading machinery and equipment
3559-T05 ----- Tire shredding machinery
3559-T06 ----- Tobacco products machinery
3559-W01 ----- Wheel balancing equipment, automotive
3559-W02 ----- Wheel mounting and balancing equipment, automotive
3559-W03 ----- Wood drying kilns
3559-Z01 ----- Zipper making machinery
[3566 -000 ----- Speed changers, drives, and gears]
3566-C01 ----- Cider presses
3566-D01 ----- Drives, high-speed industrial: except hydrostatic
3566-G01 ----- Gearmotors (power transmission equipment)
3566-G02 ----- Gears, power transmission: except motor vehicle and aircraft
3566-M01 ----- Motors, gear
3566-R01 ----- Reducers, speed
3566-R02 ----- Reduction gears and gear units for turbines, except automotive and aircraft
3566-S01 ----- Speed changers (power transmission equipment)
3566-S02 ----- Speed reducers (power transmission equipment)mfg
3566-T01 ----- Torque converters, except motor vehicle
[3552 -000 ----- Textile machinery]
3552-B01 ----- Beaming machines, textile
3552-B02 ----- Bleaching machinery, textile
3552-B03 ----- Bobbins for textile machinery
3552-B04 ----- Braiding machines, textile
3552-C01 ----- Carbonizing equipment (wool processing machinery)
3552-C02 ----- Card clothing for textile machines
3552-C03 ----- Carding machines, textile
3552-C04 ----- Cloth spreading machines
3552-C05 ----- Cloth stripping machines
3552-C06 ----- Combing machines, textile
3552-C07 ----- Cordage and rope machines
3552-C08 ----- Creels, textile machinery
3552-D01 ----- Doubling and twisting frames (textile machinery)
3552-D02 ----- Drawing frames, textile
3552-D03 ----- Drying machines, textile: for stock, yarn, and cloth
3552-D04 ----- Dyeing machinery, textile
3552-E01 ----- Embroidery machines
3552-F01 ----- Finishing machinery, textile
3552-F02 ----- Frames, doubling and twisting (textile machinery)
3552-G01 ----- Garnetting machines, textile
3552-H01 ----- Heddles for loom harnesses, wire
3552-H02 ----- Hosiery machines
3552-J01 ----- Jacquard card cutting machines
3552-J02 ----- Jacquard loom parts and attachments
3552-K01 ----- Knitting machines
3552-K02 ----- Knot tying machines (textile machinery)
3552-L01 ----- Lace and net machines
3552-L02 ----- Lace machine bobbins, wood or metal
3552-L03 ----- Loom bobbins, wood or metal
3552-L04 ----- Looms (textile machinery)
3552-L05 ----- Loopers (textile machinery)
3552-M01 ----- Mercerizing machinery
3552-N01 ----- Napping machines (textile machinery)
3552-N02 ----- Net and lace machines
3552-P01 ----- Picker machines (textile machinery)
3552-P02 ----- Picker sticks for looms
3552-P03 ----- Printing machinery, textile
3552-R01 ----- Reeds, loom
3552-R02 ----- Rope and cordage machines
3552-R03 ----- Roving machines (textile machinery)
3552-S01 ----- Shuttles for textile weaving
3552-S02 ----- Silk screens for the textile industry
3552-S03 ----- Slashing machines (textile machinery)
3552-S04 ----- Spindles, textile
3552-S05 ----- Spinning machines, textile
3552-S06 ----- Spools, textile machinery: wood
3552-T01 ----- Textile finishing machinery: bleaching, dyeing, mercerizing, and printing
3552-T02 ----- Textile machinery, except sewing machines
3552-T03 ----- Textile machinery parts
3552-T04 ----- Textile printing machines
3552-T05 ----- Textile turnings and shapes, wood
3552-T06 ----- Thread making machines (spinning machinery), textile
3552-T07 ----- Tufting machines
3552-W01 ----- Warp and knot tying machines (textile machinery)
3552-W02 ----- Warping machines (textile machinery)
3552-W03 ----- Winders (textile machinery)
3552-W04 ----- Wool and worsted finishing machines
3552-Y01 ----- Yarn texturizing machines
[3511 -000 ----- Turbines and turbine generator sets]
3511-E01 ----- Engines, steam: except locomotives
3511-G01 ----- Gas turbine generator set units, complete
3511-G02 ----- Gas turbines and parts, except aircraft type
3511-G03 ----- Gas turbines, mechanical drive
3511-G04 ----- Generator set units, turbine: complete-steam, gas, and hydraulic
3511-G05 ----- Governors, steam
3511-H01 ----- Hydraulic turbine generator set units, complete
3511-H02 ----- Hydraulic turbines
3511-S01 ----- Solar powered turbine-generator sets
3511-S02 ----- Steam engines, except locomotives
3511-S03 ----- Steam governors
3511-S04 ----- Steam turbine generator set units, complete
3511-S05 ----- Steam turbines
3511-T01 ----- Tank turbines
3511-T02 ----- Turbine generator set units, complete: steam, gas, and hydraulic
3511-T03 ----- Turbines: steam, hydraulic, and gas-except aircraft type
3511-T04 ----- Turbogenerators
3511-W01 ----- Water turbines
3511-W02 ----- Wind powered turbine-generator sets
3511-W03 ----- Windmills for generating power
[3548 -000 ----- Welding apparatus]
3548-A01 ----- Arc-welder transformers (separate)
3548-A02 ----- Arc-welders, transformer-rectifier
3548-A03 ----- Arc-welding generators, a.c. and d.c.
3548-A04 ----- Arc-welding generators
3548-E01 ----- Electrode holders for electric welding apparatus
3548-E02 ----- Electrodes, electric welding
3548-G01 ----- Gas welding equipment
3548-G02 ----- Generators (separate) for arc-welders
3548-R01 ----- Resistance welders, electric
3548-R02 ----- Robots for welding, soldering, or brazing
3548-S01 ----- Seam welding apparatus, gas and electric
3548-S02 ----- Soldering equipment, except soldering irons
3548-S03 ----- Spot welding apparatus, gas and electric
3548-T01 ----- Transformers (separate) for arc-welders
3548-W01 ----- Welding accessories, electric and gas
3548-W02 ----- Welding and cutting apparatus, gas or electric
3548-W03 ----- Welding wire, bare and coated
[3553 -000 ----- Woodworking machinery]
3553-B01 ----- Bandsaws, woodworking
3553-B02 ----- Box making machines for wooden boxes
3553-C01 ----- Cabinet makers, machinery
3553-C02 ----- Carving machine, woodworking
3553-D01 ----- Dovetailing machines (woodworking machinery)
3553-F01 ----- Furniture makers, machinery (woodworking)
3553-J01 ----- Jointers (woodworking machines)
3553-L01 ----- Lathes, wood turning: including accessories
3553-M01 ----- Mortisers (woodworking machines)
3553-P01 ----- Pattern makers, machinery (woodworking)
3553-P02 ----- Planers, woodworking
3553-P03 ----- Planing mill machinery
3553-P04 ----- Presses, woodworking: particleboard, hardboard, medium density fiberboard(MDF), and plywood
3553-R01 ----- Routing machines, woodworking
3553-S01 ----- Sanding machines, except portable floor sanders (woodworking machinery)
3553-S02 ----- Sawmill machines
3553-S03 ----- Saws, power: bench and table (woodworking machinery)-except portable
3553-S04 ----- Scarfing machines (woodworking machinery)
3553-S05 ----- Shapers, woodworking machinery
3553-S06 ----- Surfacers (woodworking machines)
3553-T01 ----- Tenoners (woodworking machines)
3553-V01 ----- Veneer mill machines
3553-V02 ----- Venetian blind machines (woodworking machinery)
3553-W01 ----- Woodworking machines