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[35 ----- Industrial and Commercial Machinery and Computer Equipment (cont')]
[3535 -000 ----- Conveyors and conveying equipment]
3535-B01 ----- Belt conveyor systems for general industrial use
3535-B02 ----- Bucket type conveyor systems for general industrial use
3535-B03 ----- Buckets, elevator or conveyor for general industrial use
3535-C01 ----- Conveyor systems for general industrial use
3535-M01 ----- Mine conveyors
3535-O01 ----- Overhead conveyor systems for general industrial use
3535-P01 ----- Passenger baggage belt loaders
3535-P02 ----- Pneumatic tube conveyor systems for general industrial use
3535-R01 ----- Robotic conveyors for general industrial use mfg
[3571 -000 ----- Electronic computers]
3571-C01 ----- Computers: digital, analog, and hybrid
3571-M01 ----- Mainframe computers
3571-M02 ----- Microcomputers
3571-M03 ----- Minicomputers
3571-P01 ----- Personal computers
[3534 -000 ----- Elevators and moving stairways]
3534-A01 ----- Automobile lifts (elevators)
3534-D01 ----- Dumbwaiters
3534-E01 ----- Elevator fronts
3534-E02 ----- Elevators and elevator equipment, passenger and freight
3534-E03 ----- Elevators, powered: non farm
3534-E04 ----- Escalators, passenger and freight
3534-L01 ----- Lifts (elevators), passenger and freight
3534-S01 ----- Stair elevators: motor powered
3534-S02 ----- Stairways, moving
3534-W01 ----- Walkways, moving
[3523 -000 ----- Farm machinery and equipment]
3523-A01 ----- Agricultural hand sprayers
3523-A02 ----- Agricultural implements and machinery
3523-A03 ----- Ammonia applicators and attachments
3523-A04 ----- Animal clippers, hand and electric
3523-B01 ----- Bale throwers
3523-B02 ----- Balers, farm: e.g., hay, straw, cotton
3523-B03 ----- Barn cleaners
3523-B04 ----- Barn stanchions and standards
3523-B05 ----- Berry and grain separators, farm
3523-B06 ----- Blowers and cutters, ensilage
3523-B07 ----- Blowers, forage
3523-B08 ----- Brooders
3523-C01 ----- Cabs, agricultural machinery
3523-C02 ----- Calf savers (farm equipment)
3523-C03 ----- Cattle feeding, handling, and watering equipment
3523-C04 ----- Cattle oilers (farm equipment)
3523-C05 ----- Chicken brooders
3523-C06 ----- Chicken feeders
3523-C07 ----- Cleaning machines for fruits, grains, and vegetables: farm
3523-C08 ----- Clippers, hair: for animal use-hand and electric
3523-C09 ----- Combines (harvester-threshers)
3523-C10 ----- Conveyors, farm (agricultural machinery)
3523-C11 ----- Corn heads for combines
3523-C12 ----- Corn pickers and shellers, farm
3523-C13 ----- Corrals, portable
3523-C14 ----- Cotton balers and presses
3523-C15 ----- Cotton picker and stripper harvesting machinery
3523-C16 ----- Cream separators, farm
3523-C17 ----- Crop driers, farm
3523-C18 ----- Crushers, feed (agricultural machinery)
3523-C19 ----- Cultivators, agricultural field and row crop
3523-C20 ----- Curers, tobacco
3523-C21 ----- Cutters, ensilage
3523-D01 ----- Dairy equipment, farm
3523-D02 ----- Drags (agricultural equipment)
3523-D03 ----- Driers: grain, hay, and seed (agricultural implements)
3523-D04 ----- Dusters, mechanical: agricultural
3523-E01 ----- Elevators, farm
3523-E02 ----- Ensilage blowers and cutters
3523-F01 ----- Farm elevators
3523-F02 ----- Farm machinery and equipment
3523-F03 ----- Farm tractors
3523-F04 ----- Farm wagons
3523-F05 ----- Feed grinders, crushers, and mixers (agricultural machinery)
3523-F06 ----- Feed grinders-mixers
3523-F07 ----- Feeders, chicken
3523-F08 ----- Fertilizing machinery, farm
3523-F09 ----- Field type rotary tillers (agricultural machinery)
3523-F10 ----- Forage blowers
3523-F11 ----- Forage harvesters
3523-F12 ----- Fruit grading, cleaning, and sorting machines
3523-F13 ----- Fruit, vegetable, berry, and grape harvesting machines
3523-G01 ----- Gates, holding (farm equipment)
3523-G02 ----- Grading, cleaning, and sorting machines: fruit, grain, and vegetable
3523-G03 ----- Grain drills, including legume planters(agricultural machinery)
3523-G04 ----- Grain grading, cleaning, and sorting machines
3523-G05 ----- Grain stackers
3523-G06 ----- Greens mowing equipment
3523-G07 ----- Grinders and crushers, feed (agricultural machinery)
3523-G08 ----- Grounds mowing equipment
3523-H01 ----- Hair clippers for animal use, hand and electric
3523-H02 ----- Hammer and roughage mills (agricultural machinery)
3523-H03 ----- Harrows: disc, spring, and tine
3523-H04 ----- Harvesting machines
3523-H05 ----- Hay balers and presses, farm
3523-H06 ----- Haying machines: mowers, rakes, loaders, stackers, balers, presses, etc.
3523-H07 ----- Hog feeding, handling, and watering equipment
3523-H08 ----- Hulling machinery, agricultural
3523-I01 ----- Incubators, except laboratory and infant
3523-I02 ----- Irrigation equipment, self-propelled
3523-L01 ----- Land rollers and levelers (agricultural machinery)
3523-L02 ----- Listers
3523-L03 ----- Loaders, farm type (general utility)
3523-M01 ----- Milking machines
3523-M02 ----- Mowers and mower-conditioners, hay
3523-N01 ----- Nut shellers (agricultural machinery)
3523-P01 ----- Peanut combines, diggers, packers, and threshers (agricultural equipment)
3523-P02 ----- Planting machines, agricultural
3523-P03 ----- Plows, agricultural: disc, moldboard, chisel, etc.
3523-P04 ----- Potato diggers, harvesters, and planters(agricultural machinery)
3523-P05 ----- Poultry brooders, feeders, and waterers
3523-P06 ----- Poultry vision control devices
3523-P07 ----- Presses and balers, farm: hay, cotton, etc.
3523-P08 ----- Pulverizers, soil (agricultural machinery)
3523-R01 ----- Rakes, hay (agricultural machinery)
3523-R02 ----- Rollers and levelers, land (agricultural machinery)
3523-R03 ----- Rotary hoes (agricultural machinery)
3523-R04 ----- Roughage mills (agricultural machinery)
3523-S01 ----- Seeders (agricultural machinery)
3523-S02 ----- Separators, cream: farm
3523-S03 ----- Separators, grain and berry: farm
3523-S04 ----- Shears, sheep: power
3523-S05 ----- Sheep shears, power
3523-S06 ----- Shellers, nut (agricultural machinery)
3523-S07 ----- Shredders (agricultural machinery)
3523-S08 ----- Silo fillers (agricultural machinery)
3523-S09 ----- Silo unloaders
3523-S10 ----- Soil pulverizers and packers (agriculturaln machinery)
3523-S11 ----- Sorting machines for agricultural products
3523-S12 ----- Sprayers, hand: agricultural
3523-S13 ----- Spraying machines (agricultural machinery)
3523-S14 ----- Spreaders, fertilizer
3523-S15 ----- Stackers, hay and grain
3523-S16 ----- Stalk choppers, shredders
3523-S17 ----- Stanchions and standards, barn
3523-T01 ----- Tobacco curers
3523-T02 ----- Tobacco harvesters
3523-T03 ----- Tomato harvesters
3523-T04 ----- Tractors, wheel: farm type
3523-T05 ----- Trailers and wagons, farm
3523-T06 ----- Transplanters
3523-T07 ----- Tree shakers (nuts, soft fruits, and citrus)
3523-T08 ----- Troughs, water
3523-T09 ----- Turf equipment, commercial
3523-V01 ----- Vegetable grading, cleaning and sorting machines: farm
3523-V02 ----- Vine pullers
3523-V03 ----- Volume guns (irrigation equipment)
3523-W01 ----- Wagons and trailers, farm
3523-W02 ----- Water troughs
3523-W03 ----- Weeding machines, farm
3523-W04 ----- Windmill heads and towers
3523-W05 ----- Windmills for pumping water (agricultural machinery)
3523-W06 ----- Windrowers (agricultural machinery)
[3593 -000 ----- Fluid power cylinders & actuators]
3593-A01 ----- Actuators, fluid power: hydraulic and pneumatic
3593-C01 ----- Cylinders, fluid power: hydraulic and pneumatic
3593-F01 ----- Fluid power actuators, hydraulic and pneumatic
3593-F02 ----- Fluid power cylinders, hydraulic and pneumatic
3593-F03 ----- Fluid power motors
3593-H01 ----- Hydraulic cylinders, fluid power
3593-P01 ----- Pneumatic cylinders, fluid power
[3594 -000 ----- Fluid power pumps and motors]
3594-D01 ----- Drives, hydrostatic transmissions
3594-F01 ----- Fluid power pumps and motors
3594-H01 ----- Hydraulic pumps, aircraft
3594-H02 ----- Hydrostatic drives (transmissions)
3594-H03 ----- Hydrostatic transmissions
3594-M01 ----- Motors, air or hydraulic (fluid power)
3594-M02 ----- Motors, air or hydraulic fluid power
3594-M03 ----- Motors, pneumatic
3594-P01 ----- Pumps for fluid power systems
3594-P02 ----- Pumps, hydraulic power transfer
3594-T01 ----- Transmissions, hydrostatic drives
[3556 -000 ----- Food products machinery]
3556-B01 ----- Bakery machinery
3556-B02 ----- Biscuit cutters (machines)
3556-B03 ----- Bread slicing machines
3556-B04 ----- Brewers, and maltsers' machinery
3556-B05 ----- Butter making and butter working machinery
3556-C01 ----- Cheese making machinery
3556-C02 ----- Chewing gum machinery
3556-C03 ----- Chocolate processing machinery
3556-C04 ----- Choppers, food: commercial types
3556-C05 ----- Coffee roasting and grinding machines
3556-C06 ----- Condensed and evaporated milk machinery
3556-C07 ----- Confectionery machinery
3556-C08 ----- Corn popping machines, industrial type
3556-C09 ----- Cracker making machines
3556-C10 ----- Cream separators, industrial
3556-C11 ----- Cutters, biscuit (machines)
3556-D01 ----- Dairy products machinery and equipment
3556-D02 ----- Dehydrating equipment, food processing
3556-D03 ----- Dies, biscuit cutting
3556-D04 ----- Distillery machinery
3556-D05 ----- Dough mixing machinery
3556-D06 ----- Dry milk processing machinery
3556-F01 ----- Feed mixers, except agricultural machinery
3556-F02 ----- Fish and shellfish processing machinery
3556-F03 ----- Flour mill machinery
3556-F04 ----- Food choppers, grinders, mixers, and slicers: commercial type
3556-F05 ----- Freezers, ice cream: commercial
3556-G01 ----- Grain mill machinery
3556-G02 ----- Grinders, food: commercial types
3556-H01 ----- Homogenizing machinery: dairy, fruit, vegetable, and other foods
3556-I01 ----- Ice cream manufacturing machinery
3556-J01 ----- Juice extractors, fruit and vegetable: commercial type
3556-M01 ----- Macaroni machinery: for making macaroni, spaghetti, and noodles
3556-M02 ----- Malt mills
3556-M03 ----- Meat and poultry processing machinery
3556-M04 ----- Meat grinders
3556-M05 ----- Milk processing machinery
3556-M06 ----- Mills and presses: beet, cider, and sugarcane
3556-M07 ----- Mixers and whippers, electric: for food manufacturing industries
3556-M08 ----- Mixers, feed: except agricultural machinery
3556-M09 ----- Mixers, food: commercial types
3556-O01 ----- Oilseed crushing and extracting machinery
3556-O02 ----- Ovens, bakery
3556-P01 ----- Pasteurizing equipment, dairy and other food
3556-P02 ----- Peanut roasting machines
3556-P03 ----- Potato peelers, electric
3556-P04 ----- Presses: cheese, beet, cider, and sugarcane
3556-R01 ----- Roasting machinery: coffee, peanut, etc.
3556-S01 ----- Sausage stuffers
3556-S02 ----- Separators, cream: industrial
3556-S03 ----- Sifting machines, food
3556-S04 ----- Slicing machines, fruit and vegetable: commercial types
3556-S05 ----- Stuffers, sausage
3556-S06 ----- Sugar plant machinery
3556-V01 ----- Vegetable oil processing machinery
[3569 -000 ----- General industrial machinery, n.e.c.]
3569-A01 ----- Air separators (machinery)
3569-A02 ----- Altitude test chambers
3569-B01 ----- Baling machines for scrap metal, paper, and similar materials
3569-B02 ----- Blast cleaning equipment, dustless: except metalworking
3569-B03 ----- Brake burnishing and washing machines
3569-B04 ----- Bridge and gate machinery, hydraulic
3569-B05 ----- Burnishing and washing machines, brake
3569-C01 ----- Centrifugal purifiers
3569-C02 ----- Centrifuges, industrial
3569-C03 ----- Cremating ovens
3569-C04 ----- Crushers, ice: except household
3569-D01 ----- Driers and reel, firehose
3569-F01 ----- Filter elements, fluid: hydraulic line
3569-F02 ----- Filters, fluid, general line industrial: except internal combustion engine
3569-F03 ----- Filters, pipeline
3569-F04 ----- Firefighting apparatus, except automotive and chemical
3569-F05 ----- Firehose, except rubber
3569-G01 ----- Gas producers (machinery)
3569-G02 ----- Gas separators (machinery)
3569-G03 ----- Gate and bridge machinery, hydraulic
3569-G04 ----- Generators, gas
3569-G05 ----- Generators: steam, liquid oxygen, and nitrogen
3569-H01 ----- Heaters, swimming pool: electric
3569-H02 ----- Hose, fire: except rubber
3569-I01 ----- Ice crushers, except household
3569-J01 ----- Jack screws
3569-J02 ----- Jacks, hydraulic: for general industrial use
3569-L01 ----- Lubricating systems, centralized
3569-L02 ----- Lubrication equipment, industrial
3569-L03 ----- Lubrication machinery, automatic
3569-O01 ----- Ordnance testing chambers
3569-O02 ----- Ovens, surveillance: for aging and testing powder
3569-P01 ----- Powder testing chambers
3569-P02 ----- Presses, metal baling
3569-P03 ----- Producers, gas (machinery)
3569-P04 ----- Purifiers, centrifugal
3569-R01 ----- Reels and racks, firehose
3569-R02 ----- Robots for general industrial use
3569-S01 ----- Screening and sifting machines for general industrial use
3569-S02 ----- Screws, jack
3569-S03 ----- Separators for steam, gas, vapor, and air(machinery)
3569-S04 ----- Sifting and screening machines for general industrial use
3569-S05 ----- Sprinkler systems, fire: automatic
3569-S06 ----- Steam separators (machinery)
3569-S07 ----- Strainers, pipeline
3569-S08 ----- Surveillance ovens, for aging and testing powder
3569-T01 ----- Temperature testing chambers
3569-T02 ----- Testing chambers for altitude, temperature, ordnance, and power
3569-V01 ----- Vapor separators (machinery)