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[34 ----- Fabricated Metal Products (cont')]
[3496 - 000 ----- Misc. fabricated wire products, made from purchased wire]
3496-A01 ----- Animal and fish traps
3496-A02 ----- Antisubmarine and torpedo nets
3496-A03 ----- Automobile skid chains
3496-B01 ----- Bale ties
3496-B02 ----- Barbed wire
3496-B03 ----- Baskets
3496-B04 ----- Belts, conveyor
3496-B05 ----- Belts, drying
3496-B06 ----- Bird cages
3496-B07 ----- Bottle openers
3496-C01 ----- Cable, uninsulated wire
3496-C02 ----- Cages, wire
3496-C03 ----- Can keys
3496-C04 ----- Carts, grocery
3496-C05 ----- Chain, welded
3496-C06 ----- Chain, wire
3496-C07 ----- Clips and fasteners
3496-C08 ----- Cloth, woven wire
3496-C09 ----- Coat hangers
3496-C10 ----- Concrete reinforcing mesh
3496-C11 ----- Conveyor belts
3496-C12 ----- Cylinder wire cloth
3496-D01 ----- Delivery cases
3496-D02 ----- Diamond cloth
3496-D03 ----- Door mats
3496-D04 ----- Drying belts
3496-F01 ----- Fabrics, woven wire
3496-F02 ----- Fence gates
3496-F03 ----- Fencing
3496-F04 ----- Florists, designs
3496-F05 ----- Fly screening,
3496-F06 ----- Fourdrinier wire cloth
3496-G01 ----- Garment hangers
3496-G02 ----- Gas welding rods
3496-G03 ----- Gates, fence
3496-G04 ----- Grilles and grillework, woven wire
3496-G05 ----- Grocery carts
3496-G06 ----- Guards
3496-H01 ----- Hangers, garment
3496-H02 ----- Hardware cloth, woven wire
3496-H03 ----- Hog rings
3496-I01 ----- Insect screening, woven wire
3496-K01 ----- Key rings
3496-K02 ----- Keys, can
3496-K03 ----- Kitchen wire goods
3496-L01 ----- Lamp frames, wire
3496-L02 ----- Lath, woven wire
3496-M01 ----- Mats and matting
3496-M02 ----- Mesh
3496-N01 ----- Netting, woven wire
3496-O01 ----- Openers, bottle
3496-P01 ----- Paper clips and fasteners
3496-P02 ----- Paper machine wire cloth
3496-P03 ----- Partitions and grillework
3496-P04 ----- Postal screen wire equipment-mfpm
3496-P05 ----- Potato mashers
3496-P06 ----- Poultry netting
3496-R01 ----- Racks without rigid framework
3496-R02 ----- Reinforcing mesh concrete
3496-R03 ----- Rods, gas welding
3496-R04 ----- Rope, uninsulated wire
3496-S01 ----- Screening, woven wire
3496-S02 ----- Shelving without rigid framework
3496-S03 ----- Sieves
3496-S04 ----- Skid chains
3496-S05 ----- Slings, lifting
3496-S06 ----- Spiral cloth
3496-S07 ----- Staples, wire
3496-S08 ----- Strand, uninsulated wire
3496-T01 ----- Ties, bale
3496-T02 ----- Tire chains
3496-T03 ----- Traps, animal and fish
3496-T04 ----- Trays
3496-W01 ----- Wire and wire products mfpm: except insulated wire, and nails and spikes
3496-W02 ----- Wire, concrete reinforcing
3496-W03 ----- Wire winding of purchased wire
3496-W04 ----- Woven wire products
[3449 - 000 ----- Miscellaneous metal work]
3449-B01 ----- Bars, concrete reinforcing: fabricated steel
3449-C01 ----- Concrete reinforcing steel bars, fabricated
3449-C02 ----- Curtain wall, metal
3449-C03 ----- Custom roll formed products, metal
3449-J01 ----- Joists, fabricated bar
3449-L01 ----- Landing mats, aircraft: metal
3449-L02 ----- Lath, expanded metal
3449-P01 ----- Plastering accessories, metal
[3463 - 000 ----- Nonferrous forgings: not made in hot-rolling mills]
3463-A01 ----- Aircraft forgings
3463-A02 ----- Aluminum forgings
3463-A03 ----- Automotive forgings
3463-B01 ----- Bearing and bearing race forgings
3463-E01 ----- Engine and turbine forgings
3463-F01 ----- Flange, valve and pipe fitting forgings
3463-M01 ----- Machinery forgings
3463-M02 ----- Mechanical power transmission forgings
3463-M03 ----- Missile forgings
3463-N01 ----- Nonferrous forgings
3463-O01 ----- Ordnance forgings
3463-P01 ----- Plumbing fixture forgings
3463-P02 ----- Pole line hardware forgings
3463-P03 ----- Pump and compressor forgings
3463-T01 ----- Titanium forgings
[3489 - 000 ----- Ordnance and accessories, n.e.c.]
3489-A01 ----- Aircraft artillery
3489-A02 ----- Antiaircraft artillery
3489-A03 ----- Antisubmarine projectors (ordnance)
3489-A04 ----- Antitank rocket launchers
3489-A05 ----- Artillery, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch): aircraft, antiaircraft, field, naval, and tank
3489-A06 ----- Artillery parts for artillery more than 30mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)
3489-B01 ----- Barrels, gun: more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)
3489-B02 ----- Bofors guns
3489-C01 ----- Caisson limbers
3489-C02 ----- Cannons, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)
3489-C03 ----- Carriages, gun: for artillery more than 30mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)
3489-C04 ----- Catapult guns
3489-D01 ----- Depth charge release pistols and projectors
3489-F01 ----- Field artillery
3489-F02 ----- Flame throwers (ordnance)
3489-G01 ----- Generators, smoke (ordnance)
3489-G02 ----- Gun limbers-
3489-G03 ----- Gun turrets and parts for artillery more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)
3489-G04 ----- Guns, catapult
3489-G05 ----- Guns, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch
3489-H01 ----- Howitzers, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)
3489-L01 ----- Limbers, gun and caisson
3489-L02 ----- Links for ammunition more than 30 mm.(or more than 1.18 inch)
3489-L03 ----- Livens projectors (ordnance)
3489-M01 ----- Machine guns, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)
3489-M02 ----- Mortars, more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)
3489-N01 ----- Naval artillery
3489-O01 ----- Oerlikon guns
3489-P01 ----- Pistols, depth charge release
3489-P02 ----- Projectors: antisub, depth charge release, grenade, livens, and rocket
3489-R01 ----- Recoil mechanisms for guns more than 30mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)
3489-R02 ----- Recoilless rifles
3489-R03 ----- Rifles, recoilless
3489-R04 ----- Rocket launchers, hand-held
3489-S01 ----- Sights, gun: except optical-more than 30mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)
3489-S02 ----- Smoke generators (ordnance)
3489-T01 ----- Tampions for guns more than 30 mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)
3489-T02 ----- Tank artillery
3489-T03 ----- Torpedo tubes (ordnance)
3489-T04 ----- Turrets, gun: for artillery more than 30mm. (or more than 1.18 inch)
[3471 - 000 ----- Plating and polishing, for the trade]
3471-A01 ----- Anodizing of metals and formed products
3471-B01 ----- Buffing
3471-C01 ----- Chromium plating of metals and formed products
3471-C02 ----- Cleaning and descaling metal products
3471-C03 ----- Coloring and finishing of aluminum and formed products
3471-D01 ----- Decontaminating and cleaning of missile and satellite parts
3471-D02 ----- Decorative plating and finishing of formed products
3471-D03 ----- Depolishing metal
3471-E01 ----- Electrolizing steel
3471-E02 ----- Electroplating of metals and formed products
3471-F01 ----- Finishing metal products and formed products
3471-G01 ----- Gold plating
3471-P01 ----- Plating of metals and formed products
3471-P02 ----- Polishing of metals and formed products
3471-R01 ----- Rechroming auto bumpers
3471-S01 ----- Sandblasting of metal parts
3471-T01 ----- Tumbling (cleaning and polishing) of machine parts
[3432 - 000 ----- Plumbing fittings and brass goods]
3432-B01 ----- Backflow preventors
3432-B02 ----- Brass goods, plumbers
3432-B03 ----- Breakers, vacuum: plumbing
3432-B04 ----- Bubblers, drinking fountain
3432-C01 ----- Cocks, drain (including basin)
3432-D01 ----- Drain cocks
3432-D02 ----- Drains, plumbers
3432-F01 ----- Faucets, metal and plastics
3432-F02 ----- Flush valves
3432-I01 ----- Interceptors, plumbers
3432-N01 ----- Nozzles, lawn hose
3432-N02 ----- Nozzles, plumbers,
3432-P01 ----- Plumbers, brass goods
3432-P02 ----- Plumbing fixture fittings and trim
3432-S01 ----- Sanitary pipe fittings
3432-S02 ----- Shower rods
3432-S03 ----- Spigots, metal and plastics
3432-S04 ----- Sprinklers, lawn
3432-S05 ----- Stopcocks (plumbers, supplies)
3432-T01 ----- Traps, water
3432-W01 ----- Water traps
[3448 - 000 ----- Prefabricated metal buildings]
3448-B01 ----- Buildings
3448-C01 ----- Carports
3448-D01 ----- Docks, building
3448-D02 ----- Dwellings
3448-F01 ----- Farm buildings
3448-G01 ----- Garages
3448-G02 ----- Greenhouses
3448-H01 ----- Houses
3448-P01 ----- Panels for prefabricated metal buildings
3448-P02 ----- Portable buildings
3448-P03 ----- Prefabricated buildings, metal
3448-R01 ----- Ramps, prefabricated: metal
3448-S01 ----- Sections for prefabricated metal buildings
3448-S02 ----- Silos, metal
3448-U01 ----- Utility buildings, prefabricated: metal
[3444 - 000 ----- Sheet metal work]
3444-A01 ----- Air cowls, scoops, or airports (ship ventilators)
3444-A02 ----- Awnings
3444-B01 ----- Bins, prefabricated
3444-B02 ----- Booths, spray: prefabricated sheet metal
3444-C01 ----- Canopies
3444-C02 ----- Casings
3444-C03 ----- Coal chutes, prefabricated sheet metal
3444-C04 ----- Concrete forms
3444-C05 ----- Cooling towers
3444-C06 ----- Cornices
3444-C07 ----- Cowls or scoops, air (ship ventilators)
3444-C08 ----- Culverts
3444-D01 ----- Dampers
3444-D02 ----- Door hoods, aluminum
3444-D03 ----- Downspouts
3444-D04 ----- Ducts
3444-E01 ----- Eaves
3444-E02 ----- Elbows for conductor pipe, hot air ducts, and stovepipe
3444-F01 ----- Flooring, cellular steel
3444-F02 ----- Flues, stove and furnace
3444-F03 ----- Flumes
3444-F04 ----- Forming machine work for the trade, except stampings
3444-F05 ----- Forms for concrete
3444-F06 ----- Furnace casings
3444-F07 ----- Furnace flues
3444-G01 ----- Guardrails, highway
3444-G02 ----- Gutters
3444-H01 ----- Hampers, laundry
3444-H02 ----- Hoods, range
3444-H03 ----- Hoppers
3444-H04 ----- Housings for business machines, sheet metal: except stamped
3444-I01 ----- Irrigation pipe
3444-J01 ----- Joists
3444-L01 ----- Laundry hampers
3444-L02 ----- Louvers
3444-M01 ----- Machine guards
3444-M02 ----- Mail chutes
3444-M03 ----- Mail collection or storage boxes
3444-P01 ----- Pile shells
3444-P02 ----- Pipe
3444-P03 ----- Post office collection boxes
3444-R01 ----- Radiator shields and enclosures
3444-R02 ----- Restaurant sheet metalwork
3444-R03 ----- Roof deck
3444-R04 ----- Roofing
3444-S01 ----- Sheet metal specialties, not stamped
3444-S02 ----- Sheet metal work: cornices, ventilators, skylights, gutters, tanks, etc.
3444-S03 ----- Siding
3444-S04 ----- Skylights
3444-S05 ----- Spouts
3444-S06 ----- Stove boards
3444-S07 ----- Stove pipe and flues
3444-S08 ----- Studs
3444-T01 ----- Troughs, elevator
3444-V01 ----- Vats
3444-V02 ----- Ventilators
3444-W01 ----- Wells, light
[3484 - 000 ----- Small arms]
3484-A01 ----- Ammunition carts, machine gun
3484-B01 ----- Barrels, gun: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-B02 ----- Belts, machine gun, metallic: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-B03 ----- Blowguns-mfg
3484-C01 ----- Carbines, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-C02 ----- Carts, machine gun and machine gun ammunition
3484-C03 ----- Clips, gun: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-C04 ----- Cylinders and clips, gun: 30 mm. (or 1.18inch) or less
3484-F01 ----- Firearms, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-G01 ----- Grenade launchers
3484-G02 ----- Gun barrels, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-G03 ----- Gun magazines, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-G04 ----- Gun sights, except optical: 30 mm. (or 1.18inch) or less
3484-G05 ----- Guns, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-G06 ----- Guns: BB and pellet
3484-G07 ----- Guns, dart: except toy
3484-L01 ----- Links, for ammunition 30 mm. (or 1.18inch) or less
3484-M01 ----- Machine gun belts, metallic: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-M02 ----- Machine guns and parts, 30 mm. (or 1.18inch) or less
3484-M03 ----- Magazines, gun: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-M04 ----- Mounts for guns, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-P01 ----- Pistols and parts, except toy
3484-P02 ----- Pyrotechnic pistols and projectors
3484-R01 ----- Recoil mechanisms for guns, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-R02 ----- Revolvers and parts
3484-R03 ----- Rifles and parts, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-R04 ----- Rifles: BB and pellet
3484-R05 ----- Rifles, high compression pneumatic: 30mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3484-R06 ----- Rifles: pneumatic, spring loaded, and compressed a-r-except toy
3484-S01 ----- Shotguns and parts
3484-S02 ----- Sights, gun: except optical 30 mm. (or 1.18inch) or less
3484-S03 ----- Submachine guns and parts
[3482 - 000 ----- Small arms ammunition]
3482-A01 ----- Ammunition and component parts, small arms: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3482-B01 ----- Blank cartridges, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3482-B02 ----- Bullet jackets and cores, 30 mm. (or 1.18inch) or less
3482-C01 ----- Cartridge cases for ammunition, 30 mm.(or 1.18 inch) or less
3482-C02 ----- Cartridges, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3482-C03 ----- Cores, bullet: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3482-J01 ----- Jackets, bullet: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3482-P01 ----- Paper shells, 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3482-P02 ----- Pellets, ammunition: pistol and air rifle
3482-P03 ----- Percussion caps, for ammunition of 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch) or less
3482-S01 ----- Shells, small arms: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch)or less
3482-S02 ----- Shot, BB
3482-S03 ----- Shot, lead
3482-S04 ----- Shot, pellet
3482-S05 ----- Shot, steel ammunition
3482-S06 ----- Shotgun ammunition
3482-S07 ----- Small arms ammunition, 30 mm. (or 1.18inch) or less
3482-W01 ----- Wads, ammunition: 30 mm. (or 1.18 inch)or less
[3493 - 000 ----- Steel springs, (except wire)]
3493-A01 ----- Automobile springs
3493-C01 ----- Coiled flat springs
3493-F01 ----- Flat springs, sheet or strip stock
3493-H01 ----- Helical springs, hot wound: for railroad equipment and vehicles
3493-H02 ----- Hot wound springs, except wire springs
3493-L01 ----- Leaf springs: automobile, locomotive, and other vehicle
3493-R01 ----- Railroad equipment springs
3493-S01 ----- Springs, steel: except wire
3493-S02 ----- Steel springs, except wire
3493-T01 ----- Torsion bar springs
[3494 - 000 ----- Valves and pipe fittings]
3494-B01 ----- Boiler couplings and drains, metal
3494-C01 ----- Couplings, pipe: except pressure and soil pipe-metal
3494-E01 ----- Elbows, pipe: except pressure and soil pipe-metal
3494-F01 ----- Flanges and flange unions, pipe: metal
3494-H01 ----- Highway guardrails, sheet metal
3494-L01 ----- Line strainers, for use in piping systems-metal
3494-P01 ----- Pipe fittings, except plumbers, brass goods: metal
3494-P02 ----- Pipe hangers, metal
3494-P03 ----- Plumbing and heating valves, metal
3494-R01 ----- Reducer returns, pipe: metal
3494-S01 ----- Steam fittings and specialties, except plumbers, brass goods and fittings, metal
3494-S02 ----- Stop cocks, except drain: metal
3494-S03 ----- Strainers, line: for use in piping systems-metal
3494-U01 ----- Unions, pipe: metal
3494-V01 ----- Valves, plumbing and heating: metal
3494-W01 ----- Water valves, except plumbers, brass goods and fittings, metal
3494-W02 ----- Well adapters, tipless: metal
3494-Y01 ----- Y bends and branches, pipe: metal
[3495 - 000 ----- Wire springs: made from purchased wire]
3495-C01 ----- Clock springs, precision
3495-F01 ----- Furniture springs, unassembled
3495-G01 ----- Gun springs, precision
3495-H01 ----- Hairsprings
3495-I01 ----- Instrument springs, precision
3495-M01 ----- Mechanical springs, precision
3495-S01 ----- Sash balances, spring
3495-S02 ----- Spring units for seats
3495-S03 ----- Springs, except complete bedsprings
3495-S04 ----- Springs, precision: clock, gun, instrument, and mechanical-mfpm
3495-U01 ----- Upholstery springs, unassembled