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[30 ----- Rubber and Misc. Plastics Products]
3087-000 ----- Custom compound purchased resins
3069-000 ----- Fabricated rubber products, n.e.c.![]()
3053-000 ----- Gaskets, packing and sealing devices
3083-000 ----- Laminated plastics plate & sheet
3061-000 ----- Mechanical rubber goods
3085-000 ----- Plastics bottles
3086-000 ----- Plastics foam products
3084-000 ----- Plastics pipe
3088-000 ----- Plastics plumbing fixtures
3089-000 ----- Plastics products, n.e.c.![]()
3021-000 ----- Rubber and plastics footwear
3052-000 ----- Rubber & plastics hose & belting
3011-000 ----- Tires and inner tubes
3081-000 ----- Unsupported plastics film & sheet
3082-000 ----- Unsupported plastics profile shapes
[3069-000 ----- Fabricated rubber products, n.e.c.]
3069-A01 ----- Acid bottles
3069-A02 ----- Air supported rubber structures
3069-A03 ----- Aprons, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse
3069-B01 ----- Baby pants, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse
3069-B02 ----- Bags
3069-B03 ----- Balloons, advertising and toy
3069-B04 ----- Balloons, metal foil laminated with rubber
3069-B05 ----- Balls, except athletic equipment
3069-B06 ----- Bath sprays
3069-B07 ----- Bathing caps and suits-mitse
3069-B08 ----- Bathmats
3069-B09 ----- Battery boxes, jars, and parts: hard rubber
3069-B10 ----- Bibs, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse
3069-B11 ----- Blankets, printers
3069-B12 ----- Bottles
3069-B13 ----- Boxes, hard rubber
3069-B14 ----- Brake lining
3069-B15 ----- Brushes
3069-B16 ----- Bulbs for medicine droppers, syringes, atomizers, and sprays: rubber
3069-B17 ----- Bushings
3069-C01 ----- Capes, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse
3069-C02 ----- Caps-mitse
3069-C03 ----- Castings
3069-C04 ----- Chlorinated rubbers, natural
3069-C05 ----- Cigarette holder mouthpieces, molded rubber
3069-C06 ----- Cloaks, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse
3069-C07 ----- Clothing, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse
3069-C08 ----- Combs, hard rubber
3069-C09 ----- Cots, finger
3069-C10 ----- Culture cups
3069-C11 ----- Curlers, hair
3069-C12 ----- Custom compounding of rubber materials
3069-C13 ----- Cyclo rubbers, natural
3069-D01 ----- Diaphragms, rubber: separate and in kits
3069-D02 ----- Door mats
3069-D03 ----- Dress shields, vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse
3069-D04 ----- Druggists' sundries
3069-E01 ----- Electricians' gloves
3069-E02 ----- Erasers: rubber, or rubber and abrasive combined
3069-F01 ----- Fabrics, rubberized
3069-F02 ----- Film
3069-F03 ----- Finger cots
3069-F04 ----- Flooring, rubber: tile or sheet
3069-F05 ----- Foam rubber
3069-F06 ----- Fountain syringes
3069-F07 ----- Friction tape
3069-F08 ----- Fuel cells
3069-F09 ----- Fuel tanks, collapsible: rubberized fabric
3069-F10 ----- Funnels
3069-G01 ----- Gloves: e.g., surgeons, electricians' household-rubber
3069-G02 ----- Grips and handles
3069-G03 ----- Grommets
3069-G04 ----- Gutta percha compounds
3069-H01 ----- Hair curlers
3069-H02 ----- Hairpins
3069-H03 ----- Handles
3069-H04 ----- Hard rubber products
3069-H05 ----- Hard surface floor coverings
3069-H06 ----- Heels, boot and shoe: rubber, composition, and fiber
3069-H07 ----- Household gloves
3069-I01 ----- Ice bags, rubber or rubberized fabric
3069-J01 ----- Jar rings
3069-J02 ----- Jars, battery: hard rubber
3069-K01 ----- Kneeling pads
3069-L01 ----- Laboratory sundries: e.g., cases, covers, funnels, cups, bottles
3069-L02 ----- Latex, foamed
3069-L03 ----- Lifejackets: inflatable rubberized fabric
3069-L04 ----- Liferafts
3069-L05 ----- Liner strips
3069-L06 ----- Linings, vulcanizable elastomeric
3069-M01 ----- Mallets
3069-M02 ----- Mats and matting: e.g., bath, door
3069-M03 ----- Mattress protectors
3069-M04 ----- Mattresses, pneumatic: fabric coated with rubber
3069-M05 ----- Medical sundries
3069-M06 ----- Mittens
3069-M07 ----- Mouthpieces for pipes and cigarette holders
3069-N01 ----- Nipples
3069-O01 ----- Orthopedic sundries, molded rubber
3069-P01 ----- Pacifiers
3069-P02 ----- Pads, kneeling
3069-P03 ----- Pants, baby: vulcanized rubber and rubberized fabric-mitse
3069-P04 ----- Pillows, sponge rubber
3069-P05 ----- Pipe mouthpieces, molded rubber
3069-P06 ----- Pipe stems and bits, tobacco: hard rubber
3069-P07 ----- Platens, except printers,: solid or covered rubber
3069-P08 ----- Plumbers, rubber goods
3069-P09 ----- Pontoons
3069-P10 ----- Printers, blankets
3069-P11 ----- Printers, rolls
3069-P12 ----- Prophylactics
3069-P13 ----- Pump sleeves
3069-R01 ----- Rafts, life
3069-R02 ----- Reclaimed rubber (reworked by manufacturing processes)
3069-R03 ----- Rods, hard rubber
3069-R04 ----- Roll coverings: rubber for paper mill; industrial, steel mills, printers
3069-R05 ----- Roller covers, printers
3069-R06 ----- Rolls, solid or covered rubber
3069-R07 ----- Roofing, single ply membrane
3069-R08 ----- Rubber heels, soles, and soling strips
3069-R09 ----- Rubber, reclaimed and reworked by manufacturing processes
3069-R10 ----- Rubber-covered motor mounting rings(rubber bonded)
3069-R11 ----- Rubberbands
3069-R12 ----- Rubberized fabrics
3069-R13 ----- Rug backing compounds, latex
3069-S01 ----- Separators, battery
3069-S02 ----- Sheeting, rubber or rubberized fabric
3069-S03 ----- Sheets, hard rubber
3069-S04 ----- Shoe heels: rubber, composition, and fiber
3069-S05 ----- Shoe soles and soling strips: rubber, composition, and fiber
3069-S06 ----- Sleeves, pump
3069-S07 ----- Soles, boot and shoe: rubber, composition, and fiber
3069-S08 ----- Soling strips, boot and shoe: rubber, composition, and fiber
3069-S09 ----- Spatulas
3069-S10 ----- Sponge rubber and sponge rubber products
3069-S11 ----- Sponges
3069-S12 ----- Stair treads
3069-S13 ----- Stationers, sundries
3069-S14 ----- Stoppers
3069-S15 ----- Strips, liner
3069-S16 ----- Surgeons, gloves
3069-S17 ----- Syringes, fountain
3069-T01 ----- Tape, friction
3069-T02 ----- Tape, pressure sensitive (including friction)
3069-T03 ----- Teething rings
3069-T04 ----- Thermometer cases
3069-T05 ----- Thread, rubber: except fabric covered
3069-T06 ----- Tile
3069-T07 ----- Tobacco pipe mouthpieces, hard rubber
3069-T08 ----- Top lift sheets
3069-T09 ----- Top roll covering, for textile mill maChinery
3069-T10 ----- Toys, except dolls
3069-T11 ----- Trays
3069-T12 ----- Treads, stair
3069-T13 ----- Tubes, hard rubber
3069-T14 ----- Tubing, rubber: except extruded and lathecut
3069-T15 ----- Type
3069-U01 ----- Urinals
3069-V01 ----- Valves, hard rubber
3069-W01 ----- Wainscoting
3069-W02 ----- Wallcoverings
3069-W03 ----- Water bottles
3069-W04 ----- Weather strip, sponge rubber
3069-W05 ----- Wet suits
3069-W06 ----- Work gloves and mittens
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[3053-000 ----- Gaskets, packing and sealing devices]
3053-G01 ----- Gaskets, regardless of material
3053-G02 ----- Grease retainers, leather
3053-G03 ----- Grease seals, asbestos
3053-O01 ----- Oil seals, asbestos
3053-O02 ----- Oil seals, leather
3053-O03 ----- Oil seals, rubber
3053-P01 ----- Packing: cup, U-valve, etc.-leather
3053-P02 ----- Packing for steam engines, pipe joints, air compressors, etc.-mAg
3053-P03 ----- Packing, metallic
3053-P04 ----- Packing, rubber
3053-S01 ----- Steam and other packing
3053-W01 ----- Washers, leather
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[3083-000 ----- Laminated plastics plate & sheet]
3083-P01 ----- Plate, rods, tubes, profiles and sheet, except flexible packaging
3083-P02 ----- Plate
3083-R01 ----- Rods
3083-S01 ----- Sheet, except Flexible packaging
3083-T01 ----- Thermoplastics laminates: rods, tubes, plates, and sheet, except flexible packaging
3083-T02 ----- Thermosetting laminates: rods, tubes, plates, and sheet, except flexible packaging
3083-T03 ----- Tubes
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[3061-000 ----- Mechanical rubber goods]
3061-A01 ----- Appliance mechanical rubber goods: molded, extruded, and lathe-cut
3061-A02 ----- Automotive mechanical rubber goods: molded, extruded, and lathe-cut
3061-M01 ----- Mechanical rubber goods: molded, extruded, and lathe-cut
3061-O01 ----- Off-highway machinery and equipment mechanical rubber goods: molded, extruded, and lathe-cut
3061-O02 ----- Oil and gas field machinery and equipment mechanical rubber goods: molded, extruded, and lathe-cut
3061-R01 ----- Rubber goods, mechanical: molded, extruded, and lathe-cut
3061-S01 ----- Surgical and medical tubing: extruded and lathe-cut
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[3086-000 ----- Plastics foam products]
3086-C01 ----- Coolers, portable
3086-C02 ----- Cups
3086-C03 ----- Cushions, carpet and rug
3086-F01 ----- Foamed plastics products
3086-I01 ----- Ice chests or coolers, portable
3086-I02 ----- Insulation and cushioning
3086-P01 ----- Packaging
3086-P02 ----- Plates
3086-S01 ----- Shipping pads
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[3088-000 ----- Plastics plumbing fixtures]
3088-B01 ----- Bathroom fixtures
3088-B02 ----- Bathtubs
3088-D01 ----- Drinking fountains, except mechanically refrigerated
3088-F01 ----- Flush tanks
3088-H01 ----- Hot tubs, plastics or fiberglass
3088-L01 ----- Laundry tubs
3088-L02 ----- Lavatories
3088-P01 ----- Plumbing fixtures
3088-P02 ----- Portable chemical toilets
3088-S01 ----- Shower stalls
3088-S02 ----- Sinks
3088-T01 ----- Toilet fixtures
3088-T02 ----- Tubs, plastics: bath, shower, and laundry
3088-U01 ----- Urinals
3088-W01 ----- Water closets
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[3089-000 ----- Plastics products, n.e.c.]
3089-A01 ----- Air mattresses
3089-A02 ----- Aquarium accessories
3089-A03 ----- Awnings, fiberglass and plastics combination
3089-B01 ----- Balloons
3089-B02 ----- Bands
3089-B03 ----- Bathware, except plumbing fixtures
3089-B04 ----- Battery cases
3089-B05 ----- Bearings
3089-B06 ----- Billfold inserts
3089-B07 ----- Blister packaging
3089-B08 ----- Boats, nonrigid
3089-B09 ----- Bolts
3089-B10 ----- Bottle caps, molded plastics
3089-B11 ----- Bottle warmers
3089-B12 ----- Bowl covers
3089-B13 ----- Boxes
3089-B14 ----- Brush handles
3089-B15 ----- Bubble formed packaging
3089-B16 ----- Buckets
3089-B17 ----- Buoys and floats
3089-C01 ----- Caps
3089-C02 ----- Carafes
3089-C03 ----- Casein products, molded for the trade
3089-C04 ----- Cases
3089-C05 ----- Casting of plastics for the trade, except foam plastics
3089-C06 ----- Ceiling tile, unsupported plastics
3089-C07 ----- Celluloid products, molded for the trade
3089-C08 ----- Cellulose, regenerated: except fibers
3089-C09 ----- Closures
3089-C10 ----- Clothes hangers
3089-C11 ----- Clothes-pins
3089-C12 ----- Combs
3089-C13 ----- Composition stone
3089-C14 ----- Containers, except foam, bottles, and bags
3089-C15 ----- Corrugated panels
3089-C16 ----- Cotter pins
3089-C17 ----- Counter coverings
3089-C18 ----- Cups, except foam
3089-D01 ----- Dinnerware, except foam
3089-D02 ----- Dishes, except foam
3089-D03 ----- Dispensers, tissue
3089-D04 ----- Doors, folding: plastics or plastics coated fabric
3089-D05 ----- Downspouts
3089-D06 ----- Drums(containers)
3089-E01 ----- Engraving of plastics
3089-F01 ----- Fascia(siding)
3089-F02 ----- Fittings for pipe
3089-F03 ----- Fittings
3089-F04 ----- Flat panels
3089-F05 ----- Floor covers
3089-F06 ----- Flower pots
3089-F07 ----- Folding doors: plastic or plastic coated fabric, metal frame
3089-F08 ----- Food casings
3089-G01 ----- Garbage containers
3089-G02 ----- Gate hooks
3089-G03 ----- Glazing panels
3089-G04 ----- Gloves and mittens
3089-G05 ----- Grower pots
3089-G06 ----- Gutters, glass fiber reinforced
3089-H01 ----- Handles, brush and tool
3089-H02 ----- Hardware
3089-H03 ----- Heels, boot and shoe
3089-H04 ----- Holders, paper towel, grocery bag, dust mop and broom
3089-H05 ----- Hospitalware, except foam
3089-I01 ----- Ice buckets, xcept foam
3089-I02 ----- Ice chests or coolers, portable, except insulated or foam plastics
3089-J01 ----- Jars
3089-K01 ----- Kitchenware, except foam
3089-L01 ----- Laboratoryware
3089-L02 ----- Ladders
3089-L03 ----- Lamp bases
3089-L04 ----- Lamp shades
3089-L05 ----- Lenses, except ophthalmic or optical
3089-L06 ----- Lifejackets
3089-L07 ----- Liferafts, nonrigid
3089-L08 ----- Lock washers
3089-M01 ----- Machine nuts
3089-M02 ----- Microwaveware
3089-M03 ----- Molding of plastics for the trade, except foam
3089-M05 ----- Monofilaments, plastics: not suited for textile use
3089-N01 ----- Netting
3089-N02 ----- Nuts
3089-O01 ----- Organizers for closets, drawers, and shelves
3089-O02 ----- Ovenware
3089-P01 ----- Pails
3089-P02 ----- Picnic jugs
3089-P03 ----- Planters
3089-P04 ----- Plastics casting, for the trade
3089-P05 ----- Plastics molding, for the trade
3089-P06 ----- Plates, dinnerware, except foam
3089-P07 ----- Pontoons, nonrigid
3089-P08 ----- Printer acoustic covers
3089-R01 ----- Rafts, life: nonrigid-plastics
3089-R02 ----- Rivets
3089-S01 ----- Saucers, except foam
3089-S02 ----- Sausage casings, synthetic
3089-S03 ----- Screening, window
3089-S04 ----- Screw eyes
3089-S05 ----- Scrubbing pads
3089-S06 ----- Septic tanks
3089-S07 ----- Shoe heels
3089-S08 ----- Shoe soles and soling strips
3089-S09 ----- Shutters
3089-S10 ----- Siding
3089-S11 ----- Sinkware
3089-S12 ----- Skirts, (siding)
3089-S13 ----- Soffit, (siding)
3089-S14 ----- Soles, boot and shoe
3089-S15 ----- Soling strips, boot and shoe
3089-S16 ----- Sponges
3089-S17 ----- Spouting, glass fiber reinforced
3089-S18 ----- Spring pins,
3089-S19 ----- Spring washers,
3089-S20 ----- Suitcase shells,
3089-S21 ----- Swimming pool covers and blankets
3089-T01 ----- Tableware, except foam
3089-T02 ----- Tires
3089-T03 ----- Tissue dispensers
3089-T04 ----- Toggle bolts
3089-T05 ----- Tool handles
3089-T06 ----- Tops(e.g., dispenser, shaker)
3089-T07 ----- Trash containers
3089-T08 ----- Trays, except foam
3089-T09 ----- Tubs(containers)
3089-T10 ----- Tumblers, except foam
3089-U01 ----- Unions
3089-U02 ----- Utility containers
3089-V01 ----- Vials
3089-V02 ----- Vulcanized fiber plate, sheet, rods and tubes
3089-W01 ----- Wall coverings
3089-W02 ----- Warmers, bottle, except foam
3089-W03 ----- Washers
3089-W04 ----- Watering pots
3089-W05 ----- Window frames and sash
3089-W06 ----- Window frames
3089-W07 ----- Window screening
3089-W08 ----- Windows, louver
3089-W09 ----- Windows, storm
3089-W10 ----- Windshields
3089-W11 ----- Work gloves
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[3021-000 ----- Rubber and plastics footwear]
3021-A01 ----- Arctics, rubber or rubber soled fabric
3021-B01 ----- Beach sandals, rubber
3021-B02 ----- Boots, plastics
3021-B03 ----- Boots, rubber or rubber soled fabric
3021-C01 ----- Canvas shoes, rubber soled
3021-F01 ----- Footholds, rubber
3021-F02 ----- Footwear, rubber or rubber soled fabric
3021-G01 ----- Gaiters, rubber or rubber soled fabric
3021-G02 ----- Galoshes, plastics
3021-G03 ----- Galoshes, rubber or rubber soled fabric
3021-O01 ----- Overshoes, plastics
3021-O02 ----- Overshoes, rubber or rubber soled fabric
3021-P01 ----- Pacs, rubber or rubber soled fabric
3021-S01 ----- Sandals, rubber
3021-S02 ----- Shoes, plastics soles molded to fabric uppers
3021-S03 ----- Shoes, rubber or rubber soled fabric uppers
3021-S04 ----- Shower sandals or slippers, rubber
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[3052-000 ----- Rubber & plastics hose & belting]
3052-A01 ----- Air brake and air line hose
3052-A02 ----- Automobile hose
3052-B01 ----- Belting, e.g., conveyor, elevator, transmission
3052-F01 ----- Firehose
3052-G01 ----- Garden hose
3052-H01 ----- Heater hose
3052-H02 ----- Hose: cotton fabric, rubber lined
3052-H03 ----- Hose
3052-P01 ----- Pneumatic hose, e.g., air brake and air line
3052-V01 ----- V-belts
3052-V02 ----- Vacuum cleaner hose
3052-A01 ----- Air brake and air line hose
3052-A02 ----- Automobile hose
3052-B01 ----- Belting, e.g., conveyor, elevator, transmission
3052-F01 ----- Firehose
3052-G01 ----- Garden hose
3052-H01 ----- Heater hose
3052-H02 ----- Hose: cotton fabric, rubber lined
3052-H03 ----- Hose
3052-P01 ----- Pneumatic hose, e.g., air brake and air line
3052-V01 ----- V-belts
3052-V02 ----- Vacuum cleaner hose
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[3011-000 ----- Tires and inner tubes]
3011-C01 ----- Camelback for tire retreading
3011-I01 ----- Inner tubes: airplane, automobile, bicycle, motorcycle, and tractor
3011-P01 ----- Pneumatic casings (rubber tires)
3011-R01 ----- Retreading materials, tire
3011-T01 ----- Tire sundries and tire repair materials, rubber
3011-T02 ----- Tires, cushion or solid rubber
3011-T03 ----- Tiring, continuous lengths: rubber, with or without metal core
3011-T04 ----- Tread rubber (camelback)
3011-T05 ----- Tubes, inner: airplane, automobile, bicycle, motorcycle, and tractor
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[3081-000 ----- Unsupported plastics film & sheet]
3081-C01 ----- Cellulosic plastics film and sheet
3081-F01 ----- Film, plastics
3081-P01 ----- Photographic, micrographic, and X-ray plastics, sheet, and film
3081-P02 ----- Plastics film and sheet
3081-P03 ----- Polyester film and sheet
3081-P04 ----- Polyethylene film and sheet
3081-P05 ----- Polypropylene film and sheet
3081-P06 ----- Polyvinyl film and sheet
3081-S01 ----- Sheet, plastics
3081-V01 ----- Vinyl and vinyl copolymer film and sheet,
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[3082-000 ----- Unsupported plastics profile shapes]
3082-P01 ----- Profiles
3082-R01 ----- Rods
3082-T01 ----- Tubes