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[22 ----- Textile Mill Products (cont')]
[2211 - 000 ----- Weaving mills, cotton]
2221-A01 ----- Acetate broadwoven fabrics
2221-A02 ----- Acrylic broadwoven fabrics
2221-A03 ----- Automotive fabrics, manmade fiber
2221-B01 ----- Bedspreads, silk and manmade fiber-mitse
2221-B02 ----- Blanketings, manmade fiber
2221-B03 ----- Broadwoven fabrics, silk and manmade fiber
2221-C01 ----- Canton crepes
2221-C02 ----- Comforters, manmade fiber-mitse
2221-C03 ----- Crepe satins
2221-D01 ----- Draperies and drapery fabrics, manmade fiber and silk-mitse
2221-D02 ----- Dress fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
2221-D03 ----- Duvetyn, manmade fiber and silk
2221-E01 ----- Elastic fabrics, manmade fiber and silk: more than 12 inches in width
2221-F01 ----- Fabrics, broadwoven: manmade fiber and silk
2221-F02 ----- Failles
2221-F03 ----- Fiberglass fabrics
2221-F04 ----- Flat crepes
2221-F05 ----- French crepes
2221-F06 ----- Fur-type fabrics, manmade fiber
2221-G01 ----- Georgettes
2221-G02 ----- Glass broadwoven fabrics
2221-J01 ----- Jacquard woven fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
2221-L01 ----- Leno fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
2221-L02 ----- Lining fabrics, manmade fiber and silk: except glove lining fabrics
2221-L03 ----- Linings, rayon or silk-mitse
2221-M01 ----- Marquisettes, manmade fiber
2221-M02 ----- Modacrylic broadwoven fabrics
2221-N01 ----- Necktie fabrics, manmade fiber and silk: broadwoven
2221-N02 ----- Nylon broadwoven fabrics
2221-N03 ----- Nytril broadwoven fabrics
2221-P01 ----- Paper broadwoven fabrics
2221-P02 ----- Parachute fabrics
2221-P03 ----- Pile fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
2221-P04 ----- Plushes, manmade fiber and silk
2221-P05 ----- Polyester broadwoven fabrics
2221-P06 ----- Polyethylene broadwoven fabrics
2221-P07 ----- Polypropylene broadwoven fabrics
2221-P08 ----- Pongee, manmade fiber and silk
2221-P09 ----- Poplin, manmade fiber
2221-Q01 ----- Quilts, manmade fiber and silk-mitse
2221-R01 ----- Rayon broadwoven fabrics
2221-S01 ----- Saran broadwoven fabrics
2221-S02 ----- Satins
2221-S03 ----- Serges, manmade fiber
2221-S04 ----- Shantungs, manmade fiber and silk
2221-S05 ----- Shirting fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
2221-S06 ----- Silk broadwoven fabrics
2221-S07 ----- Slipcover fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
2221-S08 ----- Spandex broadwoven fabrics
2221-S09 ----- Suiting fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
2221-T01 ----- Taffetas
2221-T02 ----- Tapestry fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
2221-T03 ----- Textile mills, broadwoven: silk, and manmade fiber including glass
2221-T04 ----- Textile warping, on a contract basis
2221-T05 ----- Twills, manmade fiber
2221-T06 ----- Typewriter ribbon cloth, manmade fiber
2221-U01 ----- Underwear fabrics, except knit: manmade fiber and silk
2221-U02 ----- Upholstery fabrics, manmade fiber and silk
2221-V01 ----- Velvets, manmade fiber and silk
2221-V02 ----- Vinal broadwoven fabrics
2221-V03 ----- Vinyon broadwoven fabrics
2221-V04 ----- Voiles, manmade fiber and silk
[2221 - 000 ----- Weaving mills, synthetics]
2211-A01 ----- Airplane cloth, cotton
2211-A02 ----- Alpaca, cotton
2211-A03 ----- Automotive fabrics, cotton
2211-A04 ----- Awning stripes, cotton-mitse
2211-B01 ----- Balloon cloth, cotton
2211-B02 ----- Bandage cloths, cotton
2211-B03 ----- Bark cloth, cotton
2211-B04 ----- Basket weave fabrics, cotton
2211-B05 ----- Bathmats, cotton: made in weaving mills
2211-B06 ----- Batiste, cotton
2211-B07 ----- Bed tickings, cotton
2211-B08 ----- Bedsheeting, cotton-mitse
2211-B09 ----- Bedspreads, cotton: made in weaving mills
2211-B10 ----- Bird's eye diaper cloth, cotton
2211-B11 ----- Blankets and blanketings, cotton-mitse
2211-B12 ----- Bombazine, cotton
2211-B13 ----- Book cloth-mitse
2211-B14 ----- Broadcloth, cotton
2211-B15 ----- Broadwoven fabrics, cotton
2211-B16 ----- Brocade, cotton
2211-B17 ----- Brocatelle, cotton
2211-B18 ----- Buckram-mitse
2211-B19 ----- Bunting-mitse
2211-B20 ----- Butter cloths
2211-C01 ----- Cambric, cotton
2211-C02 ----- Camouflage nets-mitse
2211-C03 ----- Canvas-mitse
2211-C04 ----- Canyon flannels, cotton
2211-C05 ----- Casement cloth, cotton
2211-C06 ----- Chambrays
2211-C07 ----- Cheesecloth
2211-C08 ----- Chenilles, tufted textile-mitse
2211-C09 ----- Cheviots, cotton
2211-C10 ----- Chintz, cotton
2211-C11 ----- Corduroys, cotton
2211-C12 ----- Cotton broadwoven goods
2211-C13 ----- Cottonades
2211-C14 ----- Coutil, cotton
2211-C15 ----- Coverts, cotton
2211-C16 ----- Crash toweling, cotton
2211-C17 ----- Crepes, cotton
2211-C18 ----- Cretonne, cotton
2211-C19 ----- Crinoline
2211-D01 ----- Damasks, cotton
2211-D02 ----- Denims
2211-D03 ----- Diaper fabrics
2211-D04 ----- Dimities
2211-D05 ----- Dishcloths, woven: made in weaving mills
2211-D06 ----- Draperies and drapery fabrics, cotton-mitse
2211-D07 ----- Dress fabrics, cotton
2211-D08 ----- Drills, cotton
2211-D09 ----- Duck, cotton
2211-D10 ----- Duvetyn, cotton
2211-E01 ----- Elastic fabrics, cotton: more than 12inches in width
2211-E02 ----- Express stripes, cotton
2211-F01 ----- Fabrics, broadwoven: cotton
2211-F02 ----- Filter cloth, cotton
2211-F03 ----- Flannelette
2211-F04 ----- Flannels, cotton
2211-F05 ----- Furniture denim
2211-G01 ----- Gabardine, cotton
2211-G02 ----- Galatea, cotton
2211-G03 ----- Gauze-mitse
2211-G04 ----- Ginghams
2211-G05 ----- Glass toweling, cotton
2211-G06 ----- Glove fabrics, cotton-mitse
2211-G07 ----- Grosgrain, cotton
2211-H01 ----- Handkerchief fabrics, cotton
2211-H02 ----- Hickory stripes, cotton
2211-H03 ----- Huck toweling
2211-I01 ----- Interlining material, cotton
2211-J01 ----- Jacquard woven fabrics, cotton
2211-J02 ----- Jean fabrics, cotton
2211-L01 ----- Laundry fabrics, cotton
2211-L02 ----- Laundry nets-mitse
2211-L03 ----- Lawns, cotton
2211-L04 ----- Leno fabrics, cotton
2211-L05 ----- Long cloth, cotton
2211-L06 ----- Luggage fabrics, cotton
2211-M01 ----- Marquisettes, cotton
2211-M02 ----- Matelasse, cotton
2211-M03 ----- Mitten flannel, cotton
2211-M04 ----- Moleskins-mitse
2211-M05 ----- Momie crepe, cotton
2211-M06 ----- Mosquito netting-mitse
2211-M07 ----- Muslin, cotton
2211-N01 ----- Nainsook, cotton
2211-N02 ----- Nets and nettings-mitse
2211-O01 ----- Opaline, cotton
2211-O02 ----- Organdy, cotton
2211-O03 ----- Osnaburgs
2211-O04 ----- Outing flannel, cotton
2211-O05 ----- Oxfords (cotton fabrics)
2211-P01 ----- Pajama checks, textile
2211-P02 ----- Percale
2211-P03 ----- Percaline, cotton
2211-P04 ----- Pile fabrics, cotton
2211-P05 ----- Pillow tubing-mitse
2211-P06 ----- Pillowcases-mitse
2211-P07 ----- Pin checks, cotton
2211-P08 ----- Pin stripes, cotton
2211-P09 ----- Piques, cotton
2211-P10 ----- Plaids, cotton
2211-P11 ----- Plisse crepe, cotton
2211-P12 ----- Plushes, cotton
2211-P13 ----- Pocketing twill, cotton
2211-P14 ----- Pongee, cotton
2211-P15 ----- Poplin, cotton
2211-P16 ----- Press cloth
2211-P17 ----- Print cloths, cotton
2211-R01 ----- Ratine, cotton
2211-R02 ----- Rep, cotton
2211-S01 ----- Sailcloth-mitse
2211-S02 ----- Sateens, cotton
2211-S03 ----- Scrim, cotton
2211-S04 ----- Scrub cloths-mitse
2211-S05 ----- Seat cover cloth, automobile: cotton
2211-S06 ----- Seersuckers, cotton
2211-S07 ----- Shade cloth, window: cotton
2211-S08 ----- Sheeting, cotton-mitse
2211-S09 ----- Sheets and sheetings, cotton-mitse
2211-S10 ----- Shirting fabrics, cotton
2211-S11 ----- Shoe fabrics-mitse
2211-S12 ----- Silesia, cotton
2211-S13 ----- Slipcover fabrics, cotton
2211-S14 ----- Stretch fabrics, cotton
2211-S15 ----- Suiting fabrics, cotton
2211-S16 ----- Surgical fabrics, cotton
2211-T01 ----- Table cover fabrics, cotton
2211-T02 ----- Table damask, cotton
2211-T03 ----- Tapestry fabrics, cotton
2211-T04 ----- Tarlatan, cotton
2211-T05 ----- Tentage-mitse
2211-T06 ----- Terry woven fabrics, cotton
2211-T07 ----- Textile mills, broadwoven cotton
2211-T08 ----- Tickings-mitse mfg
2211-T09 ----- Tobacco cloths-mitse
2211-T10 ----- Towels and toweling, cotton: made in weaving mills
2211-T11 ----- Tracing cloth, cotton
2211-T12 ----- Trouserings, cotton
2211-T13 ----- Tubing, pillow-mitse
2211-T14 ----- Tubing, seamless: cotton
2211-T15 ----- Twills, cotton
2211-T16 ----- Typewriter ribbon cloth, cotton
2211-U01 ----- Umbrella cloth, cotton
2211-U02 ----- Underwear fabrics, woven: cotton
2211-U03 ----- Upholstery fabrics, cotton
2211-V01 ----- Velours
2211-V02 ----- Velveteens
2211-V03 ----- Voiles, cotton
2211-W01 ----- Waffle cloth, cotton
2211-W02 ----- Washcloths, woven: made in weaving mills
2211-W03 ----- Weaving mills, cotton broadwoven fabrics
2211-W04 ----- Wignan, cotton
2211-W05 ----- Window shade cloth, cotton
2211-Y01 ----- Yarn: dyed fabrics, cotton
[2251 - 000 ----- Women's hosiery, (except socks)]
2251-D01 ----- Dyeing and finishing women's full length and knee-length hosiery, except socks
2251-H01 ----- Hosiery, women's full-length and knee-length, except socks
2251-N01 ----- Nylons, women's full length and knee-length
2251-P01 ----- Panty hose, women's
2251-S01 ----- Stockings, women's full length and knee-length, except socks
2251-T01 ----- Tights, women's
[2273 - 000 ----- Woven carpets and rugs]
2373-A01 ----- Aircraft floor coverings, except rubber or plastics
2273-A02 ----- Art squares, textile fiber
2273-A03 ----- Art squares: twisted paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, jute, and rag
2273-A04 ----- Automobile floor coverings, except rubber or plastics
2273-A05 ----- Axminster carpets
2273-B01 ----- Bathmats and sets, textile
2273-B02 ----- Bathmats, textile fiber
2273-C01 ----- Carpets, textile fiber
2273-C02 ----- Carpets: twistdd paper- grass,!reed, coir, sisal, jute, and rag
2273-C03 ----- Chenhlle rugs
2263-D01 ----- Door mats: twisted paper, grass, reed, choir, sisal, jute, and rag
2273-D02 ----- Dyeing and finishing of rugs and carpets
2273-F01 ----- Finishers of tufted carpets and rugs
2273-F02 ----- Floor coverings, textile fiber
2273-F03 ----- Floor coverings, tufted
2273-F04 ----- Floor coverings: twisted paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, jute, and rag
2273-H01 ----- Hooked rugs
2273-M01 ----- Mats and matting, textile
2273-M02 ----- Mats and matting: twisted paper, grass, reed, coir, sisal, jute, and rag
2273-R01 ----- Rag rugs
2273-R02 ----- Rugs, except rubber or plastics
2273-S01 ----- Scatter rugs, except rubber or plastics
2273-S02 ----- Smyrna carpets and rugs, machine woven
2273-W01 ----- Wilton carpets
[2281 - 000 ----- Yarn mills, (except wool)]
2281-A01 ----- Acetate yarn, made from purchased staple: spun
2281-A02 ----- Acrylic yarn, made from purchased staple: spun
2281-C01 ----- Carded yarn, cotton
2281-C02 ----- Carpet yarn, cotton
2281-C03 ----- Carpet yarn: wool, mohair, or similar animal fibers
2281-C04 ----- Combed yarn, cotton
2281-C05 ----- Cordage yarn, cotton
2281-C06 ----- Cotton yarn, spinning
2281-C07 ----- Crochet yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmade staple
2281-D01 ----- Darning yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmade staple
2281-E01 ----- Embroidery yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmade staple
2281-K01 ----- Knitting yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmade staple
2281-M01 ----- Manmade staple fiber yarn, spun
2281-M02 ----- Modacrylic yarn, made from purchased staple: spun
2281-N01 ----- Nylon yarn, spinning of staple
2281-P01 ----- Polyester yarn, made from purchased staple: spun
2281-P02 ----- Polypropylene yarn, made from purchased staple: spun
2281-R01 ----- Rayon yarn, made from purchased staple: spun
2281-S01 ----- Silk yarn, spinning
2281-S02 ----- Spinning wool carpet and rug yarn: wool, mohair, or animal fiber
2281-S03 ----- Spinning yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmade staple
2281-S04 ----- Spun yarn: cotton, silk, manmade fiber, wool, and animal fiber
2281-W01 ----- Weaving yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmade staple
2281-Y01 ----- Yarn, carpet and rug animal fiber pinning, twisting and spooling
2281-Y02 ----- Yarn: cotton, silk, wool, and manmade staple
2281-Y03 ----- Yarn spinning: cotton, silk, and manmade staple
2281-Y04 ----- Yarn, spun: cotton, silk, manmade fiber, wool, and animal fiber