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[20 ----- Food and Kindred Products (cont')]
[2022 -000 ----- Cheese, natural and processed]
2022-C01 ----- Cheese analogs
2022-C02 ----- Cheese, except cottage cheese
2022-C03 ----- Cheese, imitation or substitutes
2022-C04 ----- Cheese, natural: except cottage cheese
2022-C05 ----- Cheese, processed
2022-C06 ----- Cheese products, imitation or substitutes
2022-C07 ----- Cheese spreads, pastes, and cheese-like preparations
2022-D01 ----- Dips, cheese-based
2022-P01 ----- Processed cheese
2022-S01 ----- Sandwich spreads, cheese
2022-S02 ----- Spreads, sandwich: cheese
2022-W01 ----- Whey, raw: liquid
[2067 -000 ----- Chewing gum]
2067-C01 ----- Chewing gum base
2067-C02 ----- Chewing gum
[2066 -000 ----- Chocolate and cocoa products]
2066-B01 ----- Baking chocolate
2066-B02 ----- Bars, candy: solid chocolate
2066-C01 ----- Cacao bean products: chocolate, cocoa butter, and cocoa
2066-C02 ----- Cacao beans: shelling, roasting, and grinding for making chocolate liquor
2066-C03 ----- Candy, solid chocolate
2066-C04 ----- Chocolate bars, solid: from cacao beans
2066-C05 ----- Chocolate coatings and syrups
2066-C06 ----- Chocolate, instant
2066-C07 ----- Chocolate liquor
2066-C08 ----- Chocolate, sweetened or unsweetened
2066-C09 ----- Chocolate syrup
2066-C10 ----- Coatings, chocolate
2066-C11 ----- Cocoa butter
2066-C12 ----- Cocoa mix, instant
2066-C13 ----- Cocoa, powdered: mixed with other substances
2066-S01 ----- Syrups, chocolate
[2023 -000 ----- Condensed and evaporated milk]
2023-B01 ----- Baby formula: fresh, processed, and bottled
2023-B02 ----- Buttermilk: concentrated, condensed, dried, evaporated, and powdered
2023-C01 ----- Casein, dry and wet
2023-C02 ----- Condensed and evaporated milk
2023-C03 ----- Cream: dried, powdered, and canned
2023-C04 ----- Cream substitutes
2023-D01 ----- Dietary supplements, dairy and non-dairy base
2023-D02 ----- Dry milk products: whole milk, nonfat milk, buttermilk, whey, and cream
2023-E01 ----- Eggnog, canned: nonalcoholic
2023-E02 ----- Evaporated milk
2023-I01 ----- Ice cream mix, unfrozen: liquid or dry
2023-I02 ----- Ice milk mix, unfrozen: liquid or dry
2023-L01 ----- Lactose, edible
2023-M01 ----- Malted milk
2023-M02 ----- Milk: concentrated, condensed, dried, evaporated, and powdered
2023-M03 ----- Milk, whole: canned
2023-M04 ----- Milkshake mix
2023-S01 ----- Skim milk: concentrated, dried, and powdered
2023-S02 ----- Sugar of milk
2023-W01 ----- Whey: concentrated, condensed, dried, evaporated, and powdered
2023-W02 ----- Whipped topping, dry mix
2023-Y01 ----- Yogurt mix
[2052 -000 ----- Cookies and crackers]
2052-B01 ----- Bakery products, dry: e.g., biscuits, crackers, pretzels
2052-B02 ----- Biscuits, baked: dry, except baking powder and raised
2052-C01 ----- Communion wafers
2052-C02 ----- Cones, ice cream
2052-C03 ----- Cookies
2052-C04 ----- Cracker meal and crumbs
2052-C05 ----- Crackers: e.g., graham, soda
2052-I01 ----- Ice cream cones and wafers
2052-M01 ----- Matzoths
2052-P01 ----- Pretzels
2052-R01 ----- Rusk
2052-S01 ----- Saltines
2052-W01 ----- Wafers, sugar
2052-Z01 ----- Zwieback
[2074 -000 ----- Cottonseed oil mills]
2074-C01 ----- Cottonseed oil, cake, and meal: made in cottonseed oil mills
2074-C02 ----- Cottonseed oil, deodorized
2074-L01 ----- Lecithin, cottonseed
2074-O01 ----- Oil, cottonseed
[2021 -000 ----- Creamery butter]
2021-A01 ----- Anhydrous butterfat
2021-B01 ----- Butter, creamery and whey
2021-B02 ----- Butter oil
2021-B03 ----- Butter powder
2021-B04 ----- Butterfat, anhydrous
2021-C01 ----- Creamery butter
2021-W01 ----- Whey butter
[2034 -000 ----- Dehydrated fruits, vegetables, soups]
2034-D01 ----- Dates, dried
2034-D02 ----- Dehydrated fruits, vegetables, and soups
2034-D03 ----- Dried fruits and vegetables
2034-F01 ----- Fruit flour, meal, and powders
2034-F02 ----- Fruits, dried or dehydrated
2034-F03 ----- Fruits, sulphured
2034-O01 ----- Olives, dried
2034-P01 ----- Potato flakes, granules, and other dehydrated potato products
2034-P02 ----- Prunes, dried
2034-R01 ----- Raisins
2034-S01 ----- Soup mixes
2034-S02 ----- Soup powders
2034-S03 ----- Soups, dehydrated
2034-V01 ----- Vegetable flour, meal, and powders
2034-V02 ----- Vegetables, dried or dehydrated
2034-V03 ----- Vegetables, sulphured
[2085 -000 ----- Distilled and blended liquors]
2085-A01 ----- Alcohol for medicinal and beverage purposes, ethyl or grain
2085-A02 ----- Applejack
2085-B01 ----- Beverage alcohol, ethyl and grain
2085-C01 ----- Cocktails, alcoholic
2085-C02 ----- Cordials, alcoholic
2085-D01 ----- Distillers, dried grains and solubles
2085-E01 ----- Eggnog, alcoholic
2085-E02 ----- Ethyl alcohol for medicinal and beverage purposes
2085-G01 ----- Gin (alcoholic beverage)
2085-G02 ----- Grain alcohol for medicinal and beverage purposes
2085-L01 ----- Liquors: distilled and blended-except brandy
2085-N01 ----- Neutral spirits for beverage purposes, except fruit
2085-R01 ----- Rum
2085-S01 ----- Spirits, neutral, except fruit-for beverage purposes
2085-V01 ----- Vodka
2085-W01 ----- Whiskey: bourbon, rye, scotch type, and corn
[2047 -000 ----- Dog and cat food]
2047-C01 ----- Cat food
2047-D01 ----- Dog food
[2079 -000 ----- Edible fats and oils, n.e.c.]
2079-B01 ----- Baking and frying fats (shortening)
2079-C01 ----- Cooking oils, vegetable: except corn oil-refined
2079-C02 ----- Cottonseed cooking and salad oil
2079-M01 ----- Margarine, including imitation
2079-M02 ----- Margarine oil, except corn
2079-M03 ----- Margarine-butter blend
2079-N01 ----- Nut margarine
2079-O01 ----- Oil, hydrogenated: edible
2079-O02 ----- Oil, olive
2079-O03 ----- Oil, partially hydrogenated: edible
2079-O04 ----- Oil, vegetable winter stearin
2079-O05 ----- Oils, vegetable (except corn oil) refined:cooking and salad
2079-O06 ----- Olive oil
2079-P01 ----- Peanut cooking and salad oil
2079-S01 ----- Salad oils, vegetable: except corn oil refined
2079-S02 ----- Shortenings, compound and vegetable
2079-S03 ----- Soybean cooking and salad oil
2079-T01 ----- Table oils
2079-V01 ----- Vegetable cooking and salad oils, except corn oil: refined
[2087 -000 ----- Flavoring extracts and syrups, n.e.c.]
2087-B01 ----- Bakers, colors, except synthetic
2087-B02 ----- Beverage bases
2087-B03 ----- Beverage syrups
2087-B04 ----- Bitters (flavoring concentrates)
2087-B05 ----- Burnt sugar (food color)
2087-C01 ----- Cocktail mixes, non-alcoholic
2087-C02 ----- Coffee flavorings and syrups
2087-C03 ----- Colorings, food: except synthetic
2087-C04 ----- Colors for bakers, and confectioners' use, except synthetic
2087-C05 ----- Concentrates, drink: except frozen fruit
2087-C06 ----- Concentrates, flavoring
2087-C07 ----- Confectioners, colors
2087-C08 ----- Cordials, non-alcoholic
2087-D01 ----- Drink powders and concentrates
2087-F01 ----- Flavoring concentrates
2087-F02 ----- Flavoring extracts, pastes, powders, and syrups
2087-F03 ----- Food colorings, except synthetic
2087-F04 ----- Food glace, for glazing foods
2087-F05 ----- Fruit juices, concentrated: for fountain use
2087-F06 ----- Fruits, crushed: for soda fountain use
2087-P01 ----- Powders, drink
2087-S01 ----- Sugar, burnt (food color)
2087-S02 ----- Syrups, beverage
2087-S03 ----- Syrups, flavoring
[2041 -000 ----- Flour and other grain mill products]
2041-B01 ----- Biscuit dough, canned-mitse
2041-B02 ----- Bran and middlings, except rice
2041-B03 ----- Bread and bread-type roll mixes-mitse
2041-B04 ----- Buckwheat flour
2041-C01 ----- Cake flour-mitse
2041-C02 ----- Cereals, cracked grain-mitse
2041-C03 ----- Corn grits and flakes for brewers, use
2041-C04 ----- Corn meal and flour
2041-D01 ----- Dough, biscuit-mitse
2041-D02 ----- Doughs, refrigerated or frozen-mitse
2041-D03 ----- Durum flour
2041-F01 ----- Farina, except breakfast food-mitse
2041-F02 ----- Flour: blended, prepared, or self-rising-mitse
2041-F03 ----- Flour: buckwheat, corn, graham, rye, and wheat
2041-F04 ----- Flour mills, cereals: except rice
2041-F05 ----- Flour mixes-mitse
2041-F06 ----- Frozen doughs-mitse
2041-G01 ----- Graham flour
2041-G02 ----- Grain cereals, cracked-mitse
2041-G03 ----- Granular wheat flour
2041-G04 ----- Grits and flakes, corn: for brewers, use
2041-H01 ----- Hominy grits, except breakfast food
2041-M01 ----- Meal, corn
2041-M02 ----- Milling of grains, dry, except rice
2041-M03 ----- Mixes, flour: e.g., pancake, cake, biscuit, doughnut-mitse
2041-P01 ----- Pancake batter, refrigerated or frozen-mitse
2041-P02 ----- Pizza mixes and prepared dough-mitse
2041-R01 ----- Rye flour
2041-S01 ----- Semolina (flour)
2041-S02 ----- Sorghum grain flour
2041-W01 ----- W heat mill feed
2041-W02 ----- Wheat flour
2041-W03 ----- Wheat germ
[2026 -000 ----- Fluid milk]
2026-A01 ----- Acidophilus milk
2026-B01 ----- Bakers, cheese
2026-B02 ----- Buttermilk, cultured
2026-C01 ----- Cheese, cottage
2026-C02 ----- Chocolate milk
2026-C03 ----- Cottage cheese, including pot, bakers' and farmers, cheese
2026-C04 ----- Cream, aerated
2026-C05 ----- Cream, bottled
2026-C06 ----- Cream, sour
2026-D01 ----- Dips, sour cream based
2026-E01 ----- Eggnog, fresh: nonalcoholic
2026-F01 ----- Flavored milk drinks
2026-H01 ----- Half and half
2026-M01 ----- Milk, acidophilus
2026-M02 ----- Milk, bottled
2026-M03 ----- Milk, flavored
2026-M04 ----- Milk processing (pasteurizing, homogenizing, vitaminizing, bottling)
2026-M05 ----- Milk production, except farm
2026-M06 ----- Milk, reconstituted
2026-M07 ----- Milk, ultra-high temperature
2026-P01 ----- Pot cheese
2026-S01 ----- Sour cream
2026-W01 ----- Whipped cream
2026-W02 ----- Whipped topping, except frozen or dry mix
2026-Y01 ----- Yogurt, except frozen
[2099 -000 ----- Food preparations, n.e.c.]
2099-A01 ----- Almond pastes
2099-B01 ----- Baking powder
2099-B07 ----- Barbecued food products-mfg
2099-B02 ----- Blending tea
2099-B03 ----- Bouillon cubes
2099-B04 ----- Box lunches for sale off premises
2099-B05 ----- Bread crumbs, not made in bakeries
2099-B06 ----- Butter, renovated and processed
2099-C01 ----- Cake fillings, except fruits, vegetables and meat
2099-C02 ----- Cake frosting mixes, dry
2099-C03 ----- Chicory root, dried
2099-C04 ----- Chili pepper or powder
2099-C05 ----- Chinese noodles
2099-C06 ----- Cider, non-alcoholic
2099-C07 ----- Coconut, desiccated and shredded
2099-C08 ----- Cole slaw in bulk
2099-C09 ----- Cracker sandwiches made from purchased crackers
2099-D01 ----- Desserts, ready-to mix
2099-D02 ----- Dips, except cheese and sour cream based
2099-E01 ----- Emulsifiers, food
2099-F01 ----- Fillings, cake or pie: except fruits, vegetables, and meat
2099-F02 ----- Frosting, prepared
2099-G01 ----- Gelatin dessert preparations
2099-G02 ----- Gravy mixes, dry
2099-H01 ----- Honey, strained and bottled
2099-J01 ----- Jelly, corncob (gelatin)
2099-L01 ----- Leavening compounds, prepared
2099-M01 ----- Marshmallow creme
2099-M02 ----- Meat seasonings, except sauces
2099-M03 ----- Molasses, mixed or blended-mfpm
2099-N01 ----- Noodles, fried (e.g., Chinese)
2099-N02 ----- Noodles, uncooked: packaged with other ingredients
2099-P01 ----- Pancake syrup, blended and mixed
2099-P02 ----- Pasta, uncooked: packaged with other ingredients
2099-P03 ----- Pastes, almond
2099-P04 ----- Peanut butter
2099-P05 ----- Pectin
2099-P06 ----- Pepper
2099-P07 ----- Pie fillings, except fruits, vegetables and meat
2099-P08 ----- Pizza, refrigerated: not frozen
2099-P09 ----- Popcorn, packaged: except popped
2099-P10 ----- Potatoes, dried: packaged with other ingredients
2099-P11 ----- Potatoes, peeled for the trade
2099-P12 ----- Processed butter
2099-R01 ----- Rice, uncooked: packaged with other ingredients
2099-S01 ----- Salad dressing mixes, dry
2099-S02 ----- Salads, fresh or refrigerated
2099-S03 ----- Sandwiches, assembled and packaged: for wholesale market
2099-S04 ----- Sauce mixes, dry
2099-S05 ----- Seasonings, meat: except sauces
2099-S06 ----- Slaw, cole: in bulk
2099-S07 ----- Sorghum, including custom refining
2099-S08 ----- Spices, including grinding
2099-S09 ----- Sugar grinding
2099-S10 ----- Sugar, industrial maple: made in plants producing maple syrup
2099-S11 ----- Sugar, powdered-mfpm
2099-S12 ----- Syrups, sweetening: honey, maple syrup, sorghum
2099-T01 ----- Tea blending
2099-T02 ----- Tofu, except frozen desserts
2099-T03 ----- Tortillas, fresh or refrigerated
2099-V01 ----- Vegetables peeled for the trade
2099-V02 ----- Vinegar
2099-Y01 ----- Yeast
[2092 -000 ----- Fresh or frozen packaged fish]
2092-C01 ----- Chowders, fish and seafood
2092-C02 ----- Crabcakes
2092-C03 ----- Crabmeat, fresh: packed in non-sealed containers
2092-C04 ----- Crabmeat picking
2092-F02 ----- Fish and seafood cakes
2092-F03 ----- Fish fillets
2092-F05 ----- Fish sticks
2092-F06 ----- Frozen fish, packaged
2092-F07 ----- Frozen prepared fish
2092-O01 ----- Oysters, shucking and packing in nonsealed containers
2092-P01 ----- Picking of crab meat
2092-S01 ----- Seafoods
2092-S02 ----- Shellfish
2092-S03 ----- Shellfish, shucked, picked, or packed
2092-S04 ----- Shrimp
2092-S05 ----- Soups, fish and seafood
2092-S06 ----- Stews, fish and seafood
[2053 -000 ----- Frozen bakery products, (except bread)]
2053-B01 ----- Bakery products, except bread and bread-type rolls
2053-C01 ----- Cakes, pound, layer, and cheese
2053-C02 ----- Croissants
2053-D01 ----- Doughnuts
2053-P01 ----- Pies, bakery
2053-S01 ----- Sweet yeast goods
[2037 -000 ----- Frozen fruits and vegetables]
2037-C01 ----- Concentrates, frozen fruit juice
2037-D01 ----- Dried citrus pulp
2037-F01 ----- Frozen fruits, fruit juices, and vegetables
2037-F02 ----- Fruit juice concentrates
2037-F03 ----- Fruit juices
2037-F04 ----- Fruits, quick frozen and coldpack (frozen)
2037-V01 ----- Vegetables, quick frozen and coldpack(frozen)