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[14 ----- Nonmetallic Minerals, Except Fuels]
1479-000 ----- Chemical and fertilizer mining, n.e.c.
1459-000 ----- Clay and related minerals, n.e.c.
1442-000 ----- Construction sand and gravel
1423-000 ----- Crushed and broken granite
1422-000 ----- Crushed and broken limestone
1429-000 ----- Crushed and broken stone, n.e.c.
1411-000 ----- Dimension stone
1446-000 ----- Industrial sand
1455-000 ----- Kaolin and ball clay
1499-000 ----- Nonmetallic minerals, n.e.c.
1481-000 ----- Nonmetallic minerals services
1475-000 ----- Phosphate rock
1474-000 ----- Potash, soda, and borate minerals
[1479-000 ----- Chemical and fertilizer mining, n.e.c.]
1479-A01 ----- Alunite mining
1479-A02 ----- Amblygonite mining
1479-A03 ----- Arsenic mineral mining
1479-B01 ----- Barite mining
1479-B02 ----- Barium ore mining
1479-B03 ----- Brimstone mining
1479-C01 ----- Celestite mining
1479-F01 ----- Fluorite mining
1479-F02 ----- Fluorspar, ground or otherwise treated
1479-F03 ----- Fluorspar mining
1479-G01 ----- Guano mining
1479-L01 ----- Lepidolite mining
1479-L02 ----- Lithium mineral mining
1479-M01 ----- Marcasite mining
1479-M02 ----- Mineral pigment mining
1479-O01 ----- Ocher mining
1479-P01 ----- Pyrites mining
1479-P02 ----- Pyrrhotite mining
1479-R01 ----- Rock salt mining
1479-S01 ----- Salt mining, common
1479-S02 ----- Sienna mining
1479-S03 ----- Spodumene mining
1479-S04 ----- Strontianite mining
1479-S05 ----- Strontium mineral mining
1479-S06 ----- Sulfur, ground or otherwise treated
1479-S07 ----- Sulfur mining, native
1479-U01 ----- Umber mining
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[1459 -000 ----- Clay and related minerals, n.e.c.]
1459-A01 ----- Andalusite mining
1459-A02 ----- Aplite mining
1459-B01 ----- Bentonite mining
1459-B02 ----- Brucite mining
1459-B03 ----- Burley mining
1459-C01 ----- Clays (common) quarrying-not in conjunction with manufacturing
1459-C02 ----- Cornwall stone mining
1459-C03 ----- Cyanite mining
1459-D01 ----- Diaspore mining
1459-D02 ----- Dumortierite mining
1459-F01 ----- Feldspar mining
1459-F02 ----- Fire clay mining
1459-F03 ----- Flint clay mining
1459-F04 ----- Fuller, s earth mining
1459-K01 ----- Kyanite mining
1459-M01 ----- Magnesite mining
1459-N01 ----- Nepheline syenite quarrying
1459-O01 ----- Olivine (nongem) mining
1459-P01 ----- Pegmatite (feldspar) mining
1459-P02 ----- Pinite mining
1459-P03 ----- Plastic fire clay mining
1459-S01 ----- Shale (common) quarrying not in conjunction with manufacturing
1459-S02 ----- Sillimanite mining
1459-S03 ----- Stoneware clay mining
1459-S04 ----- Syenite, nepheline-quarrying
1459-T01 ----- Topaz (nongem) mining
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[1442 -000 ----- Construction sand and gravel]
1442-C01 ----- Common sand mining
1442-C02 ----- Construction sand mining
1442-G01 ----- Gravel mining
1442-P01 ----- Pebble mining
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[1423 -000 ----- Crushed and broken granite]
1423-D01 ----- Diorite, crushed and broken-quarrying
1423-G01 ----- Gneiss, crushed and broken -quarrying
1423-G02 ----- Granite, crushed and broken-quarrying
1423-S01 ----- Syenite, except nepheline: crushed and broken -quarrying
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[1422 -000 ----- Crushed and broken limestone]
1422-A01 ----- Agricultural limestone, ground
1422-C01 ----- Calcareous tufa, crushed and broken-quarrying
1422-C02 ----- Cement rock, crushed and broken-quarrying
1422-C03 ----- Chalk, ground or otherwise treated
1422-C04 ----- Chalk mining, crushed and broken-quarrying
1422-D01 ----- Dolomite, crushed and broken-quarrying
1422-L01 ----- Lime rock, ground
1422-L02 ----- Limestone, except bituminous: crushed and broken-quarrying
1422-M01 ----- Marl, crushed and broken-quarrying
1422-T01 ----- Travertine, crushed and broken-quarrying
1422-W01 ----- Whiting mining, crushed and broken-quarrying
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[1429 -000 ----- Crushed and broken stone, n.e.c.]
1429-B01 ----- Basalt, crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-B02 ----- Boulder, crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-D01 ----- Diabase, crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-D02 ----- Dolomitic marble, crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-G01 ----- Gabbro, crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-G02 ----- Ganister, crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-G03 ----- Grits mining (crushed stone)
1429-M01 ----- Marble, crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-M02 ----- Mica schist, crushed and broken -quarrying
1429-O01 ----- Onyx marble, crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-Q01 ----- Quartzite, crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-R01 ----- Riprap quarrying, except limestone or granite
1429-S01 ----- Sandstone, except bituminous: crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-S02 ----- Serpentine, crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-S03 ----- Slate, crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-T01 ----- Trap rock, crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-V01 ----- Verde' antique, crushed and broken-quarrying
1429-V02 ----- Volcanic rock, crushed and broken quarrying
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[1411 -000 ----- Dimension stone]
1411-A01 ----- Argillite, dimension-quarrying
1411-B01 ----- Basalt, dimension-quarrying
1411-B02 ----- Bluestone, dimension-quarrying
1411-C01 ----- Calcareous tufa, dimension-quarrying
1411-D01 ----- Diabase, dimension-quarrying
1411-D02 ----- Diorite, dimension-quarrying
1411-D03 ----- Dolomite, dimension-quarrying
1411-D04 ----- Dolomitic marble, dimension-quarrying
1411-F01 ----- Flagstone mining
1411-G01 ----- Gabbro, dimension-quarrying
1411-G02 ----- Gneiss, dimension-quarrying
1411-G03 ----- Granite, dimension-quarrying
1411-G04 ----- Greenstone, dimension-quarrying
1411-L01 ----- Limestone, dimension-quarrying
1411-M01 ----- Marble, dimension-quarrying
1411-M02 ----- Mica schist, dimension-quarrying
1411-O01 ----- Onyx marble, dimension-quarrying
1411-Q01 ----- Quartzite, dimension-quarrying
1411-R01 ----- Rubble mining
1411-S01 ----- Sandstone, dimension-quarrying
1411-S02 ----- Schist, dimension-quarrying
1411-S03 ----- Serpentine, dimension-quarrying
1411-S04 ----- Slate, dimension-quarrying
1411-S05 ----- Syenite (except nepheline), dimension-quarrying
1411-T01 ----- Trap rock, dimension-quarrying
1411-T02 ----- Travertine, dimension-quarrying
1411-V01 ----- Verde' antique, dimension-quarrying
1411-V02 ----- Volcanic rock, dimension quarrying
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[1446 -000 ----- Industrial sand]
1446-A01 ----- Abrasive sand mining
1446-B01 ----- Blast sand mining
1446-E01 ----- Enamel sand mining
1446-F01 ----- Filtration sand mining
1446-F02 ----- Foundry sand mining
1446-G01 ----- Glass sand mining
1446-G02 ----- Grinding sand mining
1446-I01 ----- Industrial sand mining
1446-M01 ----- Molding sand mining
1446-S01 ----- Silica mining
1446-S02 ----- Silica sand mining
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[1455 -000 ----- Kaolin and ball clay]
1455-B01 ----- Ball clay mining
1455-C01 ----- China clay mining
1455-K01 ----- Kaolin mining
1455-P01 ----- Paper clay mining
1455-R01 ----- Rubber clay mining
1455-S01 ----- Slip clay mining
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[1499 -000 ----- Nonmetallic minerals, n.e.c.]
1499-A01 ----- Agate mining
1499-A02 ----- Alabaster mining
1499-A03 ----- Amethyst mining
1499-A04 ----- Asbestos mining
1499-A05 ----- Asphalt (native) mining
1499-A06 ----- Asphalt rock mining
1499-B01 ----- Bitumens (native) mining
1499-B02 ----- Bituminous limestone quarrying
1499-B03 ----- Bituminous sandstone quarrying
1499-B04 ----- Burrstone quarrying
1499-C01 ----- Calcite mining
1499-C02 ----- Catlinite mining
1499-C03 ----- Corundum mining
1499-C04 ----- Cryolite mining
1499-D01 ----- Diamond mining, industrial
1499-D02 ----- Diatomite mining
1499-D03 ----- Diayomaceous earth mining
1499-E01 ----- Emery mining
1499-F01 ----- Fill dirt pits
1499-G01 ----- Garnet mining
1499-G02 ----- Gem stone mining
1499-G03 ----- Gilsonite mining
1499-G04 ----- Grahamite mining
1499-G05 ----- Graphite mining
1499-G06 ----- Greensand mining
1499-G07 ----- Grinding peat
1499-G08 ----- Grindstone quarrying
1499-G09 ----- Gypsite mining
1499-G10 ----- Gypsum mining
1499-I01 ----- Iceland spar mining (optical grade calcite)
1499-J01 ----- Jade mining
1499-M01 ----- Meerschaum mining or quarrying
1499-M02 ----- Mica mining
1499-M03 ----- Millstone quarrying
1499-M04 ----- Muscovite mining
1499-N01 ----- Natural abrasives mining (except sand)
1499-O01 ----- Oilstone quarrying
1499-O02 ----- Ozokerite mining
1499-P01 ----- Peat grinding
1499-P02 ----- Peat humus mining
1499-P03 ----- Peat mining
1499-P04 ----- Perlite mining
1499-P05 ----- Phlogopite mining
1499-P06 ----- Pipestone mining
1499-P07 ----- Pozzolana mining
1499-P08 ----- Precious stones mining
1499-P09 ----- Pulpstone quarrying
1499-P10 ----- Pumice mining
1499-P11 ----- Pumicite mining
1499-P12 ----- Pyrophyllite mining
1499-Q01 ----- Quartz crystal mining (pure)
1499-R01 ----- Reed peat mining
1499-R02 ----- Rubbing stone quarrying
1499-R03 ----- Ruby mining
1499-S01 ----- Sandstone, bituminous
1499-S02 ----- Sapphire mining
1499-S03 ----- Scoriaing
1499-S04 ----- Screening peat
1499-S05 ----- Scythestone quarrying
1499-S06 ----- Sedge peat mining
1499-S07 ----- Selenite mining
1499-S08 ----- Semiprecious stones mining
1499-S09 ----- Sharpening stone quarrying
1499-S10 ----- Shell mining
1499-S11 ----- Shredding peat
1499-S12 ----- Soapstone quarrying
1499-S13 ----- Steatite mining
1499-T01 ----- Talc mining
1499-T02 ----- Tripoli mining
1499-T03 ----- Turquoise mining
1499-V01 ----- Vermiculite mining
1499-V02 ----- Volcanic ash mining
1499-W01 ----- Whetstone quarrying
1499-W02 ----- Wurtzilite mining
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[1481 -000 ----- Nonmetallic minerals services]
1481-B01 ----- Boring test holes for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: on a contract basis
1481-D01 ----- Draining or pumping of nonmetallic minerals mines, except fuels: on a contract basis
1481-D02 ----- Drilling for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: on a contract basis
1481-E01 ----- Exploration for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: on a contract basis
1481-G01 ----- Geophysical exploration services, for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: on a contract basis
1481-M01 ----- Mine development for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: on a contract basis
1481-O01 ----- Overburden removal for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: on a contract basis
1481-P01 ----- Prospect drilling for nonmetallic minerals except fuels: on a contract basis
1481-P02 ----- Pumping or draining of nonmetallic mineral (except fuels) mines: on a contract basis
1481-R01 ----- Removal of overburden for nonmetallic minerals except fuels: on a contract basis
1481-S01 ----- Shaft sinking for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: on a contract basis
1481-S02 ----- Strip mining for nonmetallic minerals, except fuels: on a contract basis
1481-T01 ----- Test drilling for nonmetallic minerals except fuel: on a contract basis
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[1475 -000 ----- Phosphate rock]
1475-A01 ----- Apatite mining
1475-P01 ----- Phosphate rock mining
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[1474 -000 ----- Potash, soda, and borate minerals]
1474-A01 ----- Alum mining
1474-B01 ----- Borate compounds mining
1474-B02 ----- Borax, crude: ground and pulverized
1474-B03 ----- Borax mining
1474-B04 ----- Boron mineral mining
1474-C01 ----- Colemanite mining
1474-G01 ----- Glauber's salt mining
1474-K01 ----- Kernite mining
1474-P01 ----- Potash mining
1474-P02 ----- Potassium compounds mining
1474-P03 ----- Probertite mining
1474-S01 ----- Salines mining, except common salt
1474-S02 ----- Soda ash mining
1474-S03 ----- Sodium compounds mining, except common salt
1474-T01 ----- Trona mining
1474-U01 ----- Ulexite mining