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[07 ----- Agricultural Services]
0752-000 ----- Animal specialty services
0724-000 ----- Cotton ginning
0722-000 ----- Crop harvesting
0721-000 ----- Crop planting and protection
0723-000 ----- Crop preparation services for market
0761-000 ----- Farm labor contractors
0762-000 ----- Farm management services
0729-001 ----- General crop services
0781-000 ----- Landscape counseling and planning
0782-000 ----- Lawn and garden services
0751-000 ----- Livestock services, (except specialties)
0783-000 ----- Ornamental shrub and tree services
0711-000 ----- Soil preparation services
0741-000 ----- Veterinary services, farm livestock
0742-000 ----- Veterinary services, specialties
[0752-000 ----- Animal specialty services]
0752-A01 ----- Animal shelters
0752-A02 ----- Artificial insemination services: animal specialties
0752-B01 ----- Boarding horses
0752-B02 ----- Boarding kennels
0752-B03 ----- Breeding of animals, other than cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, and poultry
0752-C01 ----- Cat breeder
0752-D01 ----- Dog grooming
0752-D02 ----- Dog pounds
0752-D03 ----- Dogs, training
0752-H01 ----- Honey straining on the farm
0752-H02 ----- Horses, boarding or training (except racehorses)
0752-K01 ----- Kennels, boarding
0752-P01 ----- Pedigree record services for pets and other animal specialties
0752-S01 ----- Showing of pets and other animal specialties
0752-T01 ----- Training horses, except racing
0752-T02 ----- Training of pets and other animal specialties
0752-V01 ----- Vaccinating pets and other animal specialties, except by veterinarians
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[0724 -000 ----- Cotton ginning]
0724-C01 ----- Cotton ginning
0724-C02 ----- Cotton pickery
0724-G02 ----- Gins, cotton: operation of
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[0722 -000 ----- Crop harvesting]
0722-B01 ----- Berries, machine harvesting of
0722-C01 ----- Chopping and silo filling
0722-C02 ----- Combining, agricultural
0722-C03 ----- Cotton, machine harvesting of
0722-F01 ----- Fruits, machine harvesting of
0722-G01 ----- Grain, machine harvesting of
0722-H01 ----- Hay mowing, raking, baling, and chopping
0722-N01 ----- Nuts, machine harvesting of
0722-P01 ----- Peanuts, machine harvesting of
0722-S01 ----- Sugar beets, machine harvesting of
0722-S02 ----- Sugarcane, machine harvesting of
0722-V01 ----- Vegetables, machine harvesting of
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[0721 -000 ----- Crop planting and protection]
0721-A01 ----- Aerial dusting and spraying
0721-B01 ----- Bracing of orchard trees and vines
0721-C01 ----- Citrus grove cultivation services
0721-C02 ----- Crop dusting, with or without fertilizing
0721-C03 ----- Crop spraying, with or without fertilizing
0721-C04 ----- Cultivation services, mechanical and flame
0721-D01 ----- Detasseling of corn
0721-D02 ----- Disease control for crops, with or without fertilizing
0721-D03 ----- Dusting crops, with or without fertilizing
0721-E01 ----- Entomological service, agricultural
0721-H01 ----- Hoeing
0721-I01 ----- Insect control for crops, with or without fertilizing
0721-I02 ----- Irrigation system operation services (not providing water)
0721-O01 ----- Orchard cultivation services
0721-P01 ----- Planting crops, with or without fertilizing
0721-P02 ----- Pollinating
0721-P03 ----- Pruning of orchard trees and vines
0721-S01 ----- Seeding crops, with or without fertilizing
0721-S02 ----- Seeding of sprouts and twigs
0721-S03 ----- Spraying crops, with or without fertilizing
0721-S04 ----- Surgery on orchard trees and vines
0721-T01 ----- Thinning of crops, mechanical and chemical
0721-T02 ----- Trees, orchard: cultivation of
0721-T03 ----- Trees, orchard: planting, pruning, bracing, spraying, removal, and surgery
0721-V01 ----- Vineyard cultivation services
0721-W01 ----- Weed control, crop: after planting
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[0723 -000 ----- Crop preparation services for market]
0723-A01 ----- Almond hulling and shelling
0723-B01 ----- Bean cleaning
0723-C01 ----- Corn drying
0723-C02 ----- Corn shelling
0723-C03 ----- Cotton seed delinting
0723-D01 ----- Decorticating flax
0723-D02 ----- Drying of corn, rice, hay, fruits, and vegetables
0723-F01 ----- Filbert hulling and shelling
0723-F02 ----- Flax decorticating and retting
0723-F03 ----- Fruit drying
0723-F04 ----- Fruit precooling, not in connection with transportation
0723-F05 ----- Fruit sorting, grading, and packing
0723-F06 ----- Fruit vacuum cooling
0723-G01 ----- Ginning moss
0723-G02 ----- Grain cleaning
0723-G03 ----- Grain fumigation
0723-G04 ----- Grain grinding, custom
0723-H01 ----- Hulling and shelling of tree nuts
0723-M01 ----- Moss ginning
0723-N01 ----- Nut hulling and shelling
0723-P01 ----- Packaging fresh or farm-dried fruits and vegetables
0723-P02 ----- Packing fruits and vegetables
0723-P03 ----- Peanut shelling, custom
0723-P04 ----- Pecan hulling and shelling
0723-P05 ----- Potato curing
0723-R01 ----- Retting flax
0723-R02 ----- Rice drying
0723-S01 ----- Seed cleaning
0723-S02 ----- Sorting, grading, and packing of fruits and vegetables
0723-S03 ----- Sweet potato curing
0723-T01 ----- Tobacco grading
0723-V01 ----- Vegetable drying
0723-V02 ----- Vegetable precooling, not in connection with transportation
0723-V03 ----- Vegetable sorting, grading, and packing
0723-V04 ----- Vegetable vacuum cooling
0723-W01 ----- Walnut hulling and shelling
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[0762 -000 ----- Farm management services]
0762-C01 ----- Citrus grove management and maintenance, with or without crop services
0762-F01 ----- Farm management services
0762-O01 ----- Orchard management and maintenance, with or without crop services
0762-V01 ----- Vineyard management and maintenance, with or without crop services
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[0781 -000 ----- Landscape counseling and planning]
0781-G01 ----- Garden planning
0781-H01 ----- Horticultural advisory or counseling services
0781-L01 ----- Landscape architects
0781-L02 ----- Landscape counseling
0781-L03 ----- Landscape planning
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[0782 -000 ----- Lawn and garden services]
0782-B01 ----- Bermuda sprigging services
0782-C01 ----- Cemetery upkeep, independent
0782-G01 ----- Garden maintenance
0782-G02 ----- Garden planting
0782-L01 ----- Lawn care
0782-L02 ----- Lawn fertilizing services
0782-L03 ----- Lawn mowing services
0782-L04 ----- Lawn mulching services
0782-L05 ----- Lawn seeding services
0782-L06 ----- Lawn spraying services
0782-L07 ----- Lawn sprigging services
0782-M01 ----- Mowing highway center strips and edges
0782-S01 ----- Seeding highway strips
0782-S02 ----- Seeding lawns
0782-S03 ----- Sod laying
0782-T01 ----- Turf installation, except artificial
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[0751 -000 ----- Livestock services, (except specialties)]
0751-A01 ----- Artificial insemination services: livestock
0751-B01 ----- Breeding of livestock
0751-C01 ----- Cattle spraying
0751-C02 ----- Cleaning poultry coops
0751-D01 ----- Dairy herd improvement associations
0751-L01 ----- Livestock breeding services
0751-M01 ----- Milk testing for butterfat
0751-P01 ----- Pedigree record services for cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, and poultry
0751-S01 ----- Sheep dipping and shearing
0751-S02 ----- Showing of cattle, hogs, sheep, goats, and poultry
0751-S03 ----- Slaughtering, custom: for individuals
0751-V01 ----- Vaccinating livestock, except by veterinarians
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[0783 -000 ----- Ornamental shrub and tree services]
0783-A01 ----- Arborist services
0783-O01 ----- Ornamental bush planting, pruning, bracing, spraying, removal, and surgery
0783-O02 ----- Ornamental tree planting, pruning, bracing, spraying, removal, and surgery
0783-T01 ----- Tree trimming for public utility lines
0783-T02 ----- Trees, ornamental: planting, pruning, bracing, spraying, removal, and surgery
0783-U01 ----- Utility line tree trimming services
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[0711 -000 ----- Soil preparation services]
0711-C01 ----- Chemical treatment of soil for crops
0711-F01 ----- Fertilizer application for crops
0711-L01 ----- Lime spreading for crops
0711-P01 ----- Plowing
0711-S01 ----- Seed bed preparation
0711-S02 ----- Spreading lime for crops
0711-W01 ----- Weed control, crop: before planting
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[0741 -000 ----- Veterinary services, farm livestock]
0741-A01 ----- Animal hospitals for livestock
0741-V01 ----- Veterinarians for livestock
0741-V02 ----- Veterinary services for livestock
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[0742 -000 ----- Veterinary services, specialties]
0742-A01 ----- Animal hospitals for pets and other animal specialties
0742-P01 ----- Pet hospitals
0742-V01 ----- Veterinarians for pets and other animal specialties
0742-V02 ----- Veterinary services for pets and other animal specialties