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[02 ----- Agricultural Production - Livestock And Animal Specialties]
0273-000 ----- Animal aquaculture
0279-000 ----- Animal specialties, n.e.c.
0212-000 ----- Beef cattle, (except feedlots)
0211-000 ----- Beef cattle feedlots
0251-000 ----- Broiler, fryer, and roaster chickens
0252-000 ----- Chicken eggs
0241-000 ----- Dairy farms
0271-000 ----- Fur-bearing animals and rabbits
0291-000 ----- General farms, primarily animal
0219-001 ----- General livestock, n.e.c.
0213-000 ----- Hogs
0272-000 ----- Horses and other equines
0259-000 ----- Poultry and eggs, n.e.c.
0254-000 ----- Poultry hatcheries
0214-000 ----- Sheep and goats
0253-000 ----- Turkeys and turkey eggs
[0273-000 ----- Animal aquaculture]
0273-C01 ----- Catfish farms
0273-C02 ----- Crustacean farms
0273-F01 ----- Finfish farms
0273-F02 ----- Fish farms, except hatcheries
0273-G01 ----- Goldfish farms
0273-M01 ----- Minnow farms
0273-M02 ----- Mollusk farms
0273-T01 ----- Tropical aquarium fish farms
0273-T02 ----- Trout farms
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[0279-000 ----- Animal specialties, n.e.c.]
0279-A01 ----- Alligator farms
0279-A02 ----- Apiaries
0279-A03 ----- Aviaries (e.g., parakeet, canary, love birds)
0279-B01 ----- Bee farms
0279-C01 ----- Cat farms
0279-D01 ----- Dog farms
0279-E01 ----- Earthworm hatcheries
0279-F01 ----- Frog farms
0279-H01 ----- Honey production
0279-K01 ----- Kennels, breeding and raising own stock
0279-L01 ----- Laboratory animal farms (e.g., rats, mice, guinea pigs)
0279-R01 ----- Rattlesnake farms
0279-S01 ----- Silk (raw) production and silkworrn farms
0279-W01 ----- Worm farms
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[0212-000 ----- Beef cattle, (except feedlots)]
0212-B01 ----- Beef cattle farms, except feedlots
0212-C01 ----- Cattle raising farms
0212-C02 ----- Cattle ranches
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[0211-000 ----- Beef cattle feedlots]
0211-B01 ----- Beef cattle feedlots
0211-C01 ----- Cattle feeding farms
0211-C02 ----- Cattle feedlot operations
0211-S01 ----- Stockyards, exclusively for fattening cattle
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[0251-000 ----- Broiler, fryer, and roaster chickens]
0251-B01 ----- Broiler chickens, raising of
0251-C01 ----- Chicken farms or ranches, raising for slaughter
0251-C02 ----- Cornish hen farms
0251-R01 ----- Roasting chickens, raising of
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[0252-000 ----- Chicken eggs]
0252-C01 ----- Chicken egg farms
0252-S01 ----- Started pullet farms
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[0241-000 ----- Dairy farms]
0241-D01 ----- Dairy farms
0241-D02 ----- Dairy heifer replacement farms
0241-M01 ----- Milk production, dairy cattle farm
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[0271-000 ----- Fur-bearing animals and rabbits]
0271-C01 ----- Chinchilla farms
0271-F01 ----- Fur farms
0271-G01 ----- Game farms (fur-bearing animals)
0271-M01 ----- Mink farms
0271-R01 ----- Rabbit farms
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[0291-000 ----- General farms, primarily animal]
0291-A01 ----- Animal specialty and livestock farms, general
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[0213-000 ----- Hogs]
0213-F01 ----- Feedlots, hog
0213-H01 ----- Hog farms
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[0272-000 ----- Horses and other equines]
0272-B01 ----- Burro farms
0272-D01 ----- Donkey farms
0272-H01 ----- Horse farms
0272-M01 ----- Mule farms
0272-P01 ----- Pony farms
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[0259-000 ----- Poultry and eggs, n.e.c.]
0259-D01 ----- Duck farms
0259-E01 ----- Egg farms, poultry: except chicken and turkey
0259-G01 ----- Geese farms
0259-P01 ----- Pheasant farms
0259-P02 ----- Pigeon farms
0259-Q01 ----- Quail farms
0259-S01 ----- Squab farms
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[0254-000 ----- Poultry hatcheries]
0254-C01 ----- Chicken hatcheries
0254-E01 ----- Egg hatcheries, poultry
0254-P01 ----- Poultry hatcheries
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[0214-000 ----- Sheep and goats]
0214-F01 ----- Feedlots, lamb
0214-G01 ----- Goat farms
0214-G02 ----- Goats, milk production
0214-M01 ----- Milk production, goat farm
0214-M02 ----- Mohair production
0214-S01 ----- Sheep feeding farms and ranches
0214-S02 ----- Sheep raising farms and ranches
0214-W01 ----- Wool production
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[0253-000 ----- Turkeys and turkey eggs]
0253-T01 ----- Turkey egg farms and ranches
0253-T02 ----- Turkey farms and ranches