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[01 ----- Agricultural Production - Crops]
0171-000 ----- Berry crops
0119-000 ----- Cash grains, n.e.c.
0174-000 ----- Citrus fruits
0115-000 ----- Corn
0131-000 ----- Cotton
0175-000 ----- Deciduous tree fruits
0139-000 ----- Field crops, (except cash grains, n.e.c.)
0182-000 ----- Food crops grown under cover
0179-000 ----- Fruits and tree nuts, n.e.c.
0191-000 ----- General farms, primarily crop
0172-000 ----- Grapes
0134-000 ----- Irish potatoes
0181-000 ----- Ornamental nursery products
0112-000 ----- Rice
0116-000 ----- Soybeans
0133-000 ----- Sugarcane and sugar beet
0132-000 ----- Tobacco
0173-000 ----- Tree nuts
0161-000 ----- Vegetables and melons
0111-000 ----- Wheat
[0171-000 ----- Berry crops]
0171-B01 ----- Berry farms
0171-B02 ----- Blackberry farms
0171-B03 ----- Blueberry farms
0171-C01 ----- Cranberry bogs
0171-C02 ----- Currant farms
0171-D01 ----- Dewberry farms
0171-L01 ----- Loganberry farms
0171-R01 ----- Raspberry farms
0171-S01 ----- Strawberry farms
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[0119 -000 ----- Cash grains, n.e.c.]
0119-B01 ----- Barley farms
0119-B02 ----- Bean farms, dry field and seed
0119-B03 ----- Buckwheat farms
0119-C01 ----- Cash grain farms: except wheat, rice, corn, and soybeans
0119-C02 ----- Cowpea farms
0119-F01 ----- Flaxseed farms
0119-G01 ----- Grain farms: except wheat, rice, corn, and soybeans
0119-L01 ----- Lentil farms
0119-M01 ----- Milo farms
0119-M02 ----- Mustard seed farms
0119-O01 ----- Oat farms
0119-P01 ----- Pea farms, dry field and seed
0119-P02 ----- Popcorn farms
0119-R01 ----- Rye farms
0119-S01 ----- Safflower farms
0119-S02 ----- Sorghum farms, except for syrup
0119-S03 ----- Sunflower farms
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[0174 -000 ----- Citrus fruits]
0174-C01 ----- Citrus groves and farms
0174-G01 ----- Grapefruit groves and farms
0174-L01 ----- Lemon groves and farms
0174-L02 ----- Lime groves and farms
0174-O01 ----- Orange groves and farms
0174-T01 ----- Tangerine groves and farms
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[0115 -000 ----- Corn]
0115-C01 ----- Cherry orchards and farms
0115-C02 ----- Corn farms, except sweet corn or popcorn
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[0131 -000 ----- Cotton]
0131-C01 ----- Cotton farms
0131-C02 ----- Cottonseed farms
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[0175 -000 ----- Deciduous tree fruits]
0175-A01 ----- Apple orchards and farms
0175-A02 ----- Apricot orchards and farms
0175-N01 ----- Nectarine orchards and farms
0175-P01 ----- Peach orchards and farms
0175-P02 ----- Pear orchards and farms
0175-P03 ----- Persimmon orchards and farms
0175-P04 ----- Plum orchards and farms
0175-P05 ----- Pomegranate orchards and farms
0175-P06 ----- Prune orchards and farms
0175-Q01 ----- Quince orchards and farms
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[0139 -000 ----- Field crops, (except cash grains, n.e.c.)]
0139-A01 ----- Alfalfa farms
0139-B01 ----- Broomcorn farms
0139-C01 ----- Clover farms
0139-G01 ----- Grass seed farms
0139-H01 ----- Hay farms
0139-H02 ----- Hop farms
0139-M01 ----- Mint farms
0139-P01 ----- Peanut farms
0139-S01 ----- Sweet potato farms
0139-T01 ----- Timothy farms
0139-Y01 ----- Yam farms
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[0182 -000 ----- Food crops grown under cover]
0182-B01 ----- Bean sprouts
0182-F01 ----- Fruits
0182-G01 ----- Greenhouses for food crops
0182-H01 ----- Hydroponic crops
0182-M01 ----- Mushroom spawn, production of
0182-M02 ----- Mushrooms, growing of
0182-R01 ----- Rhubarb
0182-S01 ----- Seaweed
0182-T01 ----- Tomatoes
0182-T02 ----- Truffles
0182-V01 ----- Vegetables
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[0179 -000 ----- Fruits and tree nuts, n.e.c.]
0179-A01 ----- Avocado orchards and farms
0179-B01 ----- Banana farms
0179-C01 ----- Coffee farms
0179-D01 ----- Date orchards and farms
0179-F01 ----- Fig orchards and farms
0179-K01 ----- Kiwi fruit farms
0179-O01 ----- Olive groves and farms
0179-P01 ----- Pineapple farms
0179-P02 ----- Plantain farms
0179-T01 ----- Tropical fruit farms
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[0172 -000 ----- Grapes]
0172-G01 ----- Grape farms
0172-V01 ----- Vineyards
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[0134 -000 ----- Irish potatoes]
0134-I01 ----- Irish potato farms
0134-P01 ----- Potato farms, except sweet potato and yam
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[0181 -000 ----- Ornamental nursery products]
0181-B01 ----- Bedding plants, growing of
0181-B02 ----- Bulbs, growing of
0181-F01 ----- Field nurseries: growing of flowers and shrubbery, except forest shrubbery
0181-F02 ----- Florists, greens, cultivated: growing of
0181-F03 ----- Flowers, growing of
0181-F04 ----- Foliage, growing of
0181-F05 ----- Fruit stocks, growing of
0181-G01 ----- Greenhouses for floral products
0181-M01 ----- Mats, preseeded: soil erosion-growing of
0181-N01 ----- Nursery stock, growing of
0181-P01 ----- Plants, ornamental: growing of
0181-P02 ----- Plants, potted: growing of
0181-R01 ----- Rose growers
0181-S01 ----- Seeds, flower and vegetable: growing of
0181-S02 ----- Shrubberies, except forest shrubbery: growing of
0181-S03 ----- Sod farms
0181-V01 ----- Vegetable bedding plants, growing of
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[0133 -000 ----- Sugarcane and sugar beet]
0133-S01 ----- Sugar beet farms
0133-S02 ----- Sugarcane farms
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[0173 -000 ----- Tree nuts]
0173-A01 ----- Almond groves and farms
0173-F01 ----- Filbert groves and farms
0173-M01 ----- Macadamia groves and farms
0173-P01 ----- Pecan groves and farms
0173-P02 ----- Pistachio groves and farms
0173-T01 ----- Tree nut groves and farms
0173-W01 ----- Walnut groves and farms
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[0161 -000 ----- Vegetables and melons]
0161-A01 ----- Asparagus farms
0161-B01 ----- Bean farms, except dry beans
0161-B02 ----- Beet farms, except sugar beet
0161-B03 ----- Bok choy farms
0161-B04 ----- Broccoli farms
0161-C01 ----- Cabbage farms
0161-C02 ----- Cantaloupe farms
0161-C03 ----- Cauliflower farms
0161-C04 ----- Celery farms
0161-C06 ----- Cucumber farms
0161-E01 ----- English pea farms
0161-G01 ----- Green lima bean farms
0161-G02 ----- Green pea farms
0161-L01 ----- Lettuce farms
0161-M01 ----- Market gardens
0161-M02 ----- Melon farms
0161-O01 ----- Onion farms
0161-P01 ----- Pea farms, except dry peas
0161-P02 ----- Pepper farms, sweet and hot
0161-R01 ----- Romaine farms
0161-S01 ----- Snap bean farms (bush and pole)
0161-S02 ----- Squash farms
0161-S03 ----- Sweet corn farms
0161-S04 ----- Sweet pepper farms
0161-T01 ----- Tomato farms
0161-T02 ----- Truck farms
0161-V01 ----- Vegetable farms
0161-W01 ----- Watermelon farms